#iHave.to/do# ##AES secured and real time enabled plain memoboard##
iHave.to was created to be creative focusing ideas as they come and bring the tools to follow how those ideas were grown. It's also possible to be creative in a collaborative way via realtime multiuser support. Your memo data is strongly protected using AES on your device until any authenticated endpoint. If you're using iHave.to in a collaborative way only the encryptet data difference is broadcasted to any user who's actually on the memo board.
And YES, you can customize your memo board with custom wallpapers ;-).
You can find a working demo here.
Author: iHave.to/do is written and designed by Bernhard Bezdek all rights reserved.
Released under MIT License
###Dependencies### ####graphicsmagick/imagemagick#### For creating thumbs and fix image rotations graphicsmagick and imagemagick is required on system running iHave.to/do
In Debain/Ubuntu you can install imagemagick and graphicsmagick via apt
sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick imagemagick
On OS X you can install via brew or macports
On Windows you need visit the websites of imagemagick and graphicsmagick and install the windows version of that libraries.
####Node.js#### iHave.to requires node.js and npm.
###Install via NPM###
npm install ihave.to -g
You now can start application by type in your terminal:
(Yes without the dot)
###Install via cloned github Repository###
After you have cloned this repository resolve the dependencies by type in your terminal from projects root folder (where package.js is located):
npm install -l
After this step is done, you can runstandalone/deamonize/grunt this project:
node app.js
- That's it. You now can open iHave.to in browser at http://localhost:3000
You can change the port in server/settings/config.js
###Daemon### If you want to run iHave.to as a daemon I recommend using pm2.
With following command inside server folder you can start the application:
pm2 start app.js -i max
- Thats it. You now can open iHave.to in browser at http://localhost:3000
You can change the port in server/settings/config.js
###Grunt (for developers)### If you want to change things or want to create new features a grunt task is shipped with this project.
Enter grunt folder from terminal and install grunt and dependencies:
npm install grunt
npm install -l
You can start application now and let them watching your changes typing inside grunt folder:
You now can open iHave.to in browser at http://localhost:3000
You can change the port in server/settings/config.js
###Apendix### If you need some documentation you can install yuidoc in global context:
npm install -g yuidocjs
After yuidoc was installed just run following command inside the apps root folder:
Now open index.html file inside documentation folder in your browser.