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Quarkus Stock Trader

The IBMStockTrader application rebuilt with Quarkus.

Prepare Cluster

Ensure the following operators are installed in cluster:

[NOTE]: In OpenShift the operators can be installed via Operator Hub integration from Administrator console.

Clone the sources

git clone

We will refer to the cloned project sources folder as $PROJECT_HOME.


Deploy Keycloak

oc apply -k k8s/keycloak

Because of the limitations with Keycloak Operator, the roles needs to be manually created by login into the Keycloak console.

The following roles need to be created:

  • api-admins

  • api-users

  • admins

Add the user1 part of the api-admins, to enable the user to perform API operations

To retrieve the Keycloak ADMIN_USERNAME and ADMIN_PASSWORD run the following command:

export ADMIN_USERNAME=$(kubectl get secrets credential-stocktrader-keycloak -oyaml | yq e - '.data.ADMIN_USERNAME' | base64 -d)
export ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secrets credential-stocktrader-keycloak -oyaml | yq e - '.data.ADMIN_PASSWORD' | base64 -d)

You can find the Keycloak web console url using the command oc get -n keycloak routes.

Deploy Kafka

oc apply -k k8s/kafka/prod

Kafka Mirror Maker


This should be done only on the target clusters, i.e. the clusters where the topics/data needs to mirrored, from the Kafka Cluster where sampledaytrader8 is deployed.

Copy the $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/kafka-mirrormaker/daytrader-mirrormaker-example.yaml to $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/kafka-mirrormaker/daytrader-mirrormaker.yaml:

cp $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/kafka-mirrormaker/daytrader-mirrormaker-example.yaml  $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/kafka-mirrormaker/daytrader-mirrormaker.yaml

Edit and update the $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/kafka-mirrormaker/daytrader-mirrormaker.yaml for Kafka cluster external bootstrapserver LoadBalancer IP Address.

The Kafka cluster bootstrapservers can be retrieved using the command:

Legacy Cluster

The legacy cluster is identified by alias daytrader-kafka-legacy in the file $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/kafka-mirrormaker/daytrader-mirrormaker.yaml, and the bootstrap address found by the following command need to be updated as the value for daytrader-kafka-legacy.bootstrapServers:

oc get svc -n daytrader daytrader-kafka-external-bootstrap \

If any of your cluster is on AWS then use the following command:

oc get svc -n daytrader daytrader-kafka-external-bootstrap \

Modern App Cluster

The legacy cluster is identified by alias daytrader-kafka-modern in the file $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/kafka-mirrormaker/daytrader-mirrormaker.yaml, and the bootstrap address found by the following command need to be updated as the value for daytrader-kafka-modern.bootstrapServers:

oc get svc -n daytrader daytrader-kafka-external-bootstrap \

If any of your cluster is on AWS then use the following command:

oc get svc -n daytrader daytrader-kafka-external-bootstrap \
kustomize build $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/stock-quote/prod | oc apply -f -

Deploy Modules

Prepare Database

kustomize build $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/db/prod | oc apply -f -

Login to the database admin console using user traderdb and password traderdb and import the schema.


Obtain an API Key from IEXCloud, copy the file $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/stock-quote/base/api-keys.env.example to $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/stock-quote/base/api-keys.env:

cp $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/stock-quote/base/api-keys.env.example $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/stock-quote/base/api-keys.env

Edit and update the IEX_API_KEY key in the file $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/stock-quote/base/api-keys.env to match your API Key.

kustomize build $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/stock-quote/prod | oc apply -f -
kustomize build $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/portfolio/prod | oc apply -f -

The portfolio deployment will fail to resolve the Keycloak url and hence will fail to start.

oc get pods -n daytrader -lapp=quarkus-portfolio

The output of the above command should be like:

NAME                                 READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
quarkus-portfolio-7d744cf954-kjf4r   0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   5          5m28s

Run the following command to update the deployment:

KEYCLOAK_ROUTE=$(oc get route -n keycloak keycloak -o=jsonpath='{}')
oc set env -n daytrader deploy/quarkus-portfolio QUARKUS_OIDC_AUTH_SERVER_URL="https://$KEYCLOAK_ROUTE/auth/realms/stocktrader"

And now check the pod to be restarted:

oc get pods -n daytrader -lapp=quarkus-portfolio -w
kustomize build $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/trade-orders-service/prod | oc apply -f -

The default image registry is, you can edit $PROJECT_HOME/.env IMAGE_REPO variable to change it to match to your settings

As tradr is a static Single Page Application, it is required to update the environment and rebuild it:

cd $PROJECT_HOME/tradr
envsubst `$PROJECT_HOME/tradr/.env.example` > `$PROJECT_HOME/tradr/.env`
cd ..
make tradr_image_build_push

Now update the $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/tradr/base/deployment.yaml image to match the tradr image that you rebuilt.

make update_tradr_deployment_image
kustomize build $PROJECT_HOME/k8s/tradr/prod | oc apply -f -

With all applications successfully deployed, your daytrader namespace should look like

All Applications deployed

oc get pods -n daytrader

Show show an output like:

NAME                                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
daytrader-entity-operator-84687c54c6-5hjnn             3/3     Running   0          67m
daytrader-kafka-0                                      1/1     Running   0          67m
daytrader-kafka-1                                      1/1     Running   0          67m
daytrader-kafka-2                                      1/1     Running   0          67m
daytrader-mirror-maker2-mirrormaker2-5dd869f49-7hhx7   1/1     Running   0          25m
daytrader-zookeeper-0                                  1/1     Running   0          73m
daytrader-zookeeper-1                                  1/1     Running   0          73m
daytrader-zookeeper-2                                  1/1     Running   0          73m
db-adminer-7cfc4bb868-fw9qk                            1/1     Running   0          25m
postgresql-756679bdd5-8xblx                            1/1     Running   0          25m
quarkus-portfolio-7f58764ccf-lblhz                     1/1     Running   0          3m28s
quarkus-stock-quote-86f86bc4d5-wvbrd                   1/1     Running   0          21m
trade-orders-service-64fcb6dd98-27nk6                  1/1     Running   0          17m
tradr-b55bd7dd-n7r5k                                   1/1     Running   0          17m

Application Routes

The application domain may vary according to your deployment

Kafka Data Replication App

oc get route trader-orders -n daytrader
NAME            HOST/PORT                                      PATH   SERVICES               PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
trader-orders          trade-orders-service   8080   edge          None

Modernized UI App

oc get route tradr -n daytrader

Should show an output like:

NAME    HOST/PORT                              PATH   SERVICES   PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
tradr          tradr      8080   edge          None

To be able to login into the application you might need to create the Keycloak client called tradr, login to the Keycloak console as did earlier and add a new client called tradr under realm stocktrader with root URL set to value of tradr OpenShift route.


Building Application Container Images

make all