Soft robots are increasingly more relevant to roboticists and researchers because their properties make them succeed at tasks in which traditional robots often fail, and therefore they are viewed as a promising technology. On the other side, their complexity with respect to traditional robots make the search for the optimal behavior or the optimal shape of these robots an interesting challenge for the researchers. This is meant to be an introduction to the 2D soft robotics simulator developed by ERALLAB team at University of Trieste. Specifically, this simulator focus on the soft robots made of voxels, which are simple blocks that can change their area when controlled by an external signal. We are going to see how this simulator can be used to create custom robots, and to simulate their behavior through samples of code and examples.
Soft robots may be able to perform tasks which are hard for rigid robots, thanks to their soft nature which gives them “infinite degrees of freedom”. This potential comes at the cost of a larger design effort required by this robot, both in its controller (brain) and its shape (body). For this reason, optimization, possibly by means of meta-heuristics, is an effective way to address the design of soft robots.
- Physical
- 3D printable
- Soft materials
- Manufacture
- ...
- Simulated
- 2D Voxel-based
- ...
- Physical
- Safe robot-human interactions
- Surgical operations
- Exosuits for rehabilitation
- Enhancing human strength
- ...
- Adaptation within dynamic environment
- Rescue robots
- Oceanic exploration
- ...
- Safe robot-human interactions
- This simulator requires Java Development Kit (JDK) version 14. Download the latest JDK from here.
Check the installed version of Java:
java --version
Download and install IntelliJ IDEA IDE.
From IntelliJ main menu navigate to: Check out from Version Control > Git and enter URL:
Make sure the latest JDK version is used in the project: File > Project Structure > Project > Project SDK
The following code can be found in src/main/java/it/units/erallab/hmsrobots/
Check out the original repository at:
Physical voxel:
- 4 rigid bodies
- (up to) 18 Spring-Damping Systems (SDS) (= configurable scaffolding)
- (up to) 4 ropes (= upper bounds to the distance between rigid bodies)
Actuation mode:
- Force applied on the mass center along the direction connecting it to the voxel center
- Springs rest length (default mode)
- Allows compression/expansion
- Takes into account other forces acting on the voxel
Materials with different softness can be created by changing:
- Scaffolding (adding/removing SDSs)
- SDSs frequency (the higher is the spring oscillation frequncy, the harder is the voxel material)
Default voxel material:
final ControllableVoxel defaultMaterial = new ControllableVoxel();
This defaultMaterial has low SDSs frequency springF = 8d
, and springScaffoldings = Voxel.SPRING_SCAFFOLDINGS
, that is all the scaffoldings are enabled.
Custom materials can be created by passing different values in the voxel constructor arguments.
Hard material example:
- High SDSs frequency
- All the springs scaffoldings are enabled
final ControllableVoxel hardMaterialVoxel = new ControllableVoxel(
50d, // high frequency
Voxel.LIMIT_CONTRACTION_FLAG, // the ropes are enabled
Voxel.SPRING_SCAFFOLDINGS, // all the scaffolding enabled
ControllableVoxel.ForceMethod.DISTANCE // spring rest length mode
Soft material example:
- Low SDSs frequency
- Only some of the scaffoldings are enabled:
(blue SDSs in figure)CENTRAL_CROSS
(orange SDSs in figure)
final ControllableVoxel softMaterialVoxel = new ControllableVoxel(
5d, // low frequency
Voxel.LIMIT_CONTRACTION_FLAG, // the ropes are enabled
Voxel.SpringScaffolding.CENTRAL_CROSS), // scaffolding partially enabled
ControllableVoxel.ForceMethod.DISTANCE // spring rest length mode
Robots = Body + Brain
- Body = some voxels assembly that can be actuated:
- Non-sensing body
- Sensing body
- Brain = some controller responsible for actuating its body:
- Centralized brain
- Distributed brain
This is a 7x4 grid of voxel, used to create the following "biped" robot:
The Grid.create()
method allows to create a 2D grid by using some filler function:
public static <K> Grid<K> create(int w, int h, BiFunction<Integer, Integer, K> fillerFunction)
This allows to create a grid of boolean values called structure. The structure is then used to create the robot body, by instantiating voxels only in the desired positions:
int w = 7;
int h = 4;
final Grid<Boolean> structure = Grid.create(w, h, (x, y) -> (x < 2) || (x > 5) || (y > 0));
The following body is created according to the structure, using 2 different voxel materials:
Grid<ControllableVoxel> body = Grid.create(structure.getW(), structure.getH(), (x, y) -> {
if (structure.get(x, y)) {
if ((y == 3) && (x < 6) && (x > 0)) {
return SerializationUtils.clone(hardMaterialVoxel);
} else {
return SerializationUtils.clone(softMaterialVoxel);
} else {
return null; // no voxel is placed here
It is also possible to create a robot with the ability to sense the environment. The sensing equipment for each voxel can be selected among a wide range of sensors.
In this example all the voxels have an AreaRatio
sensor, and the voxels in the bottom layer of the body grid have also a Touch
Grid<SensingVoxel> sensingBody = Grid.create(w, h, (x, y) -> {
if (structure.get(x, y)) {
if (y == 0) {
return new SensingVoxel(List.of(new AreaRatio(), new Touch()));
} else {
return new SensingVoxel(List.of(new AreaRatio()));
} else {
return null; // no voxel is placed here
: returns the ratio between the current area and rest area of its belonging voxel.Touch
: return true if its belonging voxel is touching another object (which is not part of the robot), otherwise return false.- ...
