This library provides a editmarks for editing documents, and functions to interact with the editmarks, e.g. inserting them, accepting/rejecting them, listing them, generating them from reference documents, and converting them to other formats.
There are some related libraries.
- criticmark-emacs is the closest in spirit. The markup for the editmarks I use here is inspired by the markup in criticmarks, and it only differs to avoid some clashes with org syntax. The track changes code in this library is built from ideas in this package. I had created several additions to this in scimax/cm-mods.el that are mostly incorporated here. This library leverages text properties to make some things easier, e.g. adding keymaps, export functions, etc.
- scimax/org-editmarks.el was written by me to use links for editmarks. This had the benefit of builtin export capability, but the link syntax was ultimately limited to one line changes.
- scimax/ov-highlights.el was written by me to use overlays for annotations. This approach is fragile and easy to break.
scimax-editmarks was written to address the limitations above, and hopefully finally have something like track changes, and editmarks for text-based markup languages (although it was written with org-mode in mind).
`scimax-editmarks’ is written in a literate programming style. Load it like this in your init files.
(org-babel-load-file "")
After you load it, you can turn on `sem-mode’ to fontify the markups.
You should avoid:
- Nesting editmarks.
- Having editmark cross org-elements, e.g. do not put editmarks across one boundary of a src-block, a table, over a headline, etc. That is sure to mess up something.
The editmarks are supposed to support multiline markup. This is hard to do right in Emacs, so things are likely to work better if you stick to single line editmarks. I like `visual-line-mode’ for that purpose.
This document is the manual and the source.
There are things to do. Check them out here: <a href=”elisp:(org-agenda nil “t” ”<")">elisp:(org-agenda nil “t” “<”)
I have some concerns about using text properties exclusively for this project. It is appealing because they are stored where the changes should be. As long as font-lock manages the properties correctly it seems like it should work. Searching by property change is a little tricky sometimes though. The alternative is a regexp based search. I don’t currently store the regexps though, and on an edit mark would need a regexp based way to identify what kind of editmark you are on.
This note is about the fact that sometimes it seems like there are residual properties that mess up the fontification and addition of subsequent editmarks.
Need to disable editmark keymaps when in track change mode? It limits what you can type. Or, I need a prefix on all of them so that we don’t collide with typing.
This would require a more sophisticated parser. If you need this, you should probably look at a sexp based syntax, e.g. (@-insert “some text”), or a special block.
Note, this relies on a scimax variable `scimax-flyspell-predicates’ that is defined in ./scimax-flyspell.el.
(defun scimax-editmarks-flyspell-verify ()
"Return non-nil if point has an sem-editmark property.
In flyspell, continue if not on an editmark."
(not (get-text-property (point) 'sem-editmark)))
(add-to-list 'scimax-flyspell-predicates #'scimax-editmarks-flyspell-verify)
It would be nice to have some metadata e.g. a timestamp, or who should be responsible for a task, for example. This is most likely to look like a sexp plist. E.g. like this:
{>*Some task to be done :due-date [2019-06-16 Sun] :assigned-to user*<}
This should be general so it works with all editmarks.
Note this is a partial feature in the file and audio editmarks. This is basically done. Here is how the item above is parsed.
(sem-editmark-plist-from-string "Some task to be done :due-date [2019-06-16 Sun] :assigned-to user ")
It is not super robust because the parsing is simple, and no quotes are required.
{>+insert one line+<}
{>+insert multiple lines+<}
{>+ @johnkitchin insert with author+<}
delete one line
{>-delete multiple lines-<}
{>~one line comment~<}
{>~multi line comment <<}
{>~ @author comment~<}
{r> @replier A reply<r}
{>* This is something you should do. *<}
{>.tpyo.<} Type 4 on the open marker to spell check and replace this.
- sem-editmark-spellcheck-typo
- to spell check and fix the typo.
These don’t really do anything but provide visual, persistent highlighting.
{b>blue highlight<b} {g>green highlight<g} {y>yellow highlight<y} {p>pink highlight<p}
This is a variation of the notebook link in scimax-notebook.el. It allows you to link to files in projects, as well as to lines and columns in the file.
{>|:file :project scimax :line 113 :column 0 |<}
A tooltip should tell you how to open the editmark.
- sem-store-file-editmark
- saves information about where the point is.
- sem-insert-file-editmark
- inserts an editmark from the last stored file
This editmark has some limitations:
- If it points to a location, and if you change the file, the location will not be the same as it was when you saved the link.
This is an audio annotation. {a> :file 2021-06-04-19-48-38.mp3 <a} It relies on to record and play the file.
- sem-audio-insert
- will start a recording and insert the editmark when you are done. A local file will be saved as an mp3.
- sem-audio-listen
- will play the editmark.
This code was inspired by and adapted from
This is mostly an experiment: {@>John Kitchin :email [email protected] <@}
;;; scimax-editmarks.el --- Editmarks for scimax
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'color)
(require 'easymenu)
(require 's)
We create a popup menu and keymaps for the markers and content here.
(defcustom sem-menu-items
'(["accept" sem-accept-editmark t]
["reject" sem-reject-editmark t]
["clear" sem-clear-editmark t]
["delete" sem-delete-editmark t]
["next" sem-next-editmark t]
["previous" sem-previous-editmark t]
["list" sem-editmark-display t]
["Accept all" sem-accept-all-editmarks t]
["Reject all" sem-reject-all-editmarks t]
["Clear all" sem-clear-all-editmarks t]
["Delete all" sem-delete-all-editmarks t]
["Jump to visible" sem-jump-to-visible-editmark t]
["Jump to editmark" sem-jump-to-editmark t])
"Items for the menu bar and popup menu."
:group 'sem
:type '(repeat (vector string function boolean)))
(defun sem-popup-command (event)
"Pop up a menu on editmarks."
(interactive "e")
(popup-menu (append '("sem") sem-menu-items)))
(defvar sem-editmark-content-map
(let ((map (copy-keymap org-mode-map)))
(define-key map (kbd "<mouse-3>") 'sem-popup-command)
(define-key map (kbd "s-<mouse-1>") 'sem-popup-command)
(define-key map (kbd "s-o") (lambda () (interactive) (popup-menu (append '("sem") sem-menu-items))))
(define-key map (kbd "C-a") (lambda ()
(goto-char (car (sem-editmark-bounds)))))
(define-key map (kbd "C-e") (lambda ()
(goto-char (cdr (sem-editmark-bounds)))))
(define-key map (kbd "C-n") 'sem-next-editmark)
(define-key map (kbd "C-p") 'sem-previous-editmark)
"Map for actions on editmark content.")
I thought having speed keys was a nice idea, but in track-change mode, it interferes, e.g. when you want to insert things at the beginning of an editmark. I think the hydra is sufficient, so I am taking this out for now. Note that since the sem-editmark-content-map is all prefixed, there is not an issue.
;; This is less useful than I thought.
;; (defvar sem-speed-map
;; (let ((speedmap (make-sparse-keymap)))
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "n") 'sem-next-editmark)
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "p") 'sem-previous-editmark)
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "a") 'sem-accept-editmark)
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "A") 'sem-accept-and-next-editmark)
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "r") 'sem-reject-editmark)
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "R") 'sem-reject-and-next-editmark)
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "c") 'sem-clear-editmark)
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "d") 'sem-delete-editmark)
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "l") 'sem-editmark-display)
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "4") 'sem-editmark-spellcheck-typo)
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "$") 'sem-editmark-spellcheck)
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "q") 'sem-jump-to-visible-editmark)
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "j") 'sem-jump-to-editmark)
;; (define-key speedmap (kbd "?") 'sem-speedmap-help)
;; speedmap)
;; "Keymap for speed keys on markers.")
;; (defun sem-speedmap-help ()
;; "Describe the speed keys."
;; (interactive)
;; (describe-keymap sem-speed-map))
To define an editmark we need to define open and close markers, and the faces for the markers and the content between them. You can additionally define keymaps, and functions that define what happens when an editmark is accepted or rejected.
Export functions should take one argument, the backend as a symbol, and they are responsible for replacing the editmark with the new markup suitable for the backend. Example functions are in Export functions.
(defvar sem-editmarks
`((delete :open-marker "{>-" :close-marker "-<}"
:marker-face (:foreground "red" :weight ultra-light :strike-through t)
:face (:foreground "red" :weight bold :strike-through t)
:keymap sem-editmark-content-map
:help-echo "Deletion. Right-click, s-click or s-o for menu."
