Fn is a lightweight Docker-based serverless functions platform you can run on your laptop, server, or cloud. In this introductory tutorial we'll walk through installing Fn, develop a function using the Go programming language (without installing any Go tools!) and deploy them to a local Fn server. We'll also learn about the core Fn concepts like applications and routes.
So let's get started!
As you make your way through this tutorial, look out for this icon.
Whenever you see it, it's time for you to
perform an action.
Setting up a working Fn install is a two-step process. First you need to ensure you have the necessary prerequisites and then you can install Fn itself.
Before we can install Fn you'll need:
- A computer running Linux or MacOS. If you have a Windows machine the easiest thing to do is install VirtualBox and run a free Linux virtual machine.
- Docker 17.05 (or higher) needs to be installed and running.
NOTE In this tutorial we'll work in a purely local development mode. However, when deploying functions to a remote Fn server, a Docker Hub (or other Docker registry) account is required.
That's it. You can use your favorite IDE for function development. However, for this tutorial, an IDE isn't necessary.
From a terminal type the following:
curl -LSs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fnproject/cli/master/install | sh
Once installed you'll see the Fn version printed out. You should see something similar to the following displayed (although likely with a later version number):
fn version 0.4.62
The final install step is to start the Fn server. Since Fn runs on Docker it'll need to be up and running too.
To start Fn you can use the fn
command line interface (CLI). Type the
following but note that the process will run in the foreground so that
it's easy to stop with Ctrl-C:
fn start
You should see output similar to:
time="2017-09-18T14:37:13Z" level=info msg="datastore dialed" datastore=sqlite3 max_idle_connections=256
time="2017-09-18T14:37:13Z" level=info msg="available memory" ram=1655975936
time="2017-09-18T14:37:13Z" level=info msg="Serving Functions API on address `:8080`"
/ ____/___
/ /_ / __ \
/ __/ / / / /
/_/ /_/ /_/
Let's verify everthing is up and running correctly.
Open a new terminal and run the following:
fn version
You should see the version of the fn CLI (client) and server displayed (your version will likely differ):
Client version: 0.4.62
Server version: 0.3.335
If the server version is "?" then the fn CLI cannot reach the server. If this happens it's likely you have something else running on port 8080. In this case stop the other process, and stop (ctrl-c) and restart the fn server as described previously.
Let's start with a very simple "hello world" function written in Go. Don't worry, you don't need to know Go! In fact you don't even need to have Go installed on your development machine as Fn provides the necessary Go compiler and tools as a Docker container. Let's walk through your first function to become familiar with the process and how Fn supports development.
Before we start developing we need to set the FN_REGISTRY
environment variable. Normally, it's set to your Docker Hub username.
However in this tutorial we'll work in local development mode so we can set
variable to an arbitrary value. Let's use fndemouser
export FN_REGISTRY=fndemouser
With that out of the way, let's create a new function. In the terminal type the following.
fn init --runtime go gofn
The output will be
Creating function at: /gofn
Runtime: go
Function boilerplate generated.
func.yaml created.
The fn init
command creates an simple function with a bit of boilerplate to
get you started. The --runtime
option is used to indicate that the function
we're going to develop will be written in Go. A number of other runtimes are
also supported. Fn creates the simple function along with several supporting files in the /gofn
With your function created change into the /gofn
cd gofn
Now get a list of the directory contents.
Gopkg.toml func.go func.yaml test.json
The func.go
file which contains your actual Go function is generated along
with several supporting files. To view your Go function type:
cat func.go
package main
import (
fdk "github.com/fnproject/fdk-go"
func main() {
type Person struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
func myHandler(ctx context.Context, in io.Reader, out io.Writer) {
p := &Person{Name: "World"}
msg := struct {
Msg string `json:"message"`
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s", p.Name),
This function looks for JSON input in the form of {"name": "Bob"}
. If this
JSON example is passed to the function, the function returns {"message":"Hello Bob"}
. If no
JSON data is found, the function returns {"message":"Hello World"}
The fn init
command generated a func.yaml
configuration file. Let's look at the contents:
cat func.yaml
name: gofn
version: 0.0.1
runtime: go
entrypoint: ./func
format: json
The generated func.yaml
file contains metadata about your function and
declares a number of properties including:
- name--the name of the function. Matches the directory name.
- version--automatically starting at 0.0.1
- runtime--the name of the runtime/language which was set based on the value set
. - entrypoint--the name of the executable to invoke when your function is called,
in this case
- format--the function uses JSON as its input/output method (see: Open Function Format).
There are other user specifiable properties but these will suffice for this example. Note that the name of your function is taken from the containing folder name. We'll see this come into play later on.
The fn init
command generated two other files.
-- the Go dep tool dependency management tool file which specifies all the dependencies for your function.test.json
-- a test file that is used to test your function, it defines an input and the output of the function, helps to identify if the function works correctly or not. Function testing is not covered in this tutorial.
With the gofn
directory containing func.go
and func.yaml
got everything you need to run the function. So let's run it and
observe the output. Note that the first time you build a
function of a particular language it takes longer as Fn downloads
the necessary Docker images.
fn run
Building image fndemouser/gofn:0.0.1 ...
