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NEM Explorer Frontend


  • Node.js >= 14 on local development machine (but it’s not required on the server).


  1. Install the required dependencies.
npm install
  1. Prepare configuration:
    2.1. Create .env file on the root of the project.
    2.2. Add environment variables following the configuration example in the .env.example file.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in browser.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.

Project Structure

├── __tests__/         # test suites
├── assets/            # contains all the static files such as images, fonts, etc.
├── components/        # shared components used across the entire application
├── config/            # all the global configurations get exported from here
├── locales/           # contains localization JSON files
├── pages/             # website pages
├── services/          # API communication services used to fetch data from the server
├── styles/            # global style definitions and helpers
│   ├── abstracts/     # partial that contains variables, mixins and templates
│   ├── base/          # partial that contains boilerplate, reset file and typographic rules 
│   ├── components/    # partial that contains styles for atom and Bootstrap components
│   ├── pages/         # partial that contains the global page styles
│   ├── vendors/       # partial that contains the CSS files from external libraries
│   └── main.scss      # primary Sass file
├── utils/             # shared utilities used across the entire application
│   ├── helper.js      # shared helper functions
│   └── hooks.js       # shared React Hooks
├── i18n.js            # provides multilingual support for the application
├── router.js          # routes configuration
└── index.jsx          # app entry point

CSS Naming Conventions

This project uses BEM Methodology.

.block__element--modifier {
