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Single-node remote execution service: just execute

just execute starts a single-node remote build execution service in the environment in which the command has been issued. Having the possibility to easily create a remote build execution service can improve the developing experience where the build environment (and the cache) can/should be shared among the developers. For example (and certainly not limited to)

  • when developers build on the same machine. It will allow multiple users to build in the same environment and share the cache, thus avoiding duplicated work.
  • quickly set up a testing environment that can be used by other developers.

For the sake of completeness, these are the files used to compile the examples


They read as follows

File repos.json:

{ "main": "tutorial"
, "repositories":
  { "latex-rules":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "git"
      , "branch": "master"
      , "commit": "ffa07d6f3b536f1a4b111c3bf5850484bb9bf3dc"
      , "repository": ""
  , "tutorial":
    { "repository": {"type": "file", "path": "."}
    , "bindings": {"latex-rules": "latex-rules"}


{ "tutorial":
  { "type": ["@", "latex-rules", "latex", "latexmk"]
  , "main": ["hello"]
  , "srcs": ["hello.tex"]

File hello.tex:


\author{JustBuild developers}
\title {just execute}


Hello from \LaTeX!

Simple usage of just execute in the same environment

In this first example, we simply call just execute and the environment of the caller is made available. We therefore recommend to have a dedicated non-privileged build user to run the execution service. In the following, we will use % to indicate the prompt of the build user, $ for a normal user.

To enable such a single-node execution service, it is sufficient to type on one shell (as build user)

% just execute -p <N>

Where <N> is a port number which is supposed to be available. By default, the native git-based protocol will be used, but it is also possible to use the original protocol with sha256 hashes by providing the --compatible option.

% just execute --compatible -p <N>

This is particularly useful when providing the remote-execution service to a different build tool.

To use it, as a normal user, on a different shell type

$ just [...] -r localhost:<N>

Let’s run these commands to understand the output.

% just execute -p 8080
INFO: execution service started: {"interface":"","pid":4911,"port":8080}

Once the execution service is started, it logs out three essential data:

  • which interface is used (in this case, the default one, which is the loopback device)
  • the pid number (number will always change)
  • the used port

To exploit the execution service, run from a different shell

$ just [...] -r localhost:8080

Use a random port

If we don’t need (or know) a fixed port number, we can simply omit the -p option. In this case, just execute will listen to a random free port.

% just execute
INFO: execution service started: {"interface":"","pid":7217,"port":33841}

The port number can be different each time we invoke the above command.

Finally, to connect to the remote endpoint, type

$ just [...] -r localhost:33841

Info file

Copying and pasting port numbers and pids can be error-prone/unfeasible if we manage several/many execution service instances. Therefore, the invocation of just execute can be decorated with the option --info-file <PATH>, which will store, in JSON format, in <PATH> the interface, pid, and port bound to the running instance. The user can then easily parse this file to extract the required information.

For example

% just execute --info-file /tmp/foo.json
INFO: execution service started: {"interface":"","pid":7680,"port":44115}
$ cat /tmp/foo.json

Please note that the info file will not be automatically deleted when the user terminates the service. The user is responsible for eventually removing it from the file system.

Enable mTLS

It is worth mentioning that mTLS must be enabled when the execution service starts, and it cannot be activated (or deactivated) while the instance runs.

% just execute [...] --tls-ca-cert <path_to_CA_cert> --tls-server-cert <path_to_server_cert> --tls-server-key <path_to_server_key>

When a client connects, it must pass the same CA certificate and its pair of certificate and private key, which the used certified authority has signed.

$ just [...] --tls-ca-cert <path_to_CA_cert> --tls-client-cert <path_to_client_cert> --tls-client-key <path_to_client_key>

How to generate self-signed certificates

This section does not pretend to be an exhaustive guide to the generation and management of certificates, which is well beyond the aim of this tutorial. We just want to provide a minimal reference for let users start using mTLS and having the benefits of mutual authentication.

Certification Authority certificate

As a first step, we need a Certification Authority certificate (ca.crt)

% openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout ca.key -out ca.crt
Server certificate and key

If the clients will connect using the loopback device, i.e., the users are logged in the same machine where just execute will run, the server certificates can be generate with the following instructions

% openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server.key -out server.csr -subj "/CN=localhost"
% openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 0 -out server.crt
% rm server.csr

On the other hand, if the clients will connect from a different machine, and just execute will use a different interface (see <a href=”Expose a particular interface”>Expose a particular interface below), the steps are a bit more involved. We need an additional configuration file where we state the ip address of the used interface. For example, if the interface ip address is, we will write

% cat << EOF > ssl-ext-x509.cnf
subjectAltName = IP.1:

Then, the pair of certificate and pair can be obtained with

% openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server.key -out server.csr -subj "/CN=localhost"
% openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 0 -out server.crt -extensions v3_ca -extfile ssl-ext-x509.cnf
% rm server.csr
Client certificate and key

The client, which needs the ca.crt and ca.key files, can run the following

$ openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout client.key  -out client.csr
$ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -signkey client.key -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out client.crt
$ rm client.csr

Expose a particular interface

To use an interface different from the loopback one, we have to list it with the -i option

$ just execute -i -p 8080 --tls-ca-cert <path_to_CA_cert> --tls-server-cert <path_to_server_cert> --tls-server-key <path_to_server_key>
INFO: execution service started: {"interface":"","pid":7917,"port":8080}

If the interface is accessible from another machine, it is also recommended to enable mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication.

