Welcome! We are very happy to accept community contributions to Ratify, whether those are Pull Requests, Plugins, Feature Suggestions or Bug Reports! Please note that by participating in this project, you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct, as well as the terms of the CLA.
- Getting Started
- Feature Areas
- Feature Enhancements
- Feature Suggestions
- Bug Reports
- Developing
- Pull Requests
- If you don't already have it, you will need go v1.16+ installed locally to build the project.
- You can work on Ratify using any platform using any editor, but you may find it quickest to get started using VSCode with the Go extension.
- Fork this repo (see this forking guide for more information).
- Checkout the repo locally with
git clone [email protected]:{your_username}/ratify.git
. - Build the Ratify CLI with
go build -o ./bin/ratify ./cmd/ratify
or if on Mac/Linux/WSLmake build-cli
For non-trivial enhancements or bug fixes, please start by raising a document PR. You can refer to the example here. Major user experience updates should be documented in /doc/proposals. Changes to technical implementation should be added to /doc/design.
Consider adding the following section where applicable:
- Proposed changes
- Proposed feature flag
- Impacted code paths
- Required test coverage
- Backward compatibility
- Performance impact
- Security consideration
- Open questions
This approach ensures that the changes are well-documented and reviewed before implementation.
If you'd like to start contributing to Ratify, you can search for issues tagged as "good first issue" here.
We use the dev
branch as our default branch. PRs passing the basic set of validation can be merged to the dev
branch, we then run the full suite of validation including cloud-specific tests on dev
before changes can be merged into main
. All ratify releases are cut from the main
branch. A sample PR process is outlined below:
- Fork this repo and create your dev branch from the default
branch. - Create a PR against the default branch.
- Add new unit test and e2e test where appropriate.
- Maintainer approval and e2e test validation is required for completing the PR.
- On PR complete, the
event will trigger an automated PR targeting themain
branch where we run a full suite validation including cloud-specific tests. - Manual merge is required to complete the PR. (Please keep individual commits to maintain commit history)
If the PR contains a regression that could not pass the full validation, please revert the change to unblock others:
- Create a new dev branch based off
. - Open a revert PR against
. - Follow the same process to get this PR gets merged into
. - Work on the fix and follow the above PR process.
You should follow conventional commits to write commit message. As the Ratify Project repositories enforce the DCO (Developer Certificate of Origin) on Pull Requests, contributors are required to sign off that they adhere to those requirements by adding a Signed-off-by
line to the commit messages. Git has even provided a -s
command line option to append that automatically to your commit messages, please use it when you commit your changes.
The Ratify Project repositories require signed commits, please refer to SSH commit signature verification on signing commits using SSH as it is easy to set up. You can find other methods to sign commits in the document commit signature verification. Git has provided a -S
flag to create a signed commit.
An example of git commit
git commit -s -S -m <commit_message>
The Ratify project is composed of the following main components:
- Ratify CLI (
): theratify
CLI executable. - Config (
): an example configuration file forratify
. - Deploy (
): the deployment files for using ratify in a Kubernetes cluster. - Ratify Internals (
): the internal modules containing the majority of the Ratify code. - Plugins (
): the referrer store and verifier plugins for the Ratify Framework.
- You can use the following command to run the full Ratify test suite:
go test -v ./cmd/ratify
on Windowsmake test
on Mac/Linux/WSL
- Once built run Ratify from the bin directory
for a list of the available commands. - For any command the
argument can be passed for more information and a list of possible arguments.
Ratify can run through cli command or run as a http server. Create a launch.json file in the .vscode directory, then hit F5 to debug. Note the first debug session may take a few minutes to load, subsequent session will be much faster. A demo of VS Code debugging experience is available from ratify community meeting recording min 46:33.
Here is a sample json for cli. Note that for the following sample json to successfully work, you need to make sure that verificationCerts
attribute of the verifier in your config file points to the notation verifier's certificate file. In order to do that, you can download the cert file with the following command:
curl -sSLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deislabs/ratify/main/test/testdata/notation.crt
and then modify the config file by setting the verificationCerts
attribute in the notation verifier to the downloaded cert file path.
