You are expected to attend lecture. What you are responsible for understanding is defined by what is covered in lecture. You learn best by giving your undivided attention to the lecture, so please refrain from talking and using electronic devices.
Recitation sections will alternate between two formats. The sections will be run as "assisted study halls" on days prior to homework due dates. The teaching assistants will circulate and answer questions for individuals or in small groups.
On other days, the teaching assistants will present example problems and answer questions from the class at large.
Of course the teaching assistants are free to adjust these formats as they see fit.
Homeworks are due in recitation on the dates specified on the schedule. You are allowed and even encouraged to work together on homeworks, but what you turn in must be your own work. Homeworks are graded on a scale of 0 to 100. Not every problem will be graded in detail.
Your homework must list in the upper-right corner of the front sheet
- your name
- the date (e.g. 09/11/15)
- Math 527, your section #
- the homework # Additionally, your homework must be
- written on 8.5 x 11 inch loose-leaf paper, not ripped from a spiral notebok
- stapled together in upper-left corner, if there are multiple pages
Exams will take place in lecture time on the dates specified on the schedule, unless changes to the schedule are necessitated by snow days or other disruptions. In particular, do not make travel plans that would require you to miss an exam. Do not make travel plans to leave campus before the end of the finals period. Seriously.
If you miss an exam your score for that exam will be zero. Seriously. Make-up exams will be given under only for extraordinary circumstances, such as a serious injury, or for University-excused absences, such as scheduled UNH athletic competitions. Official documentation and one week's advance notice (in the case of scheduled events) are required. Make-up exams will be more difficult than regularly-scheduled exams.
Write your full name and section number on the exam, legibly.
Exams will be conducted in Spaulding 120 and a nearby room, with alternate-seat seating. No calculators, headphones, or baseball caps are allowed.
Your final grade will be computed as follows
30% homework (11 homeworks, 2.73% each)
45% midterm exams (3 exams, 15% each)
25% final exam
100% cumulative grade
In past years the conversion to letter grades has been roughly
88-100% A
76-88% B
64-76% C
50-64% D
0-50% F
This year will probably be the same, though the instructor and teaching assistants reserve the right to adjust based on our experience with individual students and the performance of the class as a whole.
Please think twice before writing an email to the instructor or your teaching assistant. With nearly 200 students in the class, answering incidental questions by email can quickly become a full-time job. Most questions about the course policy and logistics are answered on the course website. Questions about course material should be addressed in lecture, recitation, or office hours. If there is something you need to discuss, come to office hours. For genuine emergencies, our emails are John Gibson [email protected], (TAs t.b.d). Please put "math 527" in the subject and include your full name in the text of your email. If you do not receive an answer within a few days, reread this paragraph before you resend!
How to write email respectfully
If you would like to speak to the the instructor or your teaching assistant, please go to their office hours (rather than emailing and asking for an appointment). Prof. Gibson is also available for brief questions immediately after class.