Assertion |
Represents a zero-width positive lookahead assertion. This class cannot be inherited. |
BackAssertion |
Represents a zero-width positive lookbehind assertion. This class cannot be inherited. |
BaseGroupExtensions |
Provides a set of static methods that extends IBaseGroup interface. |
GroupingPattern |
Represents a base class for all kind of grouping constructs including assertions. This class is abstract. |
CharGroup |
Represents a positive or a negative character group pattern. This class is abstract. |
CharGrouping |
Represents an immutable content of the character group. Content can be a base group or an excluded group. This class is abstract. |
CharPattern |
Represents a pattern that matches a single character. This includes Unicode category, Unicode block or character class ((non-)digit, (non-)white-space, (non-)word). This class is abstract. |
Chars |
Exposes static methods that returns instance of CharGrouping class. CharGrouping class represents a character group content. |
CharSubtraction |
Represents a character subtraction pattern. This pattern matches a character from a base group except characters from a excluded group. |
NegativeAssertion |
Represents a zero-width negative lookahead assertion. This class cannot be inherited. |
NegativeBackAssertion |
Represents a zero-width negative lookbehind assertion. This class cannot be inherited. |
NegativeSurroundAssertion |
Represents a pattern that matches a specified content with negative lookbehind assertion on the left side and negative lookahead assertion on the right side. This class cannot be inherited. |
NegativeWordBoundary |
Represents a pattern that is matched not on a boundary between a word character and a non-word character. This class cannot be inherited. |
Pattern |
Represents an immutable regular expression pattern. This class is abstract. |
PatternBuilder |
Represents a class that enables to create a text representation of the Pattern. This class cannot be inherited. |
Patterns |
Provides static methods that returns various kinds of patterns. |
PatternSettings |
Specifies a set of features to support on the PatternBuilder object. This class cannot be inherited. |
QuantifiablePattern |
Represents a pattern that can be quantified, i.e. quantifier can be applied on it. This class is abstract. |
QuantifiedGroup |
Represents a pattern that is quantified, i.e. the quantifier is applied on it. If required, pattern will be enclosed in the (noncapturing) group. This class is abstract. |
QuantifiedPattern |
Represents a pattern that is quantified, i.e. quantifier is applied on it. This class is abstract. |
RegexUtility |
Provides static methods for escaping and validating regular expressions elements. |
Substitution |
Represents a base class for a substitution in the replacement pattern. This class is abstract. |
Substitutions |
Provides static methods for obtaining substitutions for a replacement pattern. |
SurroundAssertion |
Represents a pattern that matches a specified content with lookbehind assertion on the left side and lookahead assertion on the right side. This class cannot be inherited. |
WordBoundary |
Represents a pattern that is matched on a boundary between a word character and a non-word character. The pattern may be also matched on a word boundary at the beginning or end of the string. This class cannot be inherited. |