diff --git a/src/data/air_composition.F90 b/src/data/air_composition.F90
index f202ae97..d69685a9 100644
--- a/src/data/air_composition.F90
+++ b/src/data/air_composition.F90
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module air_composition
use runtime_obj, only: unset_real, unset_int
use phys_vars_init_check, only: std_name_len
use physics_types, only: cpairv, rairv, cappav, mbarv, zvirv
+ use physics_types, only: cp_or_cv_dycore
implicit none
@@ -514,12 +515,16 @@ end subroutine air_composition_init
- subroutine air_composition_update(mmr, ncol, to_moist_factor)
+ subroutine air_composition_update(mmr, ncol, vcoord, to_moist_factor)
+ use dyn_tests_utils, only: vc_height, vc_moist_pressure, vc_dry_pressure
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: mmr(:,:,:) ! constituents array
integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of columns
+ integer, intent(in) :: vcoord ! vertical coordinate specifier for dycore
real(kind_phys), optional, intent(in) :: to_moist_factor(:,:)
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'air_composition_update'
call get_R_dry(mmr(:ncol, :, :), thermodynamic_active_species_idx, &
rairv(:ncol, :), fact=to_moist_factor)
call get_cp_dry(mmr(:ncol,:,:), thermodynamic_active_species_idx, &
@@ -529,6 +534,30 @@ subroutine air_composition_update(mmr, ncol, to_moist_factor)
cappav(:ncol,:) = rairv(:ncol,:) / cpairv(:ncol,:)
+ ! update enthalpy or internal energy scaling factor for energy consistency with CAM physics
+ ! FIXME hplin 9/5/24: why is air_composition_update in CAM-SIMA to_moist_factor
+ ! whereas water_composition_update in CAM to_dry_factor.
+ ! get_cp_dry implementation appears to be the same?, but
+ ! get_cp implementation appears to take an 1/factor.
+ ! Nothing in CAM-SIMA passes to_moist_factor to cam_thermo_update for now, so it is not possible
+ ! to know which is correct. In CAM, physpkg.F90 calls cam_thermo_water_update with to_dry_factor=pdel/pdeldry.
+ if (vcoord == vc_moist_pressure) then
+ ! FV: moist pressure vertical coordinate does not need update.
+ else if (vcoord == vc_dry_pressure) then
+ ! SE
+ call get_cp(mmr(:ncol,:,:), .false., cp_or_cv_dycore(:ncol,:), &
+ dp_dry=to_moist_factor, active_species_idx_dycore=thermodynamic_active_species_idx)
+ else if (vcoord == vc_height) then
+ ! MPAS
+ ! Note hplin 9/5/24: the below code is "unused and untested" and reproduced verbatim (together with this warning)
+ ! from CAM air_composition.F90
+ call get_R(mmr(:ncol,:,:), thermodynamic_active_species_idx, cp_or_cv_dycore(:ncol,:), &
+ fact=to_moist_factor, R_dry=rairv(:ncol,:))
+ cp_or_cv_dycore(:ncol,:) = cp_or_cv_dycore(:ncol,:) * (cpairv(:ncol,:) - rairv(:ncol,:)) / rairv(:ncol,:)
+ else
+ call endrun(subname//': dycore vcoord not supported')
+ end if
end subroutine air_composition_update
diff --git a/src/data/cam_thermo.F90 b/src/data/cam_thermo.F90
index 59dd1c83..233f92c7 100644
--- a/src/data/cam_thermo.F90
+++ b/src/data/cam_thermo.F90
@@ -1554,20 +1554,23 @@ end subroutine cam_thermo_calc_kappav_2hd
- subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
- vcoord, ps, phis, z_mid, dycore_idx, qidx, te, se, ke, &
- wv, H2O, liq, ice)
+ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, moist_mixing_ratio, pdel_in, &
+ cp_or_cv, U, V, T, vcoord, ptop, phis, z_mid, dycore_idx, qidx, &
+ te, se, po, ke, wv, H2O, liq, ice)
use cam_logfile, only: iulog
use dyn_tests_utils, only: vc_height, vc_moist_pressure, vc_dry_pressure
use air_composition, only: wv_idx
- use physconst, only: gravit, latvap, latice
+ use physconst, only: rga, latvap, latice
! Dummy arguments
! tracer: tracer mixing ratio
+ !