:accept-func sem-delete-editmark
:reject-func sem-clear-editmark
:export sem-export-delete)
(insert :open-marker "{>+" :close-marker "+<}"
:marker-face (:foreground "blue" :weight ultra-light)
:face (:foreground "blue" :weight bold)
:keymap sem-editmark-content-map
:help-echo "Insertion. Right-click, s-click or s-o for menu."
:accept-func sem-clear-editmark
:reject-func sem-delete-editmark
:export sem-export-insert)
(comment :open-marker "{>~" :close-marker "~<}"
:marker-face (:foreground "DarkOrange" :weight ultra-light)
:face (:foreground "DarkOrange" :weight bold)
:keymap sem-editmark-content-map
:help-echo "Comment. Right-click, s-click or s-o for menu."
:accept-func sem-delete-editmark
:reject-func sem-delete-editmark
:include-author t
:export sem-export-comment)
(reply :open-marker "{r>" :close-marker "<r}"
:marker-face (:foreground "DarkOrange3" :weight ultra-light)
:face (:foreground "DarkOrange3" :weight bold)
:keymap sem-editmark-content-map
:help-echo "Reply. Right-click, s-click or s-o for menu."
:accept-func sem-delete-editmark
:reject-func sem-delete-editmark
:include-author t
:export sem-export-comment)
(task :open-marker "{>*" :close-marker "*<}"
:marker-face (:foreground "SteelBlue4" :weight ultra-light)
:face (:foreground "SteelBlue4" :weight bold)
:keymap sem-editmark-content-map
:help-echo "Task. Right-click, s-click or s-o for menu."
:accept-func sem-delete-editmark
:export sem-export-task)
(typo :open-marker "{>." :close-marker ".<}"
:marker-face (:foreground "Magenta3" :weight ultra-light)
:face (:foreground "Magenta3" :weight bold)
:keymap ,(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "4") 'sem-editmark-spellcheck-typo)
(define-key map (kbd "<return>") 'sem-editmark-spellcheck-typo)
:help-echo "Typo. Type 4 to fix this.")
(blue-highlight :open-marker "{b>" :close-marker "<b}"
:marker-face (:background "SkyBlue1" :weight ultra-light)
:face (:background "SkyBlue1")
:keymap sem-editmark-content-map
:help-echo "Blue highlight. Right-click, s-click or s-o for menu.")
(green-highlight :open-marker "{g>" :close-marker "<g}"
:marker-face (:background "Darkolivegreen1" :weight ultra-light)
:face (:background "Darkolivegreen1")
:keymap sem-editmark-content-map
:help-echo "green highlight. Right-click, s-click or s-o for menu.")
(pink-highlight :open-marker "{p>" :close-marker "<p}"
:marker-face (:background "pink1" :weight ultra-light)
:face (:background "pink1" )
:keymap sem-editmark-content-map
:help-echo "pink highlight. Right-click, s-click or s-o for menu.")
(yellow-highlight :open-marker "{y>" :close-marker "<y}"
:marker-face (:background "Yellow1" :weight ultra-light)
:face (:background "Yellow1")
:keymap sem-editmark-content-map
:help-echo "yellow highlight. Right-click, s-click or s-o for menu.")
(audio :open-marker "{a>" :close-marker "<a}"
:marker-face (:foreground "violet" :weight ultra-light)
:face (:foreground "violet" :weight bold)
:mouse-face highlight
:keymap sem-editmark-audio-map
:help-echo sem-audio-tooltip
:accept-func sem-delete-editmark
:reject-func sem-clear-editmark)
(video :open-marker "{v>"
:close-marker "<v}"
:help-echo "A video editmark"
:keymap sem-editmark-video-map
:marker-face (:foreground "MediumOrchid4" :weight ultra-light)
:face (:foreground "MediumOrchid4" :weight bold)
:mouse-face highlight)
(file :open-marker "{>|"
:close-marker "|<}"
:marker-face (:foreground "cadet blue" :weight ultra-light)
:face (:foreground "cadet blue" :weight bold)
:help-echo "File location. s-↓ to open. s-→ to open in other window."
:include-author nil
:export sem-file-export
:keymap ,(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "s-<down>") 'sem-follow-file)
(define-key map (kbd "s-<right>") (lambda ()
(sem-follow-file t)))
(define-key map (kbd "C-n") 'sem-next-editmark)
(define-key map (kbd "C-p") 'sem-previous-editmark)
"The default editmarks")
Some editmarks can have a plist in them containing metadata. Here we define how to read these. For now we assume that the content of an editmark is all a plist.
(defun sem-editmark-plist-from-string (content)
"Convert CONTENT into a plist.
We split the string into words, and reassemble it into a plist.
This is a very minimal parser to get away with not quoting things
inside editmarks.
I assume the content of the edit mark is all a plist like this
:keyword some values :next-keyword more values
This way it is not necessary to put quotes on the values, so the
plist above will end up as:
(:keyword \"some values\" :next-keyword \"more values\")
Then, this gets read by elisp to make the plist. The downside of
this is it is not feasible to have a key without a value."
(let* ((words (split-string content " " t "\s+"))
(sexp '())
(s '())
(while words
;; pop words off one at a time
(setq this-word (pop words))
(if (not (s-starts-with? ":" this-word))
;; Accumulate in a list of words
(push this-word s)
;; word is not a :keyword
(when s
(setq tempstr (string-join (reverse s) " "))
(if (string= tempstr (format "%s" (string-to-number tempstr)))
(push (string-to-number tempstr) sexp)
(push tempstr sexp)))
(setq s '())
(push (intern this-word) sexp)))
;; make sure we get the last s...
(when s
(setq tempstr (string-join (reverse s) " "))
(if (string= tempstr (format "%s" (string-to-number tempstr)))
(push (string-to-number tempstr) sexp)
(push tempstr sexp)))
(flatten-list (reverse sexp))))
(defun sem-editmark-plist ()
"Read a plist in an editmark.
Converts the content into a plist. If the contents are not a
plist, this may not do what you want."
(let* ((bounds (sem-editmark-bounds))
(content-bounds (sem-content-bounds))
(content (s-trim (buffer-substring-no-properties
(car content-bounds) (cdr content-bounds)))))
(sem-editmark-plist-from-string content)))
This editmark points to an audio file.
(defvar sem-editmark-audio-map
(let ((map (copy-keymap org-mode-map)))
(define-key map (kbd "M-o") 'sem-audio-listen)
(define-key map (kbd "<return>") 'sem-audio-listen)
(define-key map (kbd "<s-mouse-1>") 'sem-audio-listen)
"Map for actions on editmark audio.")
(defun sem-audio-listen ()
"Play the editmark."
(let ((plist (sem-editmark-plist)))
(start-process "*listen*" nil
(plist-get plist :file)
"-d" )))
(defun sem-audio-tooltip (window object position)
"Tooltip for audio editmarks."
"Audio editmark. use M-o or s-mouse-1 to listen."
;; a2t is an executable script in scimax python
;; (if (executable-find "a2t")
;; (save-window-excursion
;; (goto-char position)
;; (shell-command-to-string
;; (format "a2t %s"
;; (plist-get (sem-editmark-plist) :file))))
;; "Audio editmark. use M-o or s-mouse-1 to listen.")
(defun sem-audio-insert ()
"Insert an audio mark"
(let* ((cb (current-buffer))
(buffer "*record*")
(fname (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.aiff"))
(process (start-process buffer buffer "sox" "-d" fname)))
(pop-to-buffer buffer)
(setq-local header-line-format "press q to quit.")
(use-local-map (copy-keymap org-mode-map))
(local-set-key "q" (lambda ()
;; short pause to let the recording finish.
(sleep-for 1)
(let ((kill-buffer-query-functions nil))
(kill-process "*record*")
(kill-buffer buffer))
(pop-to-buffer cb)
(insert (format "{a> :file %s <a}" fname))))
(defvar sem-editmark-video-map
(let ((map (copy-keymap org-mode-map)))
(define-key map (kbd "<return>") 'sem-video-watch)
(define-key map (kbd "<mouse-1") 'sem-video-watch)
"Map for actions on editmark video.")
