- If the existing tests do not already cover your changes, please add tests.
To build the plugin sources, please follow these steps:
- Clone the code from git.
- Download the JFrog CLI executable for Windows and place it under $PROJECT_LOCATION\JFrogVSExtension\Resources.
- Open Visual Studio.
- Open Tools --> Get Tools and Features
- Select the workloads tab and scroll to the bottom for the Other Toolsets section. Install Visual Studio extension development. Read more about Visual Studio SDK here.
- Once the installation is completed, re-open Visual Studio.
- Click on File --> Open --> Project/Solution and navigate to the project root dir and select the sln file.
- To build the project, click on Build tab --> Build Solution. The VSIX file will be created in the following location: $PROJECT_LOCATION\bin\Release\JFrog.VSExtension.vsix
- If the build fails, please refer to the Troublshooting Issues section.
- If you'd like to help us develop and enhance the extension, this step is for you. To build and run the plugin following your code changes, click on Debug --> Start Debugging.
After build has finished successfuly, you can run the tests using:
- Visual Studio Test Explorer - click on Test -> Run All Tests.
- Command line interface - navigate to the tests folder /UnitTestJfrogVSExtension/bin/{Release/Debug} and then run the following command:
dotnet test .\UnitTestJfrogVSExtension.dll
When openning the project in Visual Studio for the first time, the following error may appear : "Fody.WeavingTask" task was not given a value for the required parameter "SolutionDir".
To fix this,close the solution and open it again. More information can be found here