"This repository contains programming assignments and code implementations for the Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab as part of the MIT Manipal Data Science & Engineering course."
The repository is organized into weekly folders, each containing code and assignments for a specific topic or concept.
- adjacencyMatrix.cpp: Code for representing graphs using adjacency matrices.
- adjacencyListRepresentation.cpp: Code for representing graphs using adjacency lists.
- BSTimplementation.cpp: Implementation of Binary Search Trees.
- consecutiveIntGCD.cpp: Code for finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of consecutive integers.
- euclidsAlgo.cpp: Implementation of Euclid's Algorithm for GCD calculation.
- middleSchool2.cpp: Code for finding the LCM and GCD using middle school methods.
- bubbleSort.cpp: Implementation of the Bubble Sort algorithm.
- matrixMul.cpp: Matrix multiplication code.
- selectionSort.cpp: Implementation of the Selection Sort algorithm.
- stringMatch.cpp: Code for string matching.
- Assignment2.cpp: Assignment related to graph traversal.
- bfs.cpp: Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm implementation.
- DFS.cpp: Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm implementation.
- Knapsack.cpp: Code for solving the 0-1 Knapsack problem.
- InsertionSort.cpp: Implementation of the Insertion Sort algorithm.
- TopologicalSort-DFS.cpp: Topological Sort using Depth-First Search (DFS).
- TopologicalSort-SourceDeletion.cpp: Topological Sort using source deletion method.
- BinaryTree Implementation.cpp: Implementation of Binary Trees.
- BSTtraversal.cpp: Code for Binary Search Tree (BST) traversal.
- MergeSort.cpp: Implementation of the Merge Sort algorithm.
- quick.cpp: Quick Sort algorithm implementation.
- avl.cpp: AVL Tree implementation.
- BinaryTree Implementation.cpp: Implementation of Binary Trees.
- BSTtraversal.cpp: Code for Binary Search Tree (BST) traversal.
- Fibonacci.cpp: Code for generating Fibonacci sequence.
- ReversingAQueue.cpp: Code for reversing a queue.
- HeapSort.cpp: Implementation of the Heap Sort algorithm.
- SearchDeleteSmallest.cpp: Search and delete the smallest element in a heap.
- TopDownBuildHeap.cpp: Building a heap using the top-down method.
- ComparisionCountingSort.cpp: Comparison Counting Sort implementation.
- HorsepoolStringMatch.cpp: String matching using the Horspool algorithm.
- NumberOfNodes.cpp: Counting the number of nodes in a binary tree.
- OpenHashing.cpp: Implementation of open hashing (closed addressing) for hash tables.
- DP-BinomialCoeff.cpp: Dynamic Programming for calculating Binomial Coefficients.
- DP-FloydsAlgorithm.cpp: Implementation of Floyd's Algorithm for All-Pairs Shortest Path.
- DP-KnapSack01.cpp: Dynamic Programming for solving the 0-1 Knapsack problem.
- DP-WarshallAlgorithm.cpp: Implementation of the Warshall Algorithm for transitive closure.
- 11_1_Prim's.cpp: Implementation of Prim's Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees.
- 11_2_Kruskal's.cpp: Implementation of Kruskal's Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees.
- 11_3_Dijkstra's.cpp: Implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm for Shortest Path.
You can navigate to the specific week's folder to access code and assignments related to that topic.
This repository is a personal initiative created by me, a student of the DSE'25 batch at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University. It is designed to provide resources and code examples for fellow students and individuals interested in data science and engineering. The repository includes a collection of code implementations, assignments, and practical coding exercises covering various aspects of algorithms and data structures.
The intention behind this repository is to assist and support students in their learning journey and provide a valuable resource for those looking to explore the world of data science and engineering. While it's not an official part of the curriculum, it serves as a helpful reference for the broader educational community.
Feel free to explore the code and assignments in this repository. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to the author.
For more information about the course and its curriculum, please visit the MIT Manipal Data Science Engineering Course.
- Author: Kartabya Krishna
- Contact: [email protected]
Feel free to explore the code and assignments in this repository. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to the author.
Happy coding!