(defun sem-video-insert ()
"Insert a video editmark."
(let* ((cb (current-buffer))
(buffer "*record*")
(fname (format-time-string ""))
(process (do-applescript
"tell application \"QuickTime Player\" to activate (new movie recording)")))
(pop-to-buffer buffer)
(insert "Setup Quicktime with the Camera you want and press record. Press q in this buffer when you want to stop and save the video.")
(setq-local header-line-format "press q to quit.")
(use-local-map (copy-keymap org-mode-map))
(local-set-key "q" (lambda ()
"set theFilePath to POSIX path of \"%s\"
tell application \"QuickTime Player\"
tell document \"Movie Recording\"
save it in POSIX file theFilePath
end tell
end tell" (expand-file-name fname)))
(kill-buffer buffer)
(pop-to-buffer cb)
(insert (format "{v> :file %s %s <v}"
(let ((note (read-string "Note: ")))
(if (string= "" note)
(format " :note \"%s\"" note)))))))
(defun sem-video-watch ()
"Open a video to watch it.
Mac dependent"
(let ((plist (sem-editmark-plist)))
(shell-command (format "open %s" (plist-get plist :file)))
(do-applescript "tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke space")))
File editmarks are a different way to link to a file than an org-link. There is a finer resolution in these, where you can store the line and column number.
One day maybe I will try storing some context, e.g. for org files. There is a placeholder now, but it isn’t great, just the characters around the point.
Another potential idea is an md5 hash, so you can tell if the file has changed since the link was made.
(defvar sem-saved-file nil
"plist for saved files.")
(defun sem-store-file-editmark ()
"Store a file editmark."
(setq sem-saved-file (list
:file (buffer-file-name)
:project-root (projectile-project-root)
:project (file-name-nondirectory
(directory-file-name (projectile-project-root)))
:context (buffer-substring-no-properties
(max (- (point) 10) (point-min))
(min (+ (point) 10) (point-max)))
:line (line-number-at-pos)
:column (current-column))))
(defun sem-insert-file-editmark ()
"Insert a previously stored file editmark."
(when (plist-get sem-saved-file :project)
(plist-put sem-saved-file :file (file-relative-name
(plist-get sem-saved-file :file)
(plist-get sem-saved-file :project-root))))
;; I don't think we need this in the editmark
(setq sem-saved-file (org-plist-delete sem-saved-file :project-root))
;; I am not sure what to do with this for now, so I am going to just delete it.
(setq sem-saved-file (org-plist-delete sem-saved-file :context))
(insert (format "{>|%s|<}"
(cl-loop for (k v) on sem-saved-file by (function cddr)
when v
concat (format "%s %s " k v)))))
(defun sem-follow-file (&optional other)
"Function for following the editmark to its destination."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((plist (sem-editmark-plist))
(fname (plist-get plist :file)))
;; I should add a :project option here
(when-let (project (plist-get plist :project))
;; we need to build the path so we can open it.
((projects (remove nil (append (projectile-relevant-known-projects)
(when (projectile-project-p)
;; These are projects that match the project spec
(project-candidates (-filter (lambda (p)
(string-match (concat project "/\\'") p))
;; These are projects that match the spec, and that have the file we want.
(candidates (-filter (lambda (p)
(file-exists-p (expand-file-name fname p)))
(if (and (= 1 (length candidates))
(file-exists-p (expand-file-name fname (car candidates))))
(setq fname (expand-file-name fname (car candidates))))))
(if other
(find-file-other-window fname)
(find-file fname))
(forward-line (plist-get plist :line))
(when-let (col (plist-get plist :column))
(move-to-column col))))
(defun sem-file-export (backend)
"Export function for file editmarks."
(let ((bounds (sem-editmark-bounds))
(content-bounds (sem-content-bounds))
(plist (sem-editmark-plist)))
((eq 'latex backend)
(car bounds) (cdr bounds)
(format "@@latex:Line %s in \\href{file://%s}{%s}@@"
(plist-get plist :line)
(plist-get plist :file)
(file-name-nondirectory (plist-get plist :file))))))))
The export functions replace the current editmarks with alternate syntax. You should define different behaviors for different backends. Here we support LaTeX and html. If you don’t define an export function a default function is used.
For LaTeX, I rely on for comments and tasks.
(defun sem-export-insert (backend)
"Exporter for insert editmarks."
(let ((bounds (sem-editmark-bounds))
(content-bounds (sem-content-bounds)))
((eq 'latex backend)
(car bounds) (cdr bounds)
(lambda (s)
(format "@@latex:\\noindent\\protect\\bgroup\\markoverwith{\\textcolor{blue}{\\rule[-0.5ex]{4pt}{1.4pt}}}\\ULon{%s}@@"
(string-split (buffer-substring-no-properties (car content-bounds)
(cdr content-bounds))
((eq 'html backend)
(car bounds) (cdr bounds)
(lambda (s)
(format "@@html:<span style=\"color: blue\">%s</span>@@" s))
(string-split (buffer-substring-no-properties (car content-bounds)
(cdr content-bounds))
(defun sem-export-delete (backend)
"Exporter for delete editmarks."
(let ((bounds (sem-editmark-bounds))
(content-bounds (sem-content-bounds)))
((eq 'latex backend)
(car bounds) (cdr bounds)
(lambda (s)
(format "@@latex:\\noindent\\protect\\bgroup\\markoverwith{\\textcolor{red}{\\rule[-0.5ex]{4pt}{1.4pt}}}\\ULon{%s}@@"
(string-split (buffer-substring-no-properties (car content-bounds)
(cdr content-bounds))
((eq 'html backend)
(car bounds) (cdr bounds)
(lambda (s)
(format "@@html:<span style=\"color: red\">%s</span>@@" s))
(string-split (buffer-substring-no-properties (car content-bounds)
(cdr content-bounds))
(defun sem-export-comment (backend)
"Exporter for comment editmarks."
(let ((bounds (sem-editmark-bounds))
(content-bounds (sem-content-bounds)))
((eq 'latex backend)
(car bounds) (cdr bounds)
(lambda (s)
(format "@@latex:%s@@" s))
(string-split (format "\\todo{%s}"
(car content-bounds)
(cdr content-bounds)))
((eq 'html backend)
(car bounds) (cdr bounds)
(lambda (s)
(format "@@html:<span style=\"color: orange\">%s</span>@@" s))
(string-split (buffer-substring-no-properties (car content-bounds)
(cdr content-bounds))
(defun sem-export-task (backend)
"Exporter for todo editmarks."
(let ((bounds (sem-editmark-bounds))
(content-bounds (sem-content-bounds)))
((eq 'latex backend)
(car bounds) (cdr bounds)
(lambda (s)
(format "@@latex:%s@@" s))
(string-split (format "\\todo[color=green!40]{TASK: %s}"
(car content-bounds)
(cdr content-bounds)))
((eq 'html backend)
(car bounds) (cdr bounds)
(lambda (s)
(format "@@html:<span style=\"color: purple\">%s</span>@@" s))
(string-split (buffer-substring-no-properties (car content-bounds)
(cdr content-bounds))
For markups with no exporter, we use a default function. This tries to be fancy and approximately represent the colors you see in org-mode.
(defun sem-export-default (backend)
"Default exporter for editmarks.
We wrap this something that approximates the appearance. If there
is background color in the face that takes precedence, otherwise
we go with the font color."
