⚠️ Please use kachery-cloud instead.
kachery is a mediated peer-to-peer information-transfer network for sharing scientific data files, live feeds, and calculation results between remote workstations and between lab computers and browser-based user interfaces in the cloud. The network is organized into nodes and channels, with channels mediating communication and managing access permissions between the nodes. Anyone can create and host a node by running a kachery daemon on their computer, and nodes and channels may be configured at kacheryhub.org.
To learn more, select one of the following topics:
- Overview of the kachery network
- Content-addressable storage and content URIs
- kachery files, feeds, and tasks
- Getting started: hosting a kachery node
- Sharing data between nodes
- Loading data in ephemeral mode
- About kachery channels
- Local node storage
- Security model
- Software components
- Use cases
- Web apps powered by kachery
Jeremy Magland and Jeff Soules, Center for Computational Mathematics, Flatiron Institute, Simons Foundation