ZonaRemota.com it's a Job Board web application written in Phoenix and Elixir, all of the process to create this application is on my Youtube channel.
The app and the videos are in spanish, I'm creating this app just to show all of the main feature that phoenix give us to create web apps.
These are the features that I'm covering in this repo:
- Install Elixir & Phoenix
- Basic CRUD
- Phoenix Components
- Strems
- Pagination
- Live Components
- Send Emails
- User authentication
- Live Sessions
- Routes & Pipe lines
- PubSub & Realtime
- Task Assign & Processes
- Filter results with SQL Queries
- Load fake data using seed files & tests
- Upload images
- Preload data using Ecto
- Deploy to production using Flyio, with a custom domain using Route53 and sending emails using Resend
- Upload images to S3 using Tigris
- Add fields to user profile Add fields to a form, using migrations and updating editing forms