(let* ((bounds (sem-editmark-bounds))
(content-bounds (sem-content-bounds))
(fg-color (or (plist-get (get-text-property (point) 'face) :foreground) "black"))
(bg-color (plist-get (get-text-property (point) 'face) :background))
(fg-rgb (color-name-to-rgb fg-color))
;; the append (2) makes it use 24-bit color I think
(fg-hex (apply 'color-rgb-to-hex (append fg-rgb '(2))))
;; this is white
(bg-hex "#ffffff"))
(when bg-color
(setq bg-rgb (color-name-to-rgb bg-color)
bg-hex (apply 'color-rgb-to-hex (append bg-rgb '(2)))))
((eq 'latex backend)
(car bounds) (cdr bounds)
(format "@@latex:\\definecolor{%s}{rgb}{%s,%s,%s}%s{%s}{\\parbox{\\textwidth}{%s:@@"
(or bg-color fg-color)
(if bg-color (cl-first bg-rgb) (cl-first fg-rgb))
(if bg-color (cl-second bg-rgb) (cl-second fg-rgb))
(if bg-color (cl-third bg-rgb) (cl-third fg-rgb))
(if bg-color
(or bg-color fg-color)
(get-text-property (point) 'sem-type))
(lambda (s)
(format "@@latex:%s@@" s))
(string-split (buffer-substring-no-properties
(car content-bounds)
(cdr content-bounds))
"@@latex: }}@@")))
((eq 'html backend)
(car bounds) (cdr bounds)
(lambda (s)
(format "@@html:<span style=\"color: %s; background-color: %s\">%s</span>@@"
(string-split (buffer-substring-no-properties (car content-bounds)
(cdr content-bounds))
The workhorse for fontification and property setting of editmarks is the font-lock engine.
info:elisp#Search-based Fontification info:elisp#Customizing Keywords info:elisp#Special Properties
info:elisp#Multiline Font Lock
The standard font-lock uses regexps for font-locking. We construct the regexp and font-lock keywords for each type in `sem-editmarks’ in a function that is used in the minor mode to turn fontification on and off.
;; these should get removed when a region is unfontified.
(add-to-list 'font-lock-extra-managed-props 'sem-content)
(add-to-list 'font-lock-extra-managed-props 'sem-marker)
(add-to-list 'font-lock-extra-managed-props 'local-map)
(defun sem-font-lock-keywords ()
"Return the font-lock keywords for all the editmarks in `sem-editmarks'."
(lambda (editmark)
(let* ((type (car editmark))
(properties (cdr editmark))
(open-marker (plist-get properties :open-marker))
(close-marker (plist-get properties :close-marker))
(map (or (plist-get properties :keymap) sem-editmark-content-map))
(regexp (eval `(rx
(group-n 1 ,open-marker)
;; this is an author
(optional blank (group-n 4 "@" (1+ (not space)) blank))
;; the content
(group-n 2 (+? (or ascii nonascii)))
(group-n 3 ,close-marker)))))
(if (symbolp map)
(setq map (symbol-value map)))
(list regexp
`(0 ',(list 'face nil 'sem-editmark t 'sem-type type 'font-lock-multiline t))
;; open-marker
`(1 ',(list 'face (plist-get properties :marker-face)
'sem-marker 'open
'rear-nonsticky t
;; 'local-map sem-speed-map
'help-echo (plist-get properties :help-echo)))
;; content
`(2 ',(list 'face (plist-get properties :face)
'mouse-face (plist-get properties :mouse-face)
'sem-content t
'local-map map
'help-echo (plist-get properties :help-echo)))
;; close-marker
`(3 ',(list 'face (plist-get properties :marker-face)
'sem-marker 'close
'rear-nonsticky t
'help-echo (plist-get properties :help-echo)))
;; author. This is sometimes missing and it is a problem when it is for fontification. I am not sure how to make this conditional.
;; `(4 ',(list 'face nil
;; 'sem-author t
;; 'help-echo (plist-get properties :help-echo)))
You can create your own editmarks.
(defun sem-set-editmark-parameters (type &rest parameters)
"Add or update an editmark.
TYPE is a symbol for the name of the editmark
PARAMETERS is a set of keyword value pairs
(let ((data (assoc type sem-editmarks)))
(if data
;; update the editmark
(setcdr data (org-combine-plists (cdr data) parameters))
;; New editmark
(cl-pushnew `(,type ,@parameters) sem-editmarks)
(font-lock-remove-keywords nil (sem-font-lock-keywords))
(font-lock-add-keywords nil (sem-font-lock-keywords)))))
This code depends on org-db. If it isn’t loaded, we dont’ define this code. That means you have to require org-db before requiring this. I don’t love that, but the alternative ideas seem more complex, e.g. move this to a new scimax-editmark-contact.el file that you intentionally load to use org-db.
(when (featurep 'org-db)
(defvar sem-editmark-contact-map
(let ((map (copy-keymap org-mode-map)))
(define-key map (kbd "<return>") 'sem-contact/body)
(define-key map (kbd "s-e") 'sem-contact-email)
(define-key map (kbd "s-t") 'sem-contact-email-to)
(define-key map (kbd "s-f") 'sem-contact-email-from)
(define-key map (kbd "s-r") 'sem-contact-related)
"Map for actions on editmark contact.")
(sem-set-editmark-parameters 'contact
:open-marker "{@>" :close-marker "<@}"
:marker-face '(:foreground "OrangeRed1" :weight ultra-light)
:face '(:foreground "OrangeRed1" :weight bold)
:keymap 'sem-editmark-contact-map
:help-echo "An editmark contact."
:export nil)
(defun sem-contact-insert ()
"Insert a contact edit mark"
(let* ((contacts (org-db-contacts-candidates))
(choice (cdr (assoc (ivy-read "Contact: " contacts) contacts))))
(insert (format "%s %s :email %s %s"
(plist-get (cdr (assoc 'contact sem-editmarks)) :open-marker)
(plist-get choice :title)
(plist-get choice :email)
(plist-get (cdr (assoc 'contact sem-editmarks)) :close-marker)))))
(defun sem-contact-email ()
"Open an email buffer to the contact."
(let* ((plist (sem-editmark-plist))
(email (plist-get (cdr plist) :email)))
(insert email)
(defun sem-contact-email-from ()
"Open mu4e showing emails from the candidate."
(let* ((plist (sem-editmark-plist))
(email (plist-get (cdr plist) :email)))
(format "[[mu4e:query:from:%s]]"
(defun sem-contact-email-to ()
"Open mu4e showing emails to the candidate."
(let* ((plist (sem-editmark-plist))
(email (plist-get (cdr plist) :email)))
(format "[[mu4e:query:tofrom:%s]]"
(defun sem-contact-related ()
"Completion to choose documents with this contact email in them.
This uses org-db-contacts, not editmark contacts right now."
(let* ((plist (sem-editmark-plist))
(email (plist-get (cdr plist) :email))
(link-candidates (cl-loop
for (rl fn bg) in
(sqlite-select org-db "select raw_link,filename,begin from links
left join files on links.filename_id = files.rowid where links.type = \"contact\" and links.path = ? order by filename"
(list email)))
;; (candidate :filename :begin)
(list (format "%s | %s" rl fn) :filename fn :begin bg)))
(results (with-org-db
(sqlite-select org-db "select headlines.title,,headline_properties.value,files.filename,files.last_updated,headlines.begin
from headlines
inner join headline_properties on headlines.rowid = headline_properties.headline_id
inner join properties on properties.rowid = headline_properties.property_id
inner join files on files.rowid = headlines.filename_id
where = \"ASSIGNEDTO\" and headline_properties.value like ?"
(list email))))
(assigned-candidates (cl-loop for (title property value fname last-updated begin) in results
(list (format "%s | %s=%s | %s" title property value fname)
:filename fname :begin begin)))
(results (with-org-db
(sqlite-select org-db "select headlines.title,, headline_properties.value, files.filename, files.last_updated, headlines.begin
from headlines
inner join headline_properties on headlines.rowid = headline_properties.headline_id
inner join properties on properties.rowid = headline_properties.property_id
inner join files on files.rowid = headlines.filename_id
where = \"EMAIL\" and headline_properties.value like ?"
(list email))))
(email-candidates (cl-loop for (title property value fname last-updated begin) in results
(list (format "%s | %s=%s | %s" title property value fname)
:filename fname :begin begin))))
(ivy-read "Choose: " (append assigned-candidates email-candidates link-candidates)
:action (lambda (x)
(let ((candidate (cdr x)))
(find-file (plist-get candidate :filename))
(goto-char (plist-get candidate :begin)))))))
(defhydra sem-contact (:color blue :hint nil)
"Editmark contact"
("o" sem-contact-open "open")
("e" sem-contact-email "Email contact")
("r" sem-contact-related "Related documents")
("t" sem-contact-email-to "Open emails to contact")
("f" sem-contact-email-from "Open emails from contact")))
- [ ] a display function so we don’t have to see the whole thing if we don’t want to.
- [ ] a validation function to tell you if it is ok, e.g. has required info
- [ ] a video editmark
A minor mode is an easy way to turn font-locking on and off. All we do here is turn fontification on and off. Note that if the editmarks conflict with pdf export (usually because of the color package), you can turn off sem-mode to prevent the export.
