Fizykor to wzory fizyczne zawsze pod ręką
Third version of my most popular app relesed in Google Play Store back in 2016 now with new architecutre. This repository contains production version of Fizykor. The goal is to keep the production version as simple as possible and provide best user experience. Here is the alternative version of the app with the same functionality implemented using dependency injection framework and more Android Jetpack components.
- Kotlin
- MVVM architecture
- Room persistance Library
- DataBinding library
- RxJava | RxAndroid
- Retrofit
- Firebase database
- MathView (my own third party view library for kotlin)
I set myself a goal to publish Fizykor in 2018. Now app is working, but there are several issues that I will add and then solve. The biggest problem is the amount of memory app needs. In the nearest furure I would like to:
- Add remote Firebase database to sync data
- Add Retrofit to query data from remote API
- Refactor animations to provide better user experience
- Test the app with Espresso, JUnit and Mockito
After implementing equations inside RecyclerView or without RecyclerView the optimal solution that gives the best user experience is to display many equations in one RecyclerView item.