Cross platform firmware framework written by students, alumni, and faculty of San Jose State University. Designed for the original purpose of helping students develop firmware for the SJTwo board.
Currently Ongoing Breaking Changes:
- New common API for modules
- Introduction of Docker Images and Containers to make development consistent across computer operating systems.
- Renaming and reorganization of the library folder
Additional Considered Changes:
- New build system (maybe meson, or CMake (ick), or our own custom build system called cpp-build)
- Add package management system to separate platform and peripheral implementation details from main codebase.
- Ubuntu (>= 18.04)
- Mac OSX (>= High Sierra)
To download and setup the environment, simply copy and paste this into a terminal:
git clone
cd SJSU-Dev2
If you find that git is not installed on your machine follow these steps to install GIT.
A good project to start with would be the hello_world
project. It can be found
in the projects/
folder. The example projects can be found in the demos/
Building hello_world
cd project/hello_world
make application
From within a project, run
make flash
Most platforms do not have make flash
available, and in those cases JTAG/SWD
can be used to program a device. Hook up a JTAG or SWD to your MCU and execute
the following command with the correct JTAG and PLATFORM selected:
make program JTAG=<jlink|stlink|etc> PLATFORM=<stm32f10x|lpc17xx|etc>
make program JTAG=stlink PLATFORM=stm32f10x
The preferred method for communicating with a serial devices is via Google
Chrome, using the online serial terminal tool,
You can also open this up on your browser using the make telemetry
command in
a project directory.
If you are using a JTAG or SWD device with your MCU, you can debug the device with a similiar command to programming:
make debug JTAG=<jlink|stlink|etc> PLATFORM=<stm32f10x|lpc17xx|etc>
make debug JTAG=stlink PLATFORM=stm32f10x
STDOUT and STDIN will be available via the gdb debug monitor.
One of the easiest ways to get started with SJSU-Dev2 for Windows users is to use a prebuilt virtual machine.
Steps to install virtual box and the virtual machine are listed below:
- Download and install Virtualbox and then the "VirtualBox Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack" on your computer from this link: VirtualBox Download
- Download a prebuilt VirtualBox image for Ubuntu from If you don't know which version to choose, use 18.04.3.
- Open the file with VirtualBox to setup and open the virtual machine.
Now that the VM is up and running, you can use the quick start guide to download and setup SJSU-Dev2.
- Open the Ubuntu Virtual Machine on the left hand side.
- Login by entering the password ""
- To program and interact with your board, you will need to connect it to your host
machine and bring it into the virtual machine by using the top menu:
Devices > USB > CP2102n...
- At this point you can run commands like
make application
andmake flash
from within the SJSU-Dev2 folder.
- Integrate user-defined literals for SI units
- Platform Additions
- Support for host side application development
- Support of STM32 series of MCUs
- Support of TI series of MCUs
- Support for Raspberry Pi and other SBCs such as the BeagleBone Black
- Support of RISC-V
- Multi Threading Portability
- Add FreeRTOS wrapper of POSIX calls
- Allows Linux platforms to work with code that makes calls to FreeRTOS.
- Add FreeRTOS wrapper of POSIX calls
- Move from Return-Error-Codes to C++ std::expected
- Move from C++ std::expected to exceptions handling
- Package manager for adding SJSU-Dev2 libraries
- Package manager for adding custom platforms SJSU-Dev2