(define-minor-mode sem-mode
"A minor mode for editmarks."
:lighter " sem"
(if (not sem-mode)
(remove-hook 'org-export-before-processing-hook 'sem-editmarks-to-org t))
(add-hook 'org-export-before-processing-hook 'sem-editmarks-to-org nil t))
This adds a menu to scimax for the editmarks.
(easy-menu-change '("Scimax") "editmarks" sem-menu-items "Update scimax")
Two utilities that will be helpful are to get the bounds of the current editmark, and the bounds of the content in an editmark. These will be used later for acting on them. This code is surprisingly complex to me, it handles a number of corner cases that seem to result from using property changes to delineate boundaries. One day it might be a good idea to simplify this if it is possible.
(defun sem-content-bounds ()
"Return a cons cell of (start . end) of editmark content."
;; on a marker
((eq (get-text-property (point) 'sem-marker) 'open)
(let (b e)
(setq b (or (next-single-property-change (point) 'sem-content))
e (or (next-single-property-change b 'sem-content)))
(cons b e)))
((eq (get-text-property (point) 'sem-marker) 'close)
(let (b e)
(setq e (or (previous-single-property-change
(if (get-text-property (- (point) 1) 'sem-content)
(+ (point) 1)
b (or (previous-single-property-change e 'sem-content)))
(cons b e)))
;; in the content, but at the beginning
((and (get-text-property (point) 'sem-content)
(not (get-text-property (- (point) 1) 'sem-content)))
(cons (point)
(or (next-single-property-change (point) 'sem-content) (point))))
((get-text-property (point) 'sem-content)
(cons (or (previous-single-property-change (point) 'sem-content) (point))
(or (next-single-property-change (point) 'sem-content) (point))))
(error "Not on an editmark?"))))
(defun sem-editmark-bounds ()
"Return a cons cell of (start . end) of editmark.
Return nil if not on an editmark."
(when (get-text-property (point) 'sem-editmark)
;; At the very beginning of the buffer
(cons (point) (next-single-property-change (point) 'sem-editmark)))
;; at beginning of an editmark
((null (get-text-property (- (point) 1) 'sem-editmark))
(cons (point) (or (next-single-property-change (point) 'sem-editmark) (point))))
;; at end
((and (not (eobp))
(null (get-text-property (+ (point) 1) 'sem-editmark)))
(cons (or (previous-single-property-change (point) 'sem-editmark) (point))
;; in the middle
(cons (or (previous-single-property-change (point) 'sem-editmark) (point))
(or (next-single-property-change (point) 'sem-editmark) (point)))))))
It is also helpful to see information about an editmark. This is mostly for debugging purposes to make sure the bounds are found correctly.
(defun sem-editmark-info ()
"Give a message with some details."
(let ((bounds (sem-editmark-bounds))
(cbounds (sem-content-bounds)))
(message (s-format "type: ${type}
start: ${start}
end: ${end}
all: ${editmark}
c-start: ${content-start}
c-end : ${content-end}
content: ${content}"
(cons "type" (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type))
(cons "start" (car bounds))
(cons "end" (cdr bounds))
(cons "editmark" (buffer-substring-no-properties (car bounds) (cdr bounds)))
(cons "content" (buffer-substring-no-properties (car cbounds) (cdr cbounds)))
(cons "content-start" (car cbounds))
(cons "content-end" (cdr cbounds)))))))
This generates the insert commands. This tries to be a dwim type of command.
If you are on a blank space, insert the markers and put the cursor in the middle.
If you are on a word, wrap the word in markers
If you have selected a region, wrap the region in markers.
The functions try to be smart and not allow you to nest markups, or create new markups that cross existing markups.
It is not so smart that it will prevent you from messing up a code block, or crossing org boundaries like headlines, blocks or tables. This would be pretty difficult to prevent.
(defun sem-author ()
"Return an author string"
(format "@%s" (s-join "" (mapcar (lambda (s)
(substring s 0 1)))
(split-string (or (user-full-name) "Not a name"))))))
Here is a generic insert function. It offers completion on the types to insert.
{>*I should use specific insert functions here if they exist.*<}
(defun sem-insert (type)
"Insert an editmark of TYPE.
TYPE should be a symbol corresponding to the car of an entry in `sem-editmarks'."
(interactive (list (completing-read "Type: " (mapcar 'car sem-editmarks))))
(if (not sem-mode) (sem-mode))
(when (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type)
(error "You are in an editmark. Nesting editmarks is not allowed."))
(let ((entry (assoc (intern-soft type) sem-editmarks))
(inhibit-modification-hooks t))
;; we do not track changes when inserting so we don't trigger nested
;; editmarks when editing editmarks.
;; this is a special case
((eq type 'audio)
((eq type 'video)
;; We have an active region we want to apply
(let* ((bounds (list (region-beginning) (region-end)))
(start (apply 'min bounds))
(end (apply 'max bounds))
;; make sure we are not crossing any existing markups
(when (or (get-text-property (region-beginning) 'sem-type)
(get-text-property (region-end) 'sem-type)
(not (= (region-end)
(error "You are in an editmark. Nesting editmarks is not allowed."))
start end
(concat (plist-get (cdr entry) :open-marker)
(when (plist-get (cdr entry) :include-author)
(concat " " (sem-author) " "))
(buffer-substring start end)
(plist-get (cdr entry) :close-marker)))))
;; We are on a word with no region selected
((thing-at-point 'word)
;; beginning of a word
((looking-back "\\<" 1)
(insert (plist-get (cdr entry) :open-marker)
(when (plist-get (cdr entry) :include-author)
(concat " " (sem-author) " ")))
(re-search-forward "\\>")
(insert (plist-get (cdr entry) :close-marker)))
;; end of a word
((looking-back "\\>" 1)
(insert (concat (plist-get (cdr entry) :open-marker)
(when (plist-get (cdr entry) :include-author)
(concat " " (sem-author) " "))
(plist-get (cdr entry) :close-marker)))
(backward-char (length (plist-get (cdr entry) :close-marker))))
;; somewhere else in a word
(re-search-backward "\\<")
(insert (plist-get (cdr entry) :open-marker)
(if (plist-get (cdr entry) :include-author)
(concat " " (sem-author) " ")
(re-search-forward "\\>")
(insert (plist-get (cdr entry) :close-marker)))))
;; not at a word or region, insert markers and put point between
;; them.
(insert (concat (plist-get (cdr entry) :open-marker)
(when (plist-get (cdr entry) :include-author)
(concat " " (sem-author) " "))
(plist-get (cdr entry) :close-marker)))
;; goto middle
(backward-char (length (plist-get (cdr entry) :close-marker))))))
;; Should we add a local variable so the file opens in sem-mode?
;; This is more complicated than I thought it should be. When I try to just
;; add a file-local variable, it often fails on new files because of some
;; weird issue in comment-region. I hacked this together, and it seems more
;; reliable.
(when (null file-local-variables-alist)
(let ((mode major-mode))
(goto-char (point-max))
(unless (bolp)
(insert "\n\n"))
(when (eq mode 'org-mode)
(insert "* Local Variables :noexport:\n\n"))
(insert (with-temp-buffer
(funcall mode)
(insert "Local Variables:\nEnd:\n")
(comment-region (point-min) (point-max))
(when (not (member '(eval sem-mode) file-local-variables-alist))
(add-file-local-variable 'eval '(sem-mode)))))
These two functions will probably meet most accept/reject needs. I think most of the time you either want to delete the editmark completely, e.g. you have resolved it, or you want to just clear the markers, e.g. to accept the change, or reject the deletion.
accept | reject | |
insert | delete markers, keep content | delete editmark |
delete | delete editmark | delete markers, keep content |
comment | delete editmark |
For other editmarks, e.g. typo, or highlights, it is less clear what the right thing to do is.
(defun sem-delete-editmark ()
"Remove the editmark, markers and content."
(let ((bounds (sem-editmark-bounds)))
(when bounds
(cl--set-buffer-substring (car bounds) (cdr bounds) ""))))
(defun sem-delete-and-next-editmark ()
"Remove the editmark, markers and content and go to the next one."
(let ((bounds (sem-editmark-bounds)))
(when bounds
(cl--set-buffer-substring (car bounds) (cdr bounds) ""))
(defun sem-clear-editmark ()
"Remove the markers but keep the content."
