- logo
- title
- instructions
- music?
- user input
- Name
- Country (for the flag API)
- what if already played?
- go play button!
- dificulty mode (Easy: no time / Timed / Challenge)
- Button to leaderboard
- logo
- title
- music?
- Preset theme
- amount of cards
- quit
- timer
- play again
- Button to leaderboard
- live chat
Leader board
- one per mode
- Show name and country flag (flag api) and scores (if avail)
- post/share on social media
- donate to the cause!
- Display ALL the cards face up static. random position
- After X secs flip them. Start clock!
- Click FIRST to flip (still static)
- Click SECOND to flip (still static)
- If MATCH animate gif's and disapear after Y secs. Increase 'correct'
- If NOT MATCH flip back
- When all cards matched
- Stop clock
- Inform you win
- Depending mode: give option to play again, move to next level.
- Give option to leave.
- Show your status vs the leaderborad
- one table per mode:
- easy
- hard
- challenge
- Table of name, country (w/ flag) and score/level reach
- close
- Things to know:
- Player name
- PLayer country
- What mode to play
- Easy = no time, so we need the # of cards
- Timed = we need the # of cards, select time
- Challenge = preset # of cards and time
- Find out how the Marvel API works