This section contains a basic explanation about the Mandelbrot Set.
- Detailed explanations about the Mandelbrot Set can be found in Wikipedia.
- A very comprehensive information about Mandelbrot Set in the Mu-Ency - The Encyclopedia of the Mandelbrot Set.
- And also contains very good explanations about basic Mandelbrot concepts.
Basically, this is the mathematical basic Mandelbrot formula (for complex numbers):
f(z) = z² + c
where z
and c
are complex number.
The Mandelbrot Set is the set of complex numbers c
for which the function does not diverge when iterated from z=0.
That means, given a c
complex number, if you apply the formula to that number n
times using the previous result as the new z
number, that c
belongs to Mandelbrot Set if the sequence does not diverge.
You can represent those complex number in a graph where x-axis is the real part of the complex number and y-axis is the imaginary part.
It draws the portion of the graph between -2 and 2 real and imaginary parts. Mandelbrot Set is inside those limits.