(let ((bounds (sem-editmark-bounds))
(content-bounds (sem-content-bounds)))
(when bounds
(car bounds) (cdr bounds)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (car content-bounds) (cdr content-bounds))))))
(defun sem-clear-and-next-editmark ()
"Remove the markers but keep the content."
(let ((bounds (sem-editmark-bounds))
(content-bounds (sem-content-bounds)))
(when bounds
(car bounds) (cdr bounds)
(car content-bounds) (cdr content-bounds))))
For convenience, we create functions to clear or delete all marks in the buffer.
(defun sem-clear-all-editmarks ()
"Clear all editmarks in the buffer."
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (sem-next-editmark)
(defun sem-delete-all-editmarks ()
"Delete all editmarks in the buffer."
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (sem-next-editmark)
These functions look up the functions to call from `sem-editmarks’ and then call them.
You can “accept” an editmark, which means you agree with its intention and want to modify it so that the text reflects it. For example accepting an insertion means remove the markers and keep the content, whereas accepting a deletion means remove the whole editmark.
Other editmarks can have other meanings for accept, you just have to define the functions to do the modifications you want.
(defun sem-accept-editmark ()
"Accept the current editmark."
(let* ((type (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type))
(func (plist-get (cdr (assoc type sem-editmarks)) :accept-func)))
(if func
(funcall func)
(message "no :accept-func found for %s" type))))
(defun sem-accept-and-next-editmark ()
"Accept the current editmark and move to the next one."
(defun sem-accept-all-editmarks ()
"Accept all edtimarks."
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (sem-next-editmark)
You can also reject an editmark. For an insertion this means delete the markers and the content. For a deletion, rejection means delete the markers and keep the content.
Other editmarks may have other meanings for reject, you just have to define the functions to do the desired modifications.
(defun sem-reject-editmark ()
"Reject the current editmark."
(let* ((type (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type))
(func (plist-get (cdr (assoc type sem-editmarks)) :reject-func)))
(if func
(funcall func)
(message "no :reject-func found for %s." type))))
(defun sem-reject-and-next-editmark ()
"Reject the current editmark and move to the next one."
(defun sem-reject-all-editmarks ()
"Reject all editmarks in the buffer."
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (sem-next-editmark)
These make it easy to go back and forth on the editmarks.
(defun sem-next-editmark ()
"Move point to the next editmark."
(when (get-text-property (point) 'sem-editmark)
;; we are on an editmark. first get out of it.
(goto-char (next-single-property-change (point) 'sem-editmark)))
(let ((next-em (next-single-property-change (point) 'sem-editmark)))
(when next-em
(goto-char next-em)
(defun sem-previous-editmark ()
"Move point to the previous editmark."
(when (get-text-property (point) 'sem-editmark)
;; we are on an editmark. first get out of it.
(goto-char (previous-single-property-change (point) 'sem-editmark)))
(let ((previous-em (previous-single-property-change (point) 'sem-editmark)))
(when previous-em
(goto-char previous-em)
Another nice way to move around to visible editmarks is with avy.
(defun sem-jump-to-visible-editmark ()
"Use avy to jump to a visible editmark."
(avy-with sem-editmark-jumper
;; These are the points to process.
(let ((editmarks '())
(start (window-start))
(end (window-end)))
(goto-char start)
(while (and (< (point) end) (sem-next-editmark))
(push (point) editmarks))
(reverse editmarks)))
(avy--style-fn avy-style))))
Finally, you might want to jump to any editmark in the buffer using completion for selection.
(defun sem-jump-to-editmark ()
"Jump to an editmark with completion."
;; Get candidates
(let ((candidates '())
pos content content-bounds
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (sem-next-editmark)
(setq pos (point)
content-bounds (sem-content-bounds)
content (buffer-substring (car content-bounds) (cdr content-bounds)))
(push (cons content pos) candidates)))
(setq candidate (completing-read "editmark: " (reverse candidates)))
(goto-char (cdr (assoc candidate candidates)))))
It is helpful to have an overview of all the editmarks in a tabular list form. Here we make that possible. First, we need a function that gets all the editmarks.
(defun sem-get-editmarks ()
"Return a list of the editmarks in the buffer.
Each element of the list is (type (start . end) editmark).
editmark is the full text including the markers."
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((editmarks '())
;; when an editmark is at the beginning of the buffer
(when (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type)
(push (list (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type)
(setq bounds (sem-editmark-bounds))
(buffer-substring-no-properties (car bounds) (cdr bounds)))
(while (setq cem (sem-next-editmark))
(setq bounds (sem-editmark-bounds))
(push (list (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (car bounds) (cdr bounds)))
Next, we define a tabulated list view. There are a lot of moving parts here. We store the source buffer so we can get back to it. This is a little clunky, and probably won’t work right if you look at multiple buffers with editmarks in them.
(defvar sem-editmark-source nil
"Holds source buffer that the editmarks came from.")
(defun sem-editmark-display ()
"Display the current editmarks in a tabulated list."
(let ((buf (current-buffer)))
(setq sem-editmark-source buf)
(get-buffer-create "*sem-editmarks*"))
(defun sem-editmark-refresh-list ()
"Refresh the list of editmarks."
(let ((editmarks)
(with-current-buffer sem-editmark-source
(setq editmarks (sem-get-editmarks))
(setq entries (reverse (cl-loop for em in editmarks
nil ;id
(cons (symbol-name (cl-first em))
'face (plist-get (cdr (assoc (cl-first em) sem-editmarks)) :face)
'buffer (cl-second em)
'bounds (cl-third em)))
(cons (cl-fourth em)
(list 'face (plist-get (cdr (assoc (cl-first em) sem-editmarks)) :face)))))))))
(setq tabulated-list-entries entries
tabulated-list-format (vector '("Type" 20 t) '("Content" 40 t)))
(defun sem-editmark-list-jump ()
"In list mode, jump to the editmark back in the originating buffer."
(let ((buf (get-text-property (line-beginning-position) 'buffer))
(pos (car (get-text-property (line-beginning-position) 'bounds))))
(when pos
(switch-to-buffer-other-window buf)
(goto-char pos)
In the list view, we need to have a key map that makes it easy to jump back to the highlights, accept/reject/clear/delete them, etc.
(defvar sem-editmark-list-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "q") 'bury-buffer)
(define-key map (kbd "<return>") 'sem-editmark-list-jump)
(define-key map (kbd "[mouse-1]") 'sem-editmark-list-jump)
(define-key map (kbd "o") 'sem-editmark-list-jump)
(define-key map (kbd "r") (lambda ()
"Refresh the list."
(define-key map (kbd "a") (lambda ()
"Accept the editmark"
(define-key map (kbd "c") (lambda ()
"Clear the editmark"
(define-key map (kbd "d") (lambda ()
"Delete the editmark"
(define-key map (kbd "u") (lambda ()
"Undo in the source buffer"
(with-current-buffer sem-editmark-source
(define-key map (kbd "4") (lambda ()
"spellcheck the editmark"
(define-key map (kbd "?") (lambda ()
"Show keymap help."
(describe-keymap 'sem-editmark-list-mode-map)))
"Local keymap for `sem-editmark-list-mode'.")
Finally we define a minor mode for the list view.
(define-derived-mode sem-editmark-list-mode
tabulated-list-mode "sem-editmarks"
"Mode for viewing editmarks as a tabular list.
(setq tabulated-list-sort-key nil)
(add-hook 'tabulated-list-revert-hook
Especially for typo editmarks, we should have an easy way to fix them. Here are two options. One spell checks the content, and one is really intended for typo editmarks.
(defun sem-editmark-spellcheck ()
"Spell check the content of the editmark."
(let* ((bounds (sem-content-bounds))
(start (car bounds))
(end (cdr bounds)))
(ispell-region start end)))
(defun sem-editmark-spellcheck-typo ()
"Spell check the typo."
(let ((bounds (sem-content-bounds)))
(goto-char (car bounds))
;; This seems to be important to get the text properties fixed up before
;; clearing the editmark
(font-lock-fontify-region (car bounds) (cdr bounds)))
I never remember all the things that are possible. Hydra menus solve that, and here we provide a context aware hydra menu that inserts editmarks when you are not on one, and provides actions for editmarks when you are on one. I bind it to H-m.
