The following example discusses the implementation of the standard Neo-Hookean material model to show the usage of the tensor toolbox in LS-DYNA. The material model describes hyperelasticity and is formulated in the spatial (Eulerian) configuration for 3D and axisymmetric computations (@todo not yet adapted for 2D). Be aware that in LS-Dyna umat (stress and history update) and utan (tangent) are split up, as noted in the section "User-defined tangent routine "utan"".
In LS-DYNA we first have to set the option "IHYPER=1" in the material card keyword (e.g. *MAT_USER_DEFINED_MATERIAL_MODELS) to be able to access the deformation gradient (see section "Example material card"). The latter is then stored on top of the defined number of history variables. So, in case we don't require any history variables for our material model (NHV=0), as for this hyperelastic model, the deformation gradient is stored in the initial "hsv" entries 1 to 9 columnwise. As a consquence, we can extract it via the function
type(Tensor2) :: defoGrad_F
defoGrad_F = defoGrad(hsv(1:9))
which takes the list entries 1 to 9 and stores them into the second order tensor defoGrad_F
The Cauchy stress tensor for the Neo-Hookean material can be computed from
The Eulerian tangent modulus is computed as
- Jacobian, determinant of the deformation gradient
- First and second Lame parameters
- Second order unit/identity tensor
- Fourth order unit/identity tensor
In LS-Dyna we can expand the existing file dyn21umats.F
(under Windows). At the beginning of the Fortran file include the tensor toolbox.
include 'ttb/ttb_library.f'
Then scroll down to an unused user-defined material, for instance umat43, reading
subroutine umat43 (cm,eps,sig,epsp,hsv,dt1,capa,etype,tt,
1 temper,failel,crv,nnpcrv,cma,qmat,elsiz,idele,reject)
Firstly, we have to declare the usage of the tensor module and the LS-DYNA extension.
c Use the tensor toolbox
use Tensor
use TensorXLSDYNA
Next, the standard LS-Dyna declarations follow and don't need to be altered.
c Standard LS-Dyna declarations
include 'nlqparm'
include ''
include ''
real(kind=8), dimension(*) :: cm, eps, sig, hsv
dimension crv(lq1,2,*),cma(*),qmat(3,3)
logical failel,reject
integer nnpcrv(*)
character*5 etype
INTEGER8 idele
Now we declare our variables.
c declaration
! Deformation gradient (unsymmetric second order tensor)
type(Tensor2) :: defoGrad_F
! Jacobian, determinant of the deformation gradient
double precision :: det_F
! Cauchy stress tensor; unit tensor
type(Tensor2) :: cauchyStress_sig, Eye
! material parameters
double precision YoungsMod_E, Poisson_nu, lame_lambda, shearMod_mu
Extract the material parameters from the 'cm'-array
YoungsMod_E = cm(1)
Poisson_nu = cm(2)
Compute the Lame parameters lambda and mu (or G)
lame_lambda = YoungsMod_E * Poisson_nu
& / ( (1.+Poisson_nu)*(1.-2.*Poisson_nu) )
shearMod_mu = .5 * YoungsMod_E / (1.+Poisson_nu)
Get the unit tensor via the tensor toolbox
Eye = identity2(Eye)
Extract the deformation gradient from the history 'hsv' and transform it into the unsymmetric second order tensor as described above via the function 'defoGrad(*)' from the module TensorXLSDYNA
defoGrad_F = defoGrad( hsv(1:9) )
Compute the Jacobian as the determinant of the deformation gradient
det_F = det(defoGrad_F)
Compute the Cauchy stress for the Neo-Hookean material
cauchyStress_sig = 1./det_F * (
& shearMod_mu * ( (defoGrad_F * transpose(defoGrad_F)) - Eye )
& + lame_lambda * log(det_F) * Eye )
Transform the stress tensor into the 'sig' array
sig(1:6) = asarray(voigt(cauchyStress_sig),6)
subroutine umat43 (cm,eps,sig,epsp,hsv,dt1,capa,etype,tt,
1 temper,failel,crv,nnpcrv,cma,qmat,elsiz,idele,reject)
use Tensor
use TensorXLSDYNA
include 'nlqparm'
include ''
include ''
real(kind=8), dimension(*) :: cm, eps, sig, hsv
dimension crv(lq1,2,*),cma(*),qmat(3,3)
logical failel,reject
integer nnpcrv(*)
character*5 etype
INTEGER8 idele
type(Tensor2) :: defoGrad_F
double precision :: det_F
type(Tensor2) :: cauchyStress_sig, Eye
double precision YoungsMod_E, Poisson_nu, lame_lambda, shearMod_mu
YoungsMod_E = cm(1)
Poisson_nu = cm(2)
lame_lambda = YoungsMod_E * Poisson_nu
& / ( (1.+Poisson_nu)*(1.-2.*Poisson_nu) )
shearMod_mu = .5 * YoungsMod_E / (1.+Poisson_nu)
Eye = identity2(Eye)
defoGrad_F = defoGrad( hsv(1:9) )
det_F = det(defoGrad_F)
cauchyStress_sig = 1./det_F * (
& shearMod_mu * ( (defoGrad_F * transpose(defoGrad_F)) - Eye )
& + lame_lambda * log(det_F) * Eye )
sig(1:6) = asarray(voigt(cauchyStress_sig),6)
In LS-Dyna the computation of the material (stress and history update) and the tangent are split up into two separate subroutines. The tangent is implemented in the file dyn21utan.F
into the subroutines utanXX
, where the material id XX
has to correspond to the id of the umatXX
subroutine it belongs to.