+ ! note - if pdeldry passed to subroutine then tracer mixing ratio must be dry
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: tracer(:,:,:)
+ logical, intent(in) :: moist_mixing_ratio
! pdel: pressure level thickness
- real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: pdel(:,:)
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: pdel_in(:,:)
! cp_or_cv: dry air heat capacity under constant pressure or
! constant volume (depends on vcoord)
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: cp_or_cv(:,:)
@@ -1575,7 +1578,7 @@ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: V(:,:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: T(:,:)
integer, intent(in) :: vcoord ! vertical coordinate
- real(kind_phys), intent(in), optional :: ps(:)
+ real(kind_phys), intent(in), optional :: ptop(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in), optional :: phis(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(in), optional :: z_mid(:,:)
! dycore_idx: use dycore index for thermodynamic active species
@@ -1588,8 +1591,12 @@ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
real(kind_phys), intent(out), optional :: te (:)
! KE: vertically integrated kinetic energy
real(kind_phys), intent(out), optional :: ke (:)
- ! SE: vertically integrated internal+geopotential energy
+ ! SE: vertically integrated enthalpy (pressure coordinate)
+ ! or internal energy (z coordinate)
real(kind_phys), intent(out), optional :: se (:)
+ ! PO: vertically integrated PHIS term (pressure coordinate)
+ ! or potential energy (z coordinate)
+ real(kind_phys), intent(out), optional :: po (:)
! WV: vertically integrated water vapor
real(kind_phys), intent(out), optional :: wv (:)
! liq: vertically integrated liquid
@@ -1599,10 +1606,12 @@ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
! Local variables
real(kind_phys) :: ke_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of KE
- real(kind_phys) :: se_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of SE
+ real(kind_phys) :: se_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of enthalpy or internal energy
+ real(kind_phys) :: po_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of PHIS or potential energy
real(kind_phys) :: wv_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of wv
real(kind_phys) :: liq_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of liq
real(kind_phys) :: ice_vint(SIZE(tracer, 1)) ! Vertical integral of ice
+ real(kind_phys) :: pdel(SIZE(tracer, 1),SIZE(tracer, 2)) ! moist pressure level thickness
real(kind_phys) :: latsub ! latent heat of sublimation
integer :: ierr
@@ -1649,51 +1658,56 @@ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
wvidx = wv_idx
end if
+ if (moist_mixing_ratio) then
+ pdel = pdel_in
+ else
+ pdel = pdel_in
+ do qdx = dry_air_species_num+1, thermodynamic_active_species_num
+ pdel(:,:) = pdel(:,:) + pdel_in(:, :)*tracer(:,:,species_idx(qdx))
+ end do
+ end if
+ ke_vint = 0._kind_phys
+ se_vint = 0._kind_phys
select case (vcoord)
case(vc_moist_pressure, vc_dry_pressure)
- if ((.not. present(ps)) .or. (.not. present(phis))) then
- write(iulog, *) subname, ' ps and phis must be present for ', &
+ if (.not. present(ptop).or. (.not. present(phis))) then
+ write(iulog, *) subname, ' ptop and phis must be present for ', &
'moist/dry pressure vertical coordinate'
- call endrun(subname//': ps and phis must be present for '// &
+ call endrun(subname//': ptop and phis must be present for '// &
'moist/dry pressure vertical coordinate')
end if
- ke_vint = 0._kind_phys
- se_vint = 0._kind_phys
- wv_vint = 0._kind_phys
+ po_vint = ptop
do kdx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 2)
do idx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 1)
ke_vint(idx) = ke_vint(idx) + (pdel(idx, kdx) * &
- 0.5_kind_phys * (U(idx, kdx)**2 + V(idx, kdx)**2) / gravit)
+ 0.5_kind_phys * (U(idx, kdx)**2 + V(idx, kdx)**2)) * rga
se_vint(idx) = se_vint(idx) + (T(idx, kdx) * &
- cp_or_cv(idx, kdx) * pdel(idx, kdx) / gravit)
- wv_vint(idx) = wv_vint(idx) + (tracer(idx, kdx, wvidx) * &
- pdel(idx, kdx) / gravit)
+ cp_or_cv(idx, kdx) * pdel(idx, kdx) * rga)
+ po_vint(idx) = po_vint(idx)+pdel(idx, kdx)
end do
end do
do idx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 1)
- se_vint(idx) = se_vint(idx) + (phis(idx) * ps(idx) / gravit)
+ po_vint(idx) = (phis(idx) * po_vint(idx) * rga)
end do
- if (.not. present(z_mid)) then
- write(iulog, *) subname, &
- ' z_mid must be present for height vertical coordinate'
- call endrun(subname//': z_mid must be present for height '// &
- 'vertical coordinate')
+ if (.not. present(phis)) then
+ write(iulog, *) subname, ' phis must be present for ', &
+ 'heigt-based vertical coordinate'
+ call endrun(subname//': phis must be present for '// &