The brain is an implementation of the Controller
A simple brain, based on a non-sensing body, can be defined using the TimeFunction
public TimeFunctions(Grid<SerializableFunction<Double, Double>> functions)
In this example a function of time is applied to each voxel. Specifically the brain actuates each voxel using a sine function with a different phase:
Controller<ControllableVoxel> brain = new TimeFunctions(
Grid.create(w, h, (x, y) -> (Double t) -> Math.sin(-2 * Math.PI * t + Math.PI * ((double) x / (double) w)))
has a public control()
method, which is called by the simulator at each time step, and that applies to each voxel the corresponding signal:
public void control(double t, Grid<? extends ControllableVoxel> voxels) {
Iterator var4 = voxels.iterator();
while(var4.hasNext()) {
Entry<? extends ControllableVoxel> entry = (Entry);
SerializableFunction<Double, Double> function = (SerializableFunction)this.functions.get(entry.getX(), entry.getY());
if (entry.getValue() != null && function != null) {
Building the robot:
Robot<ControllableVoxel> robot = new Robot<>(brain, body);
A centralized brain is a function that accepts inputs from all the voxels, and actuates them all in a centralized fashion.
The CentralizedSensing
object stores inputs, outputs, and the controller function to invoke.
Specifically, the function to invoke is a MultiLayerPerceptron
(MLP) with hyperbolic tangent as the activation function, and no hidden layers:
CentralizedSensing<SensingVoxel> centralizedBrain = new CentralizedSensing<>(SerializationUtils.clone(sensingBody));
MultiLayerPerceptron mlp = new MultiLayerPerceptron(
new int[0], // hidden layers
The MLP parameters are randomly sampled from a gaussian distribution, and finally we set the MLP as the controller function:
double[] ws = mlp.getParams();
Random random = new Random();
IntStream.range(0, ws.length).forEach(i -> ws[i] = random.nextGaussian());
Building the robot:
Robot<SensingVoxel> centralizedRobot = new Robot<>(centralizedBrain, SerializationUtils.clone(sensingBody));
A distributed brain is a grid of functions, each of them accepting inputs from part of the body, and actuating it in a distributed fashion.
The DistributedSensing
object (as in the centralized brain) stores inputs, outputs, and the grid of functions to invoke.
DistributedSensing distributedBrain = new DistributedSensing(SerializationUtils.clone(sensingBody), 1);
In this example each function is associated to a voxel of the body. A MLP is defined for each voxel, with parameters randomly sampled from a gaussian distribution:
for (Grid.Entry<SensingVoxel> entry : sensingBody) {
MultiLayerPerceptron localMlp = new MultiLayerPerceptron(
distributedBrain.nOfInputs(entry.getX(), entry.getY()),
new int[0], // hidden layers
distributedBrain.nOfOutputs(entry.getX(), entry.getY())
double[] localWs = mlp.getParams();
IntStream.range(0, localWs.length).forEach(i -> localWs[i] = random.nextGaussian());
distributedBrain.getFunctions().set(entry.getX(), entry.getY(), localMlp);
Building the robot:
Robot<SensingVoxel> distributedRobot = new Robot<>(distributedBrain, SerializationUtils.clone(sensingBody));
The task is the porpuse toward which the robot behaviour is evaluated.
A locomotion task is defined by the following constructor:
public Locomotion(double finalT, double[][] groundProfile, List<Locomotion.Metric> metrics, Settings settings) {
this(finalT, groundProfile, groundProfile[0][1] + 1.0D, metrics, settings);
This constructor requires the user to specify:
double finalT
: the simulation length (i.e. 20 simulated seconds)double[][] groundProfile
: the ground shape, defined by its 2D coordinatesList<Locomotion.Metric> metrics
: the metrics to collect (i.e. TRAVELED_X_DISTANCE)Settings settings
: the physical settings for the world initialization
final Locomotion locomotion = new Locomotion(
new Settings() // default settings
Running a simulation with the given task, and printing the collected metrics:
It is possible to show the simulation as it is executed,through a GridOnlineViewer
ScheduledExecutorService uiExecutor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2);
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
GridOnlineViewer gridOnlineViewer = new GridOnlineViewer(
Grid.create(1, 1, "Simulation"),
uiExecutor,"drawers", List.of(,,
gridOnlineViewer.start(5); // delay from beginning of the simulation
And then an GridEpisodeRunner
is used to run the simulations:
GridEpisodeRunner<Robot<?>> runner = new GridEpisodeRunner<>(
Grid.create(1, 1, Pair.of("Robot", robot)),
- Easy to use (and easy to customize)
- Many options for robots:
- Body (custom voxel materials, many sensors implemented)
- Brain (custom controllers, neural networks, distributed/centralized controllers)
- Debug through GUI
- ...
- 2D only simulations
- Computational (in)efficiency
- ...
In the following example the body of the robot is fixed, and the brain is optimized for a locomotion task using respectively a centralized MLP, a distributed MLP, and phase controller (columns from left to right). Each row shows the best solution found at some point during the optimization of the 3 brains:
As in the previous example the brain of a robot is optimized for locomotion using the same 3 brains. It can be seen here that the centralized brain, provided with Touch sensors, (left column) has developed some interesting jumping behaviour. This is not necessarily the best strategy for solving the task, but radically different from the behaviour of the phase controller (right column):
In the following example the robot body is optimized for a locomotion task: