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This is a replication package for "ISPY: Automated Issue Detection and Solution Extraction".

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1 Project Structure
2 Project Summary
3 Models
4 Experiment
  4.1 Baselines
  4.2 Our Dataset
5 Results
  RQ1: Issue Detection
  RQ2: Solution Extraction
  RQ3: Component Analysis
6 Application

1 Project Structure

The replication package includes three part:

2 Project Summary

Community live chats contain rich sets of information for potential improvement on software quality and productivity. One of the important applications is to mine knowledge on issues and their potential solutions. However, it remains a challenging problem to accurately mine such knowledge. In this paper, we first formulate the problem of issue-solution pair extraction from developer live chat data and propose an automated approach named ISPY. Specifically, ISPY automates three tasks: (1) Disentangle live chat logs; (2) Detect dialogs discussing issues; (3) Extract appropriate utterances and combine them as corresponding solutions.

3 Models

The model of diagram is available at diagram. The structure is shown as follow:


I. The Dialog Disentanglement first uses the pipeline of data preprocessing, i.e., spell checking, low-frequency token replacement, acronym and emoji replacement, and broken utterance removal. Then we choose the SOTA model irc-disentanglement to seperate the whole chat log into independent dialogs with reply-to relationships, which is also available in disentanglement.

II. The Dialog Embedding Layer has three extractors. (1) Textual Feature Extractor: To learn basic textual features for each utterance, we first represent utterances by using TextCNN. (2) Heuristic Attribute Extractor: The heuristic attribute extractor aims to augment the dialog embedding results. (3) Contextual Feature Extractor: Contextual feature extractor aims to embed the contextual information for each utterance with the Local Attention mechanism.

  a. The heuristic feature extraction (Heuristic Attribute Extractor) is available in features.

  b. The other components (Textual Feature Extractor & Contextual Feature Extractor) and layers are available in models

III. The Utterance Embedding Layer aims to not only encode textual information of utterances but also capture their contextual information with BERT. The Output Layer aims to predict the possibility of issue-solution detection. Both layers are available in models

4 Experiment

We propose 3 RQs in our paper, which is related to our experiment:

  • RQ1 (Issue Detection): What is the performance of ISPY in detecting issue dialogs from live chat data?
  • RQ2 (Solution Extraction): What is the performance of ISPY in extracting solutions for a given issue?
  • RQ3 (Component Analysis): How does each individual component in ISPY contribute to the overall performance?

4.1 Baselines

For RQ1, we compare our ISPY with common baselines: i.e., Naive Bayesian (NB), Random Forest (RF), and Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT); additional baselines: i.e., Casper, CNC_PD, and DECA_PD.

For RQ2, we compare our ISPY with common baselines: i.e., Naive Bayesian (NB), Random Forest (RF), and Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT); additional baselines: i.e., UIT, CNC_SP, and DECA_SP.

We present the link of these additional baselines for reference.

For RQ3, we compare ISPY with its three variants: (1) ISPY-CNN, which removes the textual feature extractor from ISPY, (2) ISPY-Heu, which removes the heuristic attribute extractor from ISPY, and (3) ISPY-LocalAttn, which removes the contextual feature extractor from ISPY. Three variants use the same parameters when training.

4.2 Our Dataset

The scale of our dataset is available as follows. The entire chat dataset includes 1,402,894 utterances of the eight Gitter communities, from Angular to Typescript. Sampled chat dataset includes sampled disentangled dialogs, where 171 are issue dialogs and 579 are non-issue dialogs.


You can download the entire and sampled dataset with the following links.

ID Project (Entire) Entire Size(kb) Download (Entire) Project (Sample) #Sampled Dialogs Download (Sampled)
P1 Angular 87,629 Download Angular 97 Download
P2 Appium 3,475 Download Appium 87 Download
P3 Deeplearning4j 36,458 Download Deeplearning4j 93 Download
P4 Docker 3,543 Download Docker 94 Download
P5 Ethereum 7,858 Download Ethereum 100 Download
P6 Gitter 1,894 Download Gitter 86 Download
P7 Nodejs 11,029 Download Nodejs 95 Download
P8 Typescript 22,532 Download Typescript 98 Download

5 Results

5.1 RQ1: Issue Detection

The results of issue's baseline comparison is shown as follow:


The table demonstrates the comparison results between the performance of ISPY and those of the six baselines across data from eight OSS communities, for issue detection tasks.

