For Spooktober Jam 2021:
Option to sacrifice abilities (dash, double jump, health) to gain attack power
- Character
- Double jump
- Dash
- Attack
- Health
- Player has 3 hearts, lose one for contacting enemy/spikes
- Lose all hearts- respawn at checkpoint
- Enemies
- Levels
- Level 1: all abilities, minor combat
- Altar 1: choice to sacrifice dash
- Level 2: dash or no, more combat
- Altar 2: choice to sacrifice double jump
- Level 3: dash or no, double jump or no, lots of combat
- Altar 3: choice to sacrifice hearts
- Level 4: dash or no, double jump or no, cross spikes (requires health), lots of combat
- Altar 5: sacrifice everything for ultimate power
- yes- world destroyed (bad ending)
- no- fight eldritch guy
- no abilities sacrificed- climb up and banish him- good ending
- some abilities sacrificed- fight him- banish him but you die (ok ending)
- Art
- Player
- Levels
- Enemies
- Altar
- Sound
- Music
- Player
- Jump
- Double jump
- Dash
- Land
- Attack
- Enemies