Managing multiple build environments

Since multiple instances of just execute can run in parallel (listening at different ports), the same machine can be the worker for various projects. However, to avoid conflicts between the dependencies and to guarantee a clean environment for each project, it is recommended that just execute is invoked from within a container or a chroot environment.

In the following sections, we will set up, step by step, a dedicated execution service for compiling latex documents in these two scenarios.

How to run just execute inside a chroot environment


  • create a suitable chroot environment
  • chroot into it
  • run just execute from there
  • in a different shell, just build -r <interface>:<port>

Full latex chroot: walkthrough

This short tutorial will use debootstrap and schroot to create and enter the chroot environment. Of course, different strategies/programs can be used.

Prepare the root file system

Install debian bullseye in directory /chroot/bullseye-latex

sudo debootstrap bullseye /chroot/bullseye-latex
Create a configuration file

schroot needs a proper configuration file, which can be generated as follows

$ echo "[bullseye-latex]
description=bullseye latex env
type=directory" | sudo tee /etc/schroot/chroot.d/bullseye-latex

Note that type=directory, apart from performing the necessary bindings, will make $HOME shared between the host and chroot environment. While this can be useful for sharing artifacts, the user should specify a --local-build-root (aka, the cache root) different from the default one to avoid conflicts between the host and the chroot environment.

Install required packages in the chroot environment

schroot also allows running commands inside the environment by stating it after the --

$ schroot -c bullseye-latex -u root -- sh -c 'apt update && apt install -y texlive-full'
Start the execution service

To start the execution service inside the chroot environment run

$ schroot -c bullseye-latex -- /bin/just execute --local-build-root ~/.cache/chroot/bullseye-latex -p 8080

We assumed that the binary just is available in the chroot environment at the path /bin/just. If you don’t know how to make just available in the chroot environment, read the section <a href=”How to have the binary just inside the chroot environment”>How to have the binary just inside the chroot environment below.

Since the $HOME is shared, specifying a local build root (aka, cache root) different from the default is highly recommended. For convenience, we also set a port (using the flag -p) that the execution service will listen to.

If the chosen port is available, the following output should be produced (note that the pid number might be different).

INFO: execution service started: {"interface":"","pid":48880,"port":8080}

For example, let’s compile the example listed in the introduction

$ just-mr -C repos.json install -o . -r localhost:8080

which should report

INFO: Performing repositories setup
INFO: Found 2 repositories to set up
INFO: Setup finished, exec ["just","install","-C","...","-o",".","-r","localhost:8080"]
INFO: Requested target is [["@","tutorial","doc/just-execute/latex-hello-world","tutorial"],{}]
INFO: Analysed target [["@","tutorial","doc/just-execute/latex-hello-world","tutorial"],{}]
INFO: Discovered 1 actions, 0 trees, 1 blobs
INFO: Building [["@","tutorial","doc/just-execute/latex-hello-world","tutorial"],{}].
INFO: Processed 1 actions, 0 cache hits.
INFO: Artifacts can be found in:
        /tmp/work/doc/just-execute/latex-hello-world/hello.pdf [25e05d3560e344b0180097f21a8074ecb0d9f343:37614:f]

In the shell where just execute is running, this line should have appeared, witnessing that the compilation happened on the remote side

INFO (execution-service): Execute 6237d87faed1ec239512ad952eeb412cdfab372562

How to start just execute inside a docker container

Building inside a container is another strategy to ensure no undeclared dependencies are pulled and to build in a fixed environment.

We will replicate what we did for the chroot environment and create a suitable docker image.

Build a suitable docker image

Let’s write a Dockerfile that has just execute as ENTRYPOINT. We assume the binary just is available inside the container at path /bin/just. The easiest way is to use a static just binary and copy it into the container.

FROM debian:bullseye-slim

COPY ./just /bin/just

RUN apt update
RUN apt install -y --no-install-recommends texlive-full

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/just", "execute"]

We build the image with

$ sudo docker image build -t bullseye-latex .

Finally, we can start the execution service

$ docker run --network host --name execute-latex -p 8080

From a different shell, we can build the latex hello world example listed in the introduction running

$ just-mr -C repos.json install -o . -r localhost:8080

Note that the cache that just execute populates is confined within the container. The cache is gone if the container is restarted (or the pc rebooted). If you want the cache to survive the container life cycle, you can bind a “host directory” within the container as follows

$ docker run --network host --name execute-latex --mount type=bind,source="${HOME}/.cache",target=/cache bullseye-latex -p 8080 --local-build-root /cache/docker/latex