+ 'height-based vertical coordinate')
end if
- ke_vint = 0._kind_phys
- se_vint = 0._kind_phys
- wv_vint = 0._kind_phys
+ po_vint = 0._kind_phys
do kdx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 2)
do idx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 1)
ke_vint(idx) = ke_vint(idx) + (pdel(idx, kdx) * &
- 0.5_kind_phys * (U(idx, kdx)**2 + V(idx, kdx)**2) / gravit)
+ 0.5_kind_phys * (U(idx, kdx)**2 + V(idx, kdx)**2) * rga)
se_vint(idx) = se_vint(idx) + (T(idx, kdx) * &
- cp_or_cv(idx, kdx) * pdel(idx, kdx) / gravit)
+ cp_or_cv(idx, kdx) * pdel(idx, kdx) * rga)
! z_mid is height above ground
- se_vint(idx) = se_vint(idx) + (z_mid(idx, kdx) + &
- phis(idx) / gravit) * pdel(idx, kdx)
- wv_vint(idx) = wv_vint(idx) + (tracer(idx, kdx, wvidx) * &
- pdel(idx, kdx) / gravit)
+ po_vint(idx) = po_vint(idx) + (z_mid(idx, kdx) + &
+ phis(idx) * rga) * pdel(idx, kdx)
end do
end do
case default
@@ -1701,26 +1715,39 @@ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
call endrun(subname//': vertical coordinate not supported')
end select
if (present(te)) then
- te = se_vint + ke_vint
+ te = se_vint + po_vint + ke_vint
end if
if (present(se)) then
se = se_vint
end if
+ if (present(po)) then
+ po = po_vint
+ end if
if (present(ke)) then
ke = ke_vint
end if
- if (present(wv)) then
- wv = wv_vint
- end if
! vertical integral of total liquid water
+ if (.not.moist_mixing_ratio) then
+ pdel = pdel_in! set pseudo density to dry
+ end if
+ wv_vint = 0._kind_phys
+ do kdx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 2)
+ do idx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 1)
+ wv_vint(idx) = wv_vint(idx) + (tracer(idx, kdx, wvidx) * &
+ pdel(idx, kdx) * rga)
+ end do
+ end do
+ if (present(wv)) wv = wv_vint
liq_vint = 0._kind_phys
do qdx = 1, thermodynamic_active_species_liq_num
do kdx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 2)
do idx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 1)
- liq_vint(idx) = liq_vint(idx) + (pdel(idx, kdx) * &
- tracer(idx, kdx, species_liq_idx(qdx)) / gravit)
+ liq_vint(idx) = liq_vint(idx) + (pdel(idx, kdx) * &
+ tracer(idx, kdx, species_liq_idx(qdx)) * rga)
end do
end do
end do
@@ -1734,7 +1761,7 @@ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
do kdx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 2)
do idx = 1, SIZE(tracer, 1)
ice_vint(idx) = ice_vint(idx) + (pdel(idx, kdx) * &
- tracer(idx, kdx, species_ice_idx(qdx)) / gravit)
+ tracer(idx, kdx, species_ice_idx(qdx)) * rga)
end do
end do
end do
@@ -1762,7 +1789,6 @@ subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd(tracer, pdel, cp_or_cv, U, V, T, &
end select
end if
deallocate(species_idx, species_liq_idx, species_ice_idx)
end subroutine get_hydrostatic_energy_1hd
diff --git a/src/data/physconst.F90 b/src/data/physconst.F90
index 8a528342..774b8f3d 100644
--- a/src/data/physconst.F90
+++ b/src/data/physconst.F90
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ subroutine physconst_readnl(nlfile)
use mpi, only: mpi_real8
use cam_logfile, only: iulog
use runtime_obj, only: unset_real
+ use dyn_tests_utils, only: vc_physics, vc_moist_pressure
! Dummy argument: filepath for file containing namelist input
character(len=*), intent(in) :: nlfile
@@ -287,6 +288,9 @@ subroutine physconst_readnl(nlfile)
ez = omega / sqrt(0.375_kind_phys)
+ ! set physics vertical coordinate info
+ vc_physics = vc_moist_pressure
end subroutine physconst_readnl
end module physconst
diff --git a/src/data/registry.xml b/src/data/registry.xml
index 41b31416..5ae88e03 100644
--- a/src/data/registry.xml
+++ b/src/data/registry.xml
@@ -415,6 +415,13 @@
horizontal_dimension vertical_layer_dimension
+ Enthalpy or internal energy scaling factor for energy consistency
+ horizontal_dimension vertical_layer_dimension
\section arg_table_dyn_tests_utils Argument Table
+!! \htmlinclude dyn_tests_utils.html
+ integer :: vc_dycore ! vertical coordinate of dynamical core - set in dyn_comp.F90
+ integer :: vc_physics ! vertical coordinate of physics - set in physconst.F90
+ public :: vc_dycore, vc_physics
end module dyn_tests_utils
diff --git a/src/dynamics/tests/dyn_tests_utils.meta b/src/dynamics/tests/dyn_tests_utils.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91f30f6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dynamics/tests/dyn_tests_utils.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ name = dyn_tests_utils
+ type = module
+ name = dyn_tests_utils
+ type = module
+[ vc_dycore ]
+ standard_name = vertical_coordinate_for_dynamical_core?
+ units = none
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+[ vc_physics ]
+ standard_name = vertical_coordinate_for_physics?
+ units = none
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()