{"message":"Hello World"}
The last line of output should be {"message":"Hello World"}
that was produced
by the Go statement Msg: fmt.Sprintf("Hello %s", p.Name),
If you ever want more details on what a given fn command is doing behind the
scenes you can add the --verbose
switch. Let's rerun with verbose output
fn --verbose run
Building image fndemouser/gofn:0.0.1
Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.144kB
Step 1/10 : FROM fnproject/go:dev as build-stage
---> fac877f7d14d
Step 2/10 : WORKDIR /function
---> Using cache
---> 7df38f6b2ee6
Step 3/10 : RUN go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
---> Using cache
---> 9db3100f5f51
Step 4/10 : ADD . /go/src/func/
---> cbbe26b6ca1e
Step 5/10 : RUN cd /go/src/func/ && dep ensure
---> Running in babac3f9e969
Removing intermediate container babac3f9e969
---> 5c00fa0aab1b
Step 6/10 : RUN cd /go/src/func/ && go build -o func
---> Running in b725946fa376
Removing intermediate container b725946fa376
---> bc0cb551e781
Step 7/10 : FROM fnproject/go
---> 76aed4489768
Step 8/10 : WORKDIR /function
---> Using cache
---> cf5797d14252
Step 9/10 : COPY --from=build-stage /go/src/func/func /function/
---> Using cache
---> 662fe6fe0e18
Step 10/10 : ENTRYPOINT ["./func"]
---> Using cache
---> 7b586506a195
Successfully built 7b586506a195
Successfully tagged fndemouser/gofn:0.0.1
{"message":"Hello World"}
You can also pass data to the run command. For example:
echo -n '{"name":"Bob"}' | fn run
Building image fndemouser/gofn:0.0.1 .....
{"message":"Hello Bob"}
The JSON data was parsed and since name
was set to "Bob", that value is passed
in the output.
If you have used Docker before the output of fn --verbose run
should look
familiar--it looks like the output you see when running docker build
with a Dockerfile. Of course this is exactly what's happening! When
you run a function like this Fn is dynamically generating a Dockerfile
for your function, building a container, and then running it.
NOTE: Fn is actually using two images. The first contains the language compiler and is used to generate a binary. The second image packages only the generated binary and any necessary language runtime components. Using this strategy, the final function image size can be kept as small as possible. Smaller Docker images are naturally faster to push and pull from a repository which improves overall performance. For more details on this technique see Multi-Stage Docker Builds for Creating Tiny Go Images.
fn run
is a local operation. It builds and packages your function
into a container image which resides on your local machine. As Fn is
built on Docker you can use the docker
command to see the local
container image you just generated.
You may have a number of Docker images so use the following command to see only those created by fndemouser:
docker images | grep fndemouser
You should see something like:
fndemouser/gofn 0.0.1 7b586506a195 5 minutes ago 15MB
When we used fn run
your function was run in your local environment.
Now let's deploy your function to the Fn server we started previously.
This server could be running in the cloud, in your datacenter, or on
your local machine like we're doing here.
Deploying your function is how you publish your function and make it accessible to other users and systems.
In your terminal type the following:
fn deploy --app goapp --local
You should see output similar to:
Deploying gofn to app: goapp at path: /gofn
Bumped to version 0.0.2
Building image fndemouser/gofn:0.0.2 .....
Updating route /gofn using image fndemouser/gofn:0.0.2...
Functions are grouped into applications so by specifying --app goapp
we're implicitly creating the application "goapp" and associating our
function with it.
Specifying --local
does the deployment to the local server but does
not push the function image to a Docker registry--which would be necessary if
we were deploying to a remote Fn server.
The output message
Updating route /gofn using image fndemouser/gofn:0.0.2
let's us know that the function packaged in the image
"fndemouser/gofn:0.0.2" has been bound by the Fn server to the route
"/gofn". We'll see how to use the route below.
Note that the containing folder name 'gofn' was used as the name of the generated Docker container and used as the name of the route that container was bound to.
The fn CLI provides a couple of commands to let us see what we've deployed.
fn apps list
returns a list of all of the defined applications.
fn apps list
Which, in our case, returns the name of the application we created when we deployed our gofn function:
We can also see the functions that are defined by an application. Since
functions are exposed via routes, the fn routes list <appname>
is used. To list the functions included in "goapp" we can type:
fn routes list goapp
path image endpoint
/gofn fndemouser/gofn:0.0.2 localhost:8080/r/goapp/gofn
The output confirms that goapp contains a gofn
function that is implemented
by the Docker container fndemouser/gofn:0.0.2
which may be invoked via the
specified URL. Now that we've confirmed deployment was successsful, let's
call our function.
There are two ways to call your deployed function. The first is using
the fn
CLI which makes invoking your function relatively easy. Type
the following:
fn call goapp /gofn
which results in our familiar output message.
{"message":"Hello World"}
Of course this is unchanged from when you ran the function locally. However when you called "goapp /gofn" the fn server looked up the "goapp" application and then looked for the Docker container image bound to the "/gofn" route.
The other way to call your function is via HTTP. The Fn server exposes our deployed function at "http://localhost:8080/r/goapp/gofn", a URL that incorporates our application and function route as path elements.
Use curl to invoke the function:
curl http://localhost:8080/r/goapp/gofn
The result is once again the same.
{"message":"Hello World"}
We can again pass JSON data to out function get the value of name passed to the function back.
curl http://localhost:8080/r/goapp/gofn -d '{"name":"Bob"}'
The result is once again the same.
{"message":"Hello Bob"}
Congratulations! In this tutorial you've accomplished a lot. You've installed Fn, started up an Fn server, created your first function, run it locally, and then deployed it where it can be invoked over HTTP.
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