- package: allow any "nan" v2
- package: looser "bindings" version
- package: upgrade to nan v2 (#77, @santigimeno)
- package: update "nan" to ~1.8.0 (#72, @imyller)
- package: allow any "debug" v2
- package: update "nan" to v1.7.0
- travis: test v0.12, don't test v0.6 and v0.11
- test: fix failing test (#67, @hmalphettes)
- package: upgrade to the latest "nan" (#66, @hmalphettes)
- README: use svg for Travis badge
- package: add "license" field
- travis: don't test node v0. and, v0.9, do test v0.6
- update "nan" to v1.1.2 API, and pin all the deps
- package: remove "engines" field
- package: update "description"
- fix timezone formatting in toTimeString() (#56, @benbria)
- remove wscript file
- remove Makefile
- package: remove "should" from devDependencies
- test: remove "should" usage from tests