Defines the query parameters that can be included in a request to the ListTransactions endpoint.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
begin_time | String | The beginning of the requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format. See Date ranges for details on date inclusivity/exclusivity. Default value: The current time minus one year. | [optional] |
end_time | String | The end of the requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format. See Date ranges for details on date inclusivity/exclusivity. Default value: The current time. | [optional] |
sort_order | String | The order in which results are listed in the response (`ASC` for oldest first, `DESC` for newest first). Default value: `DESC` | [optional] |
cursor | String | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint. Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query. See Paginating results for more information. | [optional] |