Overall, ISPY significantly (p-value<0.05) outperforms the six baselines in terms of the average Precision, Recall, and F1 score. Specifically, when comparing with the best Precision-performer among the six baselines, i.e., RF, ISPY can improve its average precision by 19%. Similarly, ISPY improves the best Recall-performer, i.e. GBDT, by 0.07 for average recall, and improves the best F1-performer, i.e. GBDT, by 0.30 for average F1 score. At the individual project level, ISPY can achieve the best performances in most of the eight communities. These results indicate that ISPY can more accurately detect whether a dialog is discussing issues, than all comparison baselines.

Answering RQ1: ISPY outperforms the six baselines in detecting issue dialogs across most of the studied projects, and the average Precision, Recall, and F1 are 80%, 72%, and 76% respectively, improving the best F1-baseline GBDT by 30% on average F1 score.

5.2 RQ2: Solution Extraction

The results of solution's baseline comparison is shown as follow:


The table summarizes the comparison results between the performance of ISPY and those of the six baselines across data from eight OSS communities for solution extraction task.

ISPY can achieve the highest performance in most of the columns. It significantly (p-value<0.05) outperforms the six baselines. On average, although ISPY is slightly below GBDT by 3% of Recall, it reaches the highest F1 score (63%), improving the best baseline RF by 20%. It also reaches the highest precision (68%), significantly higher than other baselines (i.e., ranging from 17% to 37%). These results imply that ISPY can effectively extract utterances as the corresponding solutions from development dialogs.


The table presents the example of solution extraction via different baselines and ISPY, which can be compared with ground truth solution results through the color of utterances. This example shows that ISPY has these two advantages:

  1. Our approach is sensitive to identifying solutions including consecutive utterances by employing the local attention mechanism.
  2. Our approach can screen negative feedbacks in consecutive utterances and reject ineffective solutions based on the heuristic attributes (i.e., disapproval keywords and negative sentiment attributes) and local attention mechanism.
Answering RQ2: ISPY outperforms the six baselines in extracting solution utterances in terms of Precision and F1. The average Precision, Recall, and F1 are 68%, 59%, and 63% respectively, improving the best F1-baseline RF by 20% on average F1 score.

5.3 RQ3: Component Analysis

The figure presents the performances of ISPY and its three variants respectively. The F1 performances of ISPY are higher than all three variants in both issue-dialog detection and solution extraction tasks.


The top three charts in the figure compare the precision, recall, and F1-score of ISPY and its three variants, for the issue-detection task. Compared to ISPY-Heu and ISPY-CNN, ISPY has moderately better precision and F1, and the recalls of all three remain very close.

The bottom three charts in Fig. 3 compare the precision, recall, and F1-score of ISPY and its three variants, for the solution-extraction task. Compared to ISPY-Heu and ISPY-CNN, ISPY has moderately better precision, recall, and F1.


The table of component analysis shows that ISPY mostly captures the correct solution extraction via three feature extractors, but three removals all lead to the bad classification after testing. Moreover, the removal of LocalAttn causes the most significant misclassifications.

Answering RQ3: The textual feature extractor, heuristic attribute extractor, and content feature extractor adopted by ISPY are helpful for extracting issue-solution pairs, while the contextual feature extractor provides a more significant contribution to the effectiveness of ISPY than others.

6 Application

Apart from the existing 8 communities and 8 projects, we test our model on three new communities with the following procedures.

  1. First, we crawl the recent (January 2018 to April 2021) live chats of three new communities: Materialize, Springboot, and WebPack (note that these are different from our studied communities).
  2. Second, we apply ISPY to disentangle the live chats into about 21K dialogs, and generate a dataset with over 9K issue-solution pairs.


The table shows that 26 sampled different test QID and the acceptance of ISPY solutions. ISPY can expedite the resolving process of the “BuildProperties” issue by providing a workable solution.

All of our publicated issue-solution pairs includes ISPY-extracted after dialog disentanglement and model prediction. Over 30K issue-solution pairs are extracted from 11 communities.

Project Angular Appium Deeplearning4j Docker Ethereum Gitter Nodejs Typescript Springboot Webpack Materialize
Dialogs 6.6K 1.4K 9.8K 2.2K 3.4K 1.0K 4.3K 5.7K 6.5K 8.2K 7.5K
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