Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser
4551 - integers 4947 - integers
6848 - before fixed math generalization
10475 - 28 aug version 10223 - removed UV / color-add from Vertex, only one program 9550 - removed textures / font-text from zig 9470 - input pointers: rect to center-point 9378 - ZZFX params: removed "packed" keyword to allow shuffle and align struct
9379 - before 9448 - particles to f32 9634 - all to f32
9379 -> 9028 - gfx commands with i32 instead of f32
9028 - start
11671 11648 - fixing text bugs and extract camera func 11684 - text in camera bounds, global camera state? 11806 - camera shake and kick back effect 12447 - music
12242 - colors & gfx pipe optimization 12352 - mob max hp, guard weapon
12374 - vpad reworked
12470 - colors, particles+, background stars, body part, 12481 - frames drop
12466 - opt mob kind, gfx attack circle
12389 - unify particles + body parts 12333 - disable cheats 12330 - rombs, attack circle to the ground depth
12328 - make text colors and fix guard with invisible hero
13054 - xp, level up, optimizations 13065 - larger zoom, pushEx 13075 - progression (removed items)
13093 - fix wasm instantiate because of js13games hosting has wrong mime type for wasm
win screen chat texts over titles, gameplay continues
main character texts: "-"
main character pick mask at first room
more guards
fix balance on levelup
increase HP and Damage on next years
13179 - texts, mask item, some balance
13143 - remove <title> and icon from index.html