(defhydra sem-insert (:color blue :hint nil :columns 3)
"Editmark insert"
("a" (sem-insert 'audio) "audio")
("v" (sem-insert 'video) "video")
("m" (sem-insert 'comment) "comment")
("r" (sem-insert 'reply) "reply")
("i" (sem-insert 'insert) "insert")
("d" (sem-insert 'delete) "delete")
("f" (sem-insert-file-editmark) "file")
("t" (sem-insert 'typo) "typo")
("k" (sem-insert 'task) "task")
("c" (insert "✓") "checkmark")
("2" (sem-insert 'contact) "contact")
("hb" (sem-insert 'blue-highlight) "green")
("hg" (sem-insert 'green-highlight) "green")
("hy" (sem-insert 'yellow-highlight) "yellow")
("hp" (sem-insert 'pink-highlight) "pink")
("n" sem-next-editmark "next")
("p" sem-previous-editmark "previous")
("g" sem-track-change-mode "toggle track changes")
("l" sem-editmark-display "List all")
("q" sem-jump-to-editmark "Jump to editmark")
("V" sem-jump-to-visible-editmark "Jump to visible")
("A" sem-action/body "action menu"))
(defhydra sem-action (:color red :hint nil :columns 3)
"Editmark action"
("a" sem-accept-editmark "accept")
("A" sem-accept-and-next-editmark "accept and next")
("C-a" sem-accept-all-editmarks "accept all")
("r" sem-reject-editmark "reject")
("R" sem-reject-and-next-editmark "reject and next")
("C-r" sem-reject-all-editmarks "reject all")
("c" sem-clear-editmark "clear")
("C" sem-clear-and-next-editmark "clear and next")
("C-c" sem-clear-all-editmarks "clear all")
("d" sem-delete-editmark "delete")
("D" sem-delete-and-next-editmark "delete and next")
("C-d" sem-delete-all-editmarks "Delete all")
("l" sem-editmark-display "List all")
("n" sem-next-editmark "next")
("p" sem-previous-editmark "previous")
("4" sem-editmark-spellcheck-typo "spellcheck typo")
("q" sem-jump-to-editmark "Jump to editmark")
("v" sem-jump-to-visible-editmark "Jump to visible")
("g" sem-track-change-mode "toggle track changes"))
(defun sem-hydra ()
"Open the editmark hydras depending on context of point.
On an editmark open the action menu, otherwise the insert menu."
(if (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type)
The editmarks are primarily intended for use in org-mode, but it is sometimes nice to convert them to a PDF for visualization or sharing with others. This section makes this possible.
(defun sem-editmarks-to-org (&optional backend)
"Convert sem editmarks in an org-file to org syntax for BACKEND.
Inserts some headers at the top for todonotes and ulem, and the
LaTeX markup commands. This is not super robust, but works for
simple changes. There are issues with changes in citations,
tables, and other changes that cross org-element boundaries.
Note this function changes the buffer, so you may want to use it
in a copy of the buffer."
(goto-char (point-min))
(save-excursion (sem-next-editmark))
(eq 'latex backend))
(insert "
#+latex_header: \\usepackage[normalem]{ulem}
#+latex_header: \\usepackage{todonotes}
#+latex_header: \\usepackage[usenames, dvipsnames]{color}
(while (sem-next-editmark)
(let ((export-func (plist-get (cdr (assoc (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type) sem-editmarks)) :export)))
(if export-func
(funcall export-func backend)
(sem-export-default backend)))))
It is also helpful to see how the current document has changed from some reference state. Two useful reference states are:
- The version on disk since the buffer was last saved.
- The difference between two git commits (or HEAD and some past commit).
For this to work, you need a wdiff command. Here we set up the command with options for deletion and insertion marks.
(defcustom sem-wdiff-cmd
"wdiff -w \"{>-\" -x \"-<}\" -y \"{>+\" -z \"+<}\" "
"Command to run wdiff with.")
Say you have been editing along and want to see how the unsaved buffer differs from what is on the disk. This command will show the marked up diff in a new buffer.
(defun sem-wdiff-buffer-with-file ()
"Do a wdiff of the buffer with the last saved version.
For line-based diff use `diff-buffer-with-file'."
(let ((contents (buffer-string))
(tempf (make-temp-file "wdiff-"))
(fname (buffer-file-name)))
(with-temp-file tempf
(insert contents))
(switch-to-buffer "*wdiff-buffer*")
(format "%s %s %s"
(delete-file tempf)
(goto-char (point-min))
This is lightly tested. It should show changes from the current version to some version in a past git commit. Note if you have existing sem-editmarks in the old version, you might get confusing results.
(defun sem-wdiff-git (commit)
"Perform a wdiff between HEAD and a git commit.
An ivy selection is used to choose the commit.
If you choose one commit, the wdiff is between that commit and
the current version. Returns the buffer."
(list (let ((candidates (mapcar (lambda (s)
(let ((commit
(split-string s))))
(cons s
"git log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]\" --date=relative") "\n"))))
(cdr (assoc (ivy-read
"commit: "
(let* ((buf (get-buffer-create
(curbuf (current-buffer))
(mmode major-mode)
(git-root (vc-git-root
(vc-git-root (buffer-file-name))))
(cmd (format "%s <(git show %s:%s) %s"
commit fname
(switch-to-buffer-other-window buf)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
;; Try to keep same major mode
(funcall mmode)
;; get the wdiff. we do this in git-root so the paths are all correct.
(let ((default-directory git-root))
(insert (shell-command-to-string cmd)))
(goto-char (point-min))
;; save fname as buffer local variable to save back later.
(with-current-buffer buf
(make-local-variable '*sem-wdiff-git-source*)
(setq *sem-wdiff-git-source* curbuf))
The idea here is you can do accept/reject in the temporary buffer, and then save it back. If you mess up badly, just delete the temp buffer. This needs to be tested.
(defun sem-wdiff-save ()
"Save changes.
If there is an *org-wdiff-git* buffer, then we copy that content
to the buffer visiting `*cm-wdiff-git-source*'. You may use
*org-wdiff-git* to accept/reject changes, and then put it back to
where it came from. Otherwise we just save the buffer."
(if (get-buffer "*org-wdiff-git*")
(switch-to-buffer *sem-wdiff-git-source*)
(insert-buffer-substring "*org-wdiff-git*")
(kill-buffer "*org-wdiff-git*"))
One thing MS Word does really well is track changes. It turns out to be super tricky to do it well. We try to do it here.
This work is build off the `cm-follow-changes’ code in cm-mode.
The idea is we use before/after-change-functions to update the editmarks as we edit.
This code is not super sophisticated yet, and the editmarks will break org-mode syntax if you delete across boundaries of tables, blocks, headlines, etc. It is not clear how clever the code can get to avoid this.
(define-minor-mode sem-track-change-mode
"A minor mode for tracking changes."
:lighter " tc"
(if sem-track-change-mode
(add-to-list 'before-change-functions 'sem-before-change t)
(add-to-list 'after-change-functions 'sem-after-change)
(message "Track changes mode activated."))
(setq before-change-functions (delq 'sem-before-change before-change-functions))
(setq after-change-functions (delq 'sem-after-change after-change-functions))
(message "Track changes mode deactivated.")))
The insertions are pretty easy to handle, they are done in the before-change function. The gist of this function seems to be to move the point to the right place, and make sure we put anything around it we need, e.g. markers, then the insertion happens.
There are a surprising number of cases to handle.