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [{
"name": "Debug Ratify cli ",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "debug",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/ratify",
"args": [
"-s", "ghcr.io/deislabs/ratify/notary-image:signed",
"-c", "${workspaceFolder}/test/bats/tests/config/config_cli.json"
Sample launch json for http server:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [{
"name": "Debug Ratify ",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "debug",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/cmd/ratify",
"args": ["serve", "--http", ":6001", "-c", "/home/azureuser/.ratify/config.json"]
Sample curl request to invoke Ratify endpoint:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"apiVersion":"externaldata.gatekeeper.sh/v1alpha1","kind":"ProviderRequest","request":{"keys":["localhost:5000/net-monitor:v1"]}}'
External plugin processes must be attached in a separate debug session. Certain environment variables and stdin
must be configured
Sample launch json for debugging a plugin:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [{
"name": "Debug SBOM Plugin",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/plugins/verifier/sbom",
"env": {
"RATIFY_LOG_LEVEL": "debug",
"RATIFY_VERIFIER_SUBJECT": "wabbitnetworks.azurecr.io/test/image:sbom",
"console": "integratedTerminal"
Once session has started, paste the json
formatted input config into the integrate terminal prompt.
Note: You can extract the exact JSON for the image/config you are testing with Ratify by starting a regular Ratify debug session. Inspect the stdinData
parameter of the ExecutePlugin
function here
Sample JSON stdin
"config": {
"storeConfig": {
"store": {
"referenceDesc": {
Press Ctrl+D
to send EOF character to terminate the stdin input. (Note: you may have to press Ctrl+D
View more plugin debugging information here
There are some changes that should be validated in a cluster scenario. Follow the steps below to build and deploy a Ratify image with your private changes:
export REGISTRY=yourregistry
docker buildx create --use
docker buildx build -f httpserver/Dockerfile --platform linux/amd64 --build-arg build_sbom=true --build-arg build_licensechecker=true --build-arg build_schemavalidator=true --build-arg build_vulnerabilityreport=true -t ${REGISTRY}/ratify-project/ratify:yourtag .
docker build --progress=plain --build-arg KUBE_VERSION="1.30.6" --build-arg TARGETOS="linux" --build-arg TARGETARCH="amd64" -f crd.Dockerfile -t ${REGISTRY}/localbuildcrd:yourtag ./charts/ratify/crds
Authenticate with your registry, and push the newly built image
docker push ${REGISTRY}/ratify-project/ratify:yourtag
docker push ${REGISTRY}/localbuildcrd:yourtag
Replace Ratify chart
and version
with local values:
chart: chart/ratify
version: <INSERT VERSION> # ATTENTION: Needs to match latest in Chart.yaml
Replace repository
, crdRepository
, and tag
with previously built images:
- name: image.repository
- name: image.crdRepository
- name: image.tag
Development charts + images are published weekly and latest versions are tagged with rolling tags referenced in dev helmfile.
Deploy to cluster:
helmfile sync -f git::https://github.com/ratify-project/[email protected]
Update values.yaml to pull from your registry, when reusing image tag, setting pull policy to "Always" ensures we are pull the new changes
repository: yourregistry/ratify-project/ratify
tag: yourtag
pullPolicy: Always
Deploy using one of the following deployments. Note: Ratify is compatible with Gatekeeper >= 3.12.0. Server auth is required to be enabled.
