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<p><span style="background:#ffff00">The following is an introduction to what <a style="background: #000000;color: #ff9000" href="https://karbytesforlifeblog.wordpress.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">this website</a> (and its larger encompassing collection of <a style="background: #ff9000;color: #000000" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surface_web" target="_blank" rel="noopener">public World Wide Web</a>-based digital <a style="background: #ff9000;color: #000000" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_artifact" target="_blank" rel="noopener">virtual artifacts</a>) is intended by its sole author to essentially pertain to.</span></p>
<p><strong>What is karbytes?</strong></p>
<p>Within the context of karbytes, the term “karbytes” has exactly two meanings:</p>
<p>1. <strong>karbytes</strong> is the name of <u>exactly one human-to-cyborg information processing agent</u> which created all the (public domain) intellectual property which comprises each free and publicly-accessible web-hosted digital file which is either hosted on (a) the website named <a style="background: #000000;color: #00ff00" href="https://karlinaobject.wordpress.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Karlina Object dot WordPress dot Com</a>, (b) the website named <a style="background: #000000;color: #ff9000" href="https://karbytesforlifeblog.wordpress.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Karbytes For Life Blog dot WordPress dot Com</a>, or (c) a public GitHub repository which was created by and solely modified by karbytes (under the GitHub username <a style="background: #00ff00;color: #000000" href="https://github.com/karlinarayberinger/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@karlinarayberinger</a>).</p>
<p>2. <strong>karbytes</strong> is the name of <u>exactly one collection of free and publicly-accessible web-hosted digital files</u> which is either hosted on (a) the website named Karlina Object dot WordPress dot Com, (b) the website named Karbytes For Life Blog dot WordPress dot Com, or (c) a public GitHub repository which was created by and solely modified by karbytes (under the GitHub username @karlinarayberinger).</p>
<p><strong>What is the target audience of karbytes?</strong></p>
<p>According to the <u>person</u> named karbytes, the <u>intellectual property</u> which the person named karbytes refers to as karbytes is not intended by the person named karbytes to be inaccessible to any <a style="background: #000000;color: #ff9000" href="https://karlinaobject.wordpress.com/agency/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">information processing agent</a> nor is that intellectual property intended to be forced into the attention span of any information processing agent (against that information processing agent’s will) other than the person named karbytes. In other words, <u>the intellectual property referred to as karbytes is intended by its author to neither be censored from the public World Wide Web nor forcibly advertised to persons who prefer not to be exposed to such advertising</u>.</p>
<p>Although the intellectual property which is referred to by the brand name “karbytes” unconditionally excludes no entity from being an audience to any piece of that intellectual property, a specific group of information processing agents are identified by the person named karbytes as unconditionally and exclusively being the most catered to audience of that intellectual property: <u>karbytes’ future selves</u> (which there are hypothetically infinitely many of).</p>
<p><strong>What is the purpose of karbytes?</strong></p>
<p>According to the person named karbytes, the intellectual property which the person named karbytes refers to as <u>karbytes was created by karbytes for the purpose of verbatim preserving a karbytes-curated collection of digital virtual artifacts for an infinitely long time period</u> (or at least for as long of a time period as possible).</p>
<p>A subcomponent of that purpose is <u>karbytes attempting to extend the continuity of its own attention span (i.e. karbytes’ sole encompassing space-time continuum which) for an infinitely long time period</u> (or at least for as long of a time period as possible).</p>
<p>karbytes believes that, <u>by encoding what karbytes deems to be essential components of karbytes’ knowledge in the format of computer-readable digital files such that those files are continuously copied from one physical substrate to some other physical substrate, karbytes will be able to preserve most if not all of those essential components of karbytes’ knowledge</u> such that karbytes is able to perpetually postpone (or at least minimize) amnesia which would cause those particular pieces of knowledge to become deleted from karbytes’ memory or else to become distorted from their original forms in karbytes’ memory.</p>
<p><strong>How does karbytes intend to fulfill the purpose of karbytes?</strong></p>
<p>In order for karbytes to verbatim preserve the collection of digital virtual artifacts which karbytes refers to as karbytes, <u>karbytes (at least hypothetically) endeavors to discover or else create a wormhole which would enable digital files (which are logically reducible to finite linear sequences of binary contrasting symbols (i.e. 0 and 1)) to be propagated from one universe, A, to some other universe, B, in the form of electromagnetic signals which precisely encode a particular finite sequence of binary digits for infinitely many A-to-B wormhole transmissions.</u></p>
<p>In order to prevent the collection of digital artifacts named karbytes from being corrupted or from vanishing as a consequence of the total entropy of that collection’s encompassing universe becoming too high to enable those files to be physically preserved (and the entropy of any universe is assumed to always increase as time elapses within that universe until the total entropy reaches some maximum and all the matter within that universe disintegrates into purely massless and boundless energy), <u>that collection of digital virtual artifacts will need to be sent through a wormhole to B (i.e. a relatively low-entropy universe) from A and before A (i.e. a relatively high-entropy universe) becomes too high-entropy to preserve the integrity of those files.</u></p>
<p>It may or may not be the case that it is possible for a new universe, B, to first be synthesized as a piece of software running on a physical computer such that the physical computer is located inside of an older universe, A, and then for B to continue to exist (with its own space-time fabric, matter-energy distributions throughout that fabric, and <a style="background: #000000;color: #ff9000" href="https://karlinaobject.wordpress.com/causality/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">governing laws of physics</a>) even after the hardware in A disintegrates into pure energy as a result of the entropy in A becoming sufficiently high. Also, it is hypothetically possible for any spatially finite, temporally finite, and energetically finite pattern of qualia occurring in A to be replicated down to the scale of subatomic particles as a software replica inside of the universe simulation named B which is being run on some physical computer inside of A. One implication of the previous sentence is karbytes in A creating a <a style="background: #000000;color: #ff9000" href="https://karlinaobject.wordpress.com/knowledge/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">software replica of itself and its environment</a> named B as a piece of software running on a physical computer which is located inside of A. Then, after B is instantiated, karbytes’ continuity of consciousness branches off from the karbytes in A to the newly-created karbytes in B. Hence, if B is able to outlive A, then the karbytes in B is also able to outlive the karbytes in A. That process can continue for indefinitely many cycles such that each newly-generated software karbytes is an extension of the same attention span which was used to originally create (and not just to copy-paste) each of the digital virtual artifacts which comprises the collection of intellectual property named karbytes.</p>
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<p>This web page was last updated on 01_NOVEMBER_2023. The content displayed on this web page is licensed as <a style="background: #000000;color: #ff9000" href="https://karlinaobject.wordpress.com/public_domain/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">PUBLIC_DOMAIN</a> intellectual property.</p>
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