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kazuho edited this page Jul 10, 2012 · 21 revisions

The operators of JSX are the same to those in JavaScript (ECMA-262 3rd edition) except for the following changes.

  • types of the operands accepted by the operators are more restrictive
  • logical operators (&& ||) return boolean
  • binary ?: operator has been introduced (to cover the use of || in JavaScript to return non-boolean values)
  • introduction of the as operator
  • delete is a statement instead of an operator
  • a wrapper object (Boolean, Number, String) cannot become a left-hand-side expression

The table below lists the operators supported by JSX.

List of Operators by Precedence

Operator Returned Type Operand Type(s) Note
(x) typeof x grouping operator
(...) returned type of the called function function call typeof x:Object
array[index] Nullable.<T> array: Array.<T>, index: number
map[key] Nullable.<T> map: Map.<T>, key: string
x++ typeof x number or int
x-- typeof x number or int
x instanceof y boolean x: Object, y: Class, Interface, Mixin
x as type type cast operator
x as __noconvert__ type type cast operator (without run-time type check)
++x typeof x number or int
--x typeof x number or int
+x typeof x number or int
-x typeof x number or int
~x int number or int
! x boolean any
typeof x boolean variant
x * y number or int number, int, Number int is returned if both operands are int
x / y number or int number, int, Number int is returned if both operands are int
x % y number number, int, Number
x + y string string or String
x + y number or int number, int, Number int is returned if both operands are int
x - y number or int number, int, Number int is returned if both operands are int
x << y int number, int, Number
x >> y int number, int, Number
x >>> y int number, int, Number
x < y boolean number, int, string, Number, String
x <= y boolean number, int, string, Number, String
x > y boolean number, int, string, Number, String
x >= y boolean number, int, string, Number, String
x in y boolean x: string, y: Map.<T>
x == y boolean boolean, number, int, string, Object
x != y boolean boolean, number, int, string, Object
x & y int number, int, Number
x ^ y int number, int, Number
x | y int number, int, Number
x && y boolean any
x || y boolean any
x ? y : z typeof y returned types of y and z should be equal
x ?: y typeof x returned types of x and y should be equal
x = y typeof x type of y should be convertible to type of x
x op= y typeof x same as op, except that x cannot be a wrapper object op can be any of: * / % + - << >> >>> & ^ |
x, y typeof y

As Operator

The as operator is used for: conversion between primitive types (including Nullable and variant), down-casting of object types.

The conversion rules between primitive types are defined as follows. If the source type is a Nullable type and if the value is null, a run-time exception is raised under debug builds. The behavior is unspecified for release builds.

The result of conversion from a variant type depends on the result of the typeof operator applied to the variant.

Down-casting of object types returns a reference to the casted object if successful, otherwise null.

Conversion between Primitive Types using the As Operator

Source Type Destination Type Result
boolean number 0 if false, 1 if true
boolean int same as above
boolean string "false" if false, "true" if true
number boolean false if 0 or NaN, otherwise true
number int fractional part is removed, becomes 0 if NaN, may get rounded to between -231 and 231-1
number string converted to string representation
int boolean false if 0, otherwise true
int number converted to number of same value
int string converted to string representation
string boolean false if the string is empty, otherwise true
string number 0 if the string is empty, a number if the string can be parsed as a string, otherwise NaN
string int equivalent to: as number as int

Conversion from Variant using the As Operator

Result of typeof(variant) Destination Type Result
"undefined" boolean false
"undefined" number NaN
"undefined" int 0
"undefined" string "undefined"
"null" boolean false
"null" number 0
"null" int 0
"null" string "null"
"boolean" any equivalent to the result of: boolean as type
"number" any equivalent to the result of: number as type
"string" any equivalent to the result of: string as type
"object" any depends on the actual type of the value
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