Option 1 Client auth disabled and server auth enabled using self signed certificate
helm install ratify ./charts/ratify --atomic
Option 2 Client auth disabled and server auth enabled using your own certificate
Deploy using a certificate
helm install ratify ./charts/ratify \
--set provider.tls.cabundle="$(cat certs/ca.crt | base64 | tr -d '\n\r')" \
--set provider.tls.key="$(cat certs/tls.key)" \
--set provider.tls.crt="$(cat certs/tls.crt)" \
Option 3 Client / Server auth enabled (mTLS)
Note: Ratify and Gatekeeper must be installed in the same namespace which allows Ratify access to Gatekeepers CA certificate. The Ratify certificate must have a CN and subjectAltName name which matches the namespace of Gatekeeper and Ratify. For example, if installed to the namespace 'gatekeeper-system', the CN and subjectAltName should be 'ratify.gatekeeper-system'*
helm install ratify ./charts/ratify \
--namespace gatekeeper-system \
--set provider.tls.cabundle="$(cat certs/ca.crt | base64 | tr -d '\n\r')" \
--set provider.tls.key="$(cat certs/tls.key)" \
--set provider.tls.crt="$(cat certs/tls.crt)" \
Bridge to Kubernetes is an open source project to enable local tunneling of a kubernetes service to a user's development environment. It operates by forwarding all requests going to a specified service to the configured local instance running. This guide will focus on VSCode with the Bridge to Kubernetes extension.
- Install Kubernetes Toosl plugin for VSCode
- Install Bridge to Kubernetes plugin for VSCode
- Connect to K8s cluster
- Namespace context set to Ratify's installation namespace (default is
Gatekeeper requires TLS for external data provider interactions. As such ratify must run with TLS cert and key configured on server startup. The current helm chart will automatically generate the cabundle, cert, and key if none are manually specified. For ease of use in starting the local ratify server on our development environment, we should pre generate the TLS ca bundle, cert, and key and instead provide them during helm installation.
- Generate TLS cabundle, cert, and key. By default this will place the tls/cert folder in the $WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY
make generate-certs
- Rename files server.crt and server.key to tls.crt and tls.key
- Updated helm install command
helm install ratify \ ./charts/ratify --atomic \ --namespace gatekeeper-system \ --set logger.level=debug \ --set-file notationCerts[0]=./test/testdata/notation.crt \ --set-file provider.tls.crt=./tls/certs/tls.crt \ --set-file provider.tls.key=./tls/certs/tls.key \ --set provider.tls.cabundle="$(cat ./tls/certs/ca.crt | base64 | tr -d '\n\r')" \ --set-file provider.tls.caCert=./tls/certs/ca.crt \ --set-file provider.tls.caKey=./tls/certs/ca.key
Update the KubernetesLocalProcessConfig.yaml
with updated directory/file paths:
- In the file, set the
to an absolute directory accessible on local environment. This is the directory where Bridge to K8s will download the Azure Workload Identity JWT token. - In the file, set the
to an absolute directory accessible on local environment. This is the directory where Bridge to K8s will download theclient-ca-cert
volume (Gatekeeper'sca.crt
Configure Bridge to Kubernetes (Comprehensive guide here)
- Open the
Command Palette
- Select
Bridge to Kubernetes: Configure
- Select
from the list as the service to redirect to - Set port to be 6001
- Select
Serve w/ CRD manager and TLS enabled
as the launch config - Select 'No' for request isolation
This should automatically append a new Bridge to Kubernetes configuration to the launch.json file and add a new tasks.json file.
NOTE: If you are using a remote development environment, set the useKubernetesServiceEnvironmentVariables
field to true
in the tasks.json file.
Start the debug session with the generated Bridge to Kubernetes launch config selected. This will start up the local Ratify server and forward all requests from the Ratify service to the local instance. The http server logs in the debug console will show new requests being processed locally.
If you'd like to contribute to the collection of plugins:
- A referrer store should implement the
interface (pkg/referrerstore/api.go
). - This should provide a mechanism to list referrers, and retrieve manifests and blob content.
- A sample referrer store is provided at
- A verifier should implement the
interface (pkg/verifier/api.go
). - This should provide a mechanism to perform verification against blobs and manifests from a referrer store.
- A sample verifier is provided at
- Please first search Open Ratify Issues before opening an issue to check whether your feature has already been suggested. If it has, feel free to add your own comments to the existing issue.
- Ensure you have included a "What?" - what your feature entails, being as specific as possible, and giving mocked-up syntax examples where possible.
- Ensure you have included a "Why?" - what the benefit of including this feature will be.
- Please first search Open Ratify Issues before opening an issue, to see if it has already been reported.
- Try to be as specific as possible, including the version of the Ratify CLI used to reproduce the issue, and any example arguments needed to reproduce it.