- Inside an editmark content insertion should work as expected. (insert-content)
- On editmark open markers we should move inside the content for insertion. (insert-open)
- On an editmark close marker we should move inside (insert-close)
- At the end of an insert editmark, merge backwards. (insert-merge-back)
- At the front of an insert editmark, merge forward. (insert-merge-forward)
- In plain text, insert markers (insert-simple)
(defvar sem-current-deletion nil "The deleted text in track changes mode. The value is a list consisting of the text and a flag indicating whether the deletion was done with the backspace key.") (defun sem-before-change (beg end) "Function to execute before a buffer change. BEG and END are the beginning and the end of the region to be changed." (unless (or undo-in-progress (and (= beg (point-min)) (= end (point-max)))) ; this happens on buffer switches (if (= beg end) ; this means we are inserting. (let ((inhibit-modification-hooks t)) ;; An insertion. There are a bunch of corner cases to handle (cond ;; We are on an open marker. Move in. (ref:insert-open) ((eq (get-text-property (point) 'sem-marker) 'open) ;; Move to beginning of content (goto-char (car (sem-content-bounds)))) ;; On a close marker, move in and insert (ref:insert-close) ((eq (get-text-property (point) 'sem-marker) 'close) ;; Move to end of content (goto-char (cdr (sem-content-bounds)))) ;; One character after an insert, merge back (ref:insert-merge-back) ((and (not (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type)) (eq 'insert (get-text-property (- (point) 1) 'sem-type))) (backward-char (+ 1 (length (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'insert sem-editmarks)) :close-marker))))) ;; one character in front of an insert, merge in (ref:insert-merge-forward) ((and (not (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type)) (eq 'insert (get-text-property (+ (point) 1) 'sem-type))) (forward-char (+ 1 (length (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'insert sem-editmarks)) :open-marker))))) ;; in an editmark, no need to do anything, just insert like normal. (ref:insert-content) ((get-text-property (point) 'sem-content) nil) ;; The simplest is we are just inserting away from other editmarks. In this case, we just insert ;; the insertion markers and put point in the middle. (ref:insert-simple) ((not (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type)) (insert (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'insert sem-editmarks)) :open-marker)) (insert (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'insert sem-editmarks)) :close-marker)) (backward-char (length (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'insert sem-editmarks)) :close-marker)))) ;; what is the fall through case? Warning? do nothing? ;; These are insertions on other editmarks. (t (message "Inserting in an unhandled state. Are you sure this makes sense?")))) ;; Not an insertion, we have a deletion to handle. This is usually done in `sem-after-change'. (cond (t (setq sem-current-deletion (list (buffer-substring beg end) (= (point) end))))))))
For deletions, There are two categories I have observed:
- Deletions from C-d, kill (delete-1).
- These are characterized by (cl-second sem-current-deletion) being nil. There several cases to consider here too.
- If not on an editmark, insert a delete mark (delete-1-add-mark).
- If you are on content, just let it happen. (delete-1-content)
- On an open-marker, ignore this. (delete-1-open)
- On a close-marker, ignore this. (delete-1-close)
- These are characterized by (cl-second sem-current-deletion) being nil. There several cases to consider here too.
- Deletions from backspace (delete-2)
- These are characterized by (cl-second sem-current-deletion) not being nil.
- You are in an empty editmark, we should delete it. (delete-2-empty)
- Fresh delete, insert markers and put content in them. (delete-2-new)
- At the beginning of a delete, and deleting. Push deletion to front of content. (delete-2-front).
- At the beginning of a delete and end of another delete. Merge them. (delete-2-merge).
- At the beginning of a delete and end of another mark. Just move to the previous mark. (delete-2-end+mark).
- At the end of a delete, but not looking at another mark. Jump to the front. (delete-2-end-extend)
- These are characterized by (cl-second sem-current-deletion) not being nil.
(defun sem-after-change (beg end length)
"Function to execute after a buffer change.
This function marks deletions. See `sem-before-change' for details.
BEG and END mark the region to be changed, LENGTH is the length
of the affected text."
(unless (or undo-in-progress
(not sem-current-deletion))
(let ((inhibit-modification-hooks t))
;; deletion by C-d, kill, etc. (ref:delete-1)
((null (cl-second sem-current-deletion))
(message "C-d, kill, delete")
;; just mark for deletion
;; (ref:delete-1-add-mark)
((and (not (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type))
(not (get-text-property (- (point) 1) 'sem-type)))
(insert (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :open-marker))
(insert (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :close-marker)))
;; On content, just let deletions happen. Note we don't check
;; if open/close markers are present (ref:delete-1-content)
((get-text-property (point) 'sem-content)
;; We are on an open marker. ignore. (ref:delete-1-open)
((eq (get-text-property (point) 'sem-marker) 'open)
(insert (cl-first sem-current-deletion)))
;; On a close marker, ignore (ref:delete-1-close)
((eq (get-text-property (point) 'sem-marker) 'close)
(insert (cl-first sem-current-deletion)))
(message "Unhandled C-d/kill delete. did this make sense?"))))
;; backspace cases. (ref:delete-2)
;; empty editmark, we delete it. (ref:delete-2-empty)
((and (looking-at (regexp-opt (mapcar (lambda (em)
(plist-get (cdr em) :close-marker))
(looking-back (regexp-opt (mapcar (lambda (em)
(plist-get (cdr em) :open-marker))
(apply 'max (mapcar
(mapcar (lambda (em)
(plist-get (cdr em) :open-marker))
(re-search-forward (regexp-opt (mapcar (lambda (em)
(plist-get (cdr em) :close-marker))
(replace-match "")
(re-search-backward (regexp-opt (mapcar (lambda (em)
(plist-get (cdr em) :open-marker))
(replace-match ""))
;; Simplest case, in text away from editmarks (ref:delete-2-new)
((and (not (get-text-property (point) 'sem-type))
(not (get-text-property (+ (point) 1) 'sem-type)))
(insert (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :open-marker))
(insert (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :close-marker))
(backward-char (length (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks))
(insert (cl-first sem-current-deletion))
;; now go back to front of the mark.
(backward-char (length (cl-first sem-current-deletion)))
(backward-char (length (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks))
;; (ref:delete-2-front)
;; at the front of delete but not at the end of any other editmark
((and (looking-at (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :open-marker))
(not (string= "}" (cl-first sem-current-deletion))))
(forward-char (length (plist-get
(cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :open-marker)))
(insert (cl-first sem-current-deletion))
(backward-char (length (cl-first sem-current-deletion)))
(backward-char (length (plist-get
(cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :close-marker))))
;; between two delete edit marks, merge them and jump to the front
;; (ref:delete-2-merge)
((and (looking-at (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :open-marker))
(string= "}" (cl-first sem-current-deletion)))
(insert "}")
(if (not (looking-back (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :close-marker)
(length (plist-get
(cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :close-marker))))
;; this means it is some other kind of mark.
(re-search-backward (regexp-opt (mapcar (lambda (em)
(plist-get (cdr em) :open-marker))
(message "case 2 - merging delete")
(delete-char (length (plist-get
(cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :close-marker)))
(delete-char (* -1 (length (plist-get
(cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :open-marker))))
(re-search-backward (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :open-marker))))
;; At end of a mark, and beginning of delete. we should jump
;; to end of previous content? (ref:delete-2-end+mark)
((and (looking-at (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :open-marker))
(string= "}" (cl-first sem-current-deletion)))
(message "case 2 - front of delete and at end of a mark.")
(insert "}")
(if (not (looking-back (regexp-opt (mapcar (lambda (em)
(plist-get (cdr em) :close-marker))
(apply 'max (mapcar 'length
(lambda (em)
(plist-get (cdr em) :close-marker))
(delete-char -1)
;; put char back
(forward-char (length
(plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :open-marker)))
(insert (cl-first sem-current-deletion))
(backward-char (length (cl-first sem-current-deletion)))
(re-search-backward (regexp-opt (mapcar (lambda (em)
(plist-get (cdr em) :open-marker))
;; at the back-end of a delete but not looking at the front
;; of a delete, probably we should jump to the front to
;; extend. (ref:delete-2-end-extend)
((or (eq 'close (get-text-property (- (point) 1) 'sem-marker))
(eq 'open (get-text-property (- (point) 1) 'sem-marker)))
(message "case 2 - deleting mark")
(goto-char (car (sem-editmark-bounds))))
;; At front of some other mark
((looking-at (regexp-opt (mapcar (lambda (em)
(plist-get (cdr em) :open-marker))
(insert (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :open-marker))
(insert (cl-first sem-current-deletion))
(insert (plist-get (cdr (assoc 'delete sem-editmarks)) :close-marker))
(re-search-backward (regexp-opt (mapcar (lambda (em)
(plist-get (cdr em) :open-marker))
(message "after: why aren't you caught?>")))))))
(setq sem-current-deletion nil)
(save-excursion (font-lock-fontify-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))
While in track changes mode, we often need to modify the buffer without triggering the change functions. This macro simplifies that.
(defmacro sem-without-following-changes (&rest body)
"Execute BODY without following changes."
(declare (indent defun))
`(let ((inhibit-modification-hooks t))
(provide 'scimax-editmarks)
;;; scimax-editmarks.el ends here