This is a Postman collection for the AWS Internet of Things API.
- Delete Account Audit Configuration (Docs)
- Describe Account Audit Configuration (Docs)
- Update Account Audit Configuration (Docs)
- List Active Violations (Docs)
- List Attached Policies (Docs)
- Describe Audit Finding (Docs)
- List Audit Mitigation Actions Executions (Docs)
- Cancel Audit Mitigation Actions Task (Docs)
- Describe Audit Mitigation Actions Task (Docs)
- Start Audit Mitigation Actions Task (Docs)
- Test Authorization (Docs)
- Create Authorizer (Docs)
- Delete Authorizer (Docs)
- Describe Authorizer (Docs)
- Update Authorizer (Docs)
- Create Billing Group (Docs)
- Delete Billing Group (Docs)
- Describe Billing Group (Docs)
- Update Billing Group (Docs)
- Delete C A Certificate (Docs)
- Describe C A Certificate (Docs)
- Register C A Certificate (Docs)
- Update C A Certificate (Docs)
- Get Cardinality (Docs)
- Delete Certificate (Docs)
- Describe Certificate (Docs)
- Register Certificate (Docs)
- Transfer Certificate (Docs)
- Update Certificate (Docs)
- Create Certificate From Csr (Docs)
- Accept Certificate Transfer (Docs)
- Cancel Certificate Transfer (Docs)
- Reject Certificate Transfer (Docs)
- List Certificates By C A (Docs)
- Set Default Policy Version (Docs)
- Create Dynamic Thing Group (Docs)
- Delete Dynamic Thing Group (Docs)
- Update Dynamic Thing Group (Docs)
- Get Effective Policies (Docs)
- Describe Endpoint (Docs)
- List Indices (Docs)
- Test Invoke Authorizer (Docs)
- Get Job Document (Docs)
- List Job Executions For Job (Docs)
- List Job Executions For Thing (Docs)
- Create Keys And Certificate (Docs)
- Create Mitigation Action (Docs)
- Delete Mitigation Action (Docs)
- Describe Mitigation Action (Docs)
- Update Mitigation Action (Docs)
- Start On Demand Audit Task (Docs)
- List Outgoing Certificates (Docs)
- Get Percentiles (Docs)
- List Policies (Docs)
- Attach Policy (Docs)
- Create Policy (Docs)
- Delete Policy (Docs)
- Detach Policy (Docs)
- Get Policy (Docs)
- List Policy Principals (Docs)
- List Principal Policies (Docs)
- List Principal Things (Docs)
- Create Role Alias (Docs)
- Delete Role Alias (Docs)
- Describe Role Alias (Docs)
- Update Role Alias (Docs)
- List Role Aliases (Docs)
- Create Scheduled Audit (Docs)
- Delete Scheduled Audit (Docs)
- Describe Scheduled Audit (Docs)
- Update Scheduled Audit (Docs)
- Attach Security Profile (Docs)
- Create Security Profile (Docs)
- Delete Security Profile (Docs)
- Describe Security Profile (Docs)
- Detach Security Profile (Docs)
- Update Security Profile (Docs)
- Validate Security Profile Behaviors (Docs)
- List Security Profiles For Target (Docs)
- Get Statistics (Docs)
- List Tags For Resource (Docs)
- List Targets For Policy (Docs)
- List Targets For Security Profile (Docs)
- Associate Targets With Job (Docs)
- Create Thing (Docs)
- Delete Thing (Docs)
- Describe Thing (Docs)
- Register Thing (Docs)
- Update Thing (Docs)
- Remove Thing From Billing Group (Docs)
- Remove Thing From Thing Group (Docs)
- Create Thing Group (Docs)
- Delete Thing Group (Docs)
- Describe Thing Group (Docs)
- Update Thing Group (Docs)
- Describe Thing Registration Task (Docs)
- Start Thing Registration Task (Docs)
- Stop Thing Registration Task (Docs)
- List Thing Registration Task Reports (Docs)
- Add Thing To Billing Group (Docs)
- Add Thing To Thing Group (Docs)
- Create Thing Type (Docs)
- Delete Thing Type (Docs)
- Deprecate Thing Type (Docs)
- Describe Thing Type (Docs)
- List Things In Billing Group (Docs)
- List Things In Thing Group (Docs)
- Create Topic Rule (Docs)
- Delete Topic Rule (Docs)
- Disable Topic Rule (Docs)
- Enable Topic Rule (Docs)
- Get Topic Rule (Docs)
- Replace Topic Rule (Docs)
- Confirm Topic Rule Destination (Docs)
- Create Topic Rule Destination (Docs)
- Delete Topic Rule Destination (Docs)
- Get Topic Rule Destination (Docs)
- Update Topic Rule Destination (Docs)
- List Violation Events (Docs)