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Pihrtsoft.Text.RegularExpressions.Linq Namespace


Containing Namespace: Pihrtsoft.Text.RegularExpressions


Class Summary
Assertion Represents a zero-width positive lookahead assertion. This class cannot be inherited.
BackAssertion Represents a zero-width positive lookbehind assertion. This class cannot be inherited.
BaseGroupExtensions Provides a set of static methods that extends IBaseGroup interface.
GroupingPattern Represents a base class for all kind of grouping constructs including assertions. This class is abstract.
CharGroup Represents a positive or a negative character group pattern. This class is abstract.
CharGrouping Represents an immutable content of the character group. Content can be a base group or an excluded group. This class is abstract.
CharPattern Represents a pattern that matches a single character. This includes Unicode category, Unicode block or character class ((non-)digit, (non-)white-space, (non-)word). This class is abstract.
Chars Exposes static methods that returns instance of CharGrouping class. CharGrouping class represents a character group content.
CharSubtraction Represents a character subtraction pattern. This pattern matches a character from a base group except characters from a excluded group.
NegativeAssertion Represents a zero-width negative lookahead assertion. This class cannot be inherited.
NegativeBackAssertion Represents a zero-width negative lookbehind assertion. This class cannot be inherited.
NegativeSurroundAssertion Represents a pattern that matches a specified content with negative lookbehind assertion on the left side and negative lookahead assertion on the right side. This class cannot be inherited.
NegativeWordBoundary Represents a pattern that is matched not on a boundary between a word character and a non-word character. This class cannot be inherited.
Pattern Represents an immutable regular expression pattern. This class is abstract.
PatternBuilder Represents a class that enables to create a text representation of the Pattern. This class cannot be inherited.
Patterns Provides static methods that returns various kinds of patterns.
PatternSettings Specifies a set of features to support on the PatternBuilder object. This class cannot be inherited.
QuantifiablePattern Represents a pattern that can be quantified, i.e. quantifier can be applied on it. This class is abstract.
QuantifiedGroup Represents a pattern that is quantified, i.e. the quantifier is applied on it. If required, pattern will be enclosed in the (noncapturing) group. This class is abstract.
QuantifiedPattern Represents a pattern that is quantified, i.e. quantifier is applied on it. This class is abstract.
RegexUtility Provides static methods for escaping and validating regular expressions elements.
Substitution Represents a base class for a substitution in the replacement pattern. This class is abstract.
Substitutions Provides static methods for obtaining substitutions for a replacement pattern.
SurroundAssertion Represents a pattern that matches a specified content with lookbehind assertion on the left side and lookahead assertion on the right side. This class cannot be inherited.
WordBoundary Represents a pattern that is matched on a boundary between a word character and a non-word character. The pattern may be also matched on a word boundary at the beginning or end of the string. This class cannot be inherited.


Interface Summary
IBaseGroup Represents the base part of the character subtraction pattern.
IExcludedGroup Represents the excluded part of the character subtraction pattern.
INegateable<TPattern> Supports negation of a pattern.


Enum Summary
AsciiChar Specifies Unicode character from the first block.
GeneralCategory Specifies Unicode general category.
CharEscapeMode Specifies how the character is represented in the regular expression pattern.
IdentifierBoundary Specifies which characters will be used to surround group name in the named group, balancing group and named group backreference.
NamedBlock Specifies the Unicode named block. The set of supported named blocks is based on Unicode 4.0.
PatternOptions Provides enumerated values to use when creating a text representation of a pattern.
SplitOptions Provides enumerated values to use when splitting a text.


Delegate Summary
GroupEvaluator Represents the method that is called each time a regular expression group is found during a Replace method operation.