We have already included the necessary files in the dyn21umats.F
file, so for the tangent we can directly scroll down to the subroutine utan43
subroutine utan43(cm,eps,sig,epsp,hsv,dt1,unsym,capa,etype,tt,
1 temper,es,crv,nnpcrv,failel,cma,qmat)
We again load the modules
c Use the tensor toolbox
use Tensor
use TensorXLSDYNA
Use the standard LS-Dyna declarations
c Standard LS-Dyna declarations
include 'nlqparm'
real(kind=8), dimension (*) :: cm, eps, sig, hsv
dimension crv(lq1,2,*),cma(*)
integer nnpcrv(*)
dimension es(6,*),qmat(3,3)
logical failel,unsym
character*5 etype
Declare our variables now also containing the fourth order tensor tangent_E
for our tangent modulus.
! Deformation gradient (unsymmetric second order tensor)
type(Tensor2) :: defoGrad_F
! Jacobian, determinant of the deformation gradient
double precision :: det_F
! unit tensor
type(Tensor2) :: Eye
! Fourth order Eulerian tangent modulus
type(Tensor4) :: tangent_E
! material parameters
double precision YoungsMod_E, Poisson_nu, lame_lambda, shearMod_mu
As in the umat subroutine:
c Extract the material parameters from the 'cm'-array
YoungsMod_E = cm(1)
Poisson_nu = cm(2)
c Compute the Lame parameters lambda and mu (or G)
lame_lambda = YoungsMod_E * Poisson_nu
& / ((1.+Poisson_nu)*(1.-2.*Poisson_nu))
shearMod_mu = .5*YoungsMod_E / (1.+Poisson_nu)
c Get the unit tensor via the tensor toolbox
Eye = identity2(Eye)
c Extract the deformation gradient from the history 'hsv'
defoGrad_F = defoGrad( hsv(1:9) )
c Compute the Jacobian as the determinant of the deformation gradient
det_F = det(defoGrad_F)
In order to finally compute the Eulerian tangent for the Neo-Hookean material
tangent_E = 1./det_F * (
& lame_lambda * (Eye.dya.Eye) ! Be aware of the required parentheses,
! Else error "An arithmetic or LOGICAL type is required in this context."
& + ( 2. * ( shearMod_mu - lame_lambda * log(det_F) )
& * identity4(Eye) )
& )
Eventually, we pack the fourth order tensor into the 6x6 matrix es
es(1:6,1:6) = asarray(voigt(tangent_E),6,6)
and end the subroutine.
subroutine utan43(cm,eps,sig,epsp,hsv,dt1,unsym,capa,etype,tt,
1 temper,es,crv,nnpcrv,failel,cma,qmat)
use Tensor
use TensorXLSDYNA
include 'nlqparm'
real(kind=8), dimension (*) :: cm, eps, sig, hsv
dimension crv(lq1,2,*),cma(*)
integer nnpcrv(*)
dimension es(6,*),qmat(3,3)
logical failel,unsym
character*5 etype
type(Tensor2) :: defoGrad_F
double precision :: det_F
type(Tensor2) :: Eye
type(Tensor4) :: tangent_E
double precision YoungsMod_E, Poisson_nu, lame_lambda, shearMod_mu
YoungsMod_E = cm(1)
Poisson_nu = cm(2)
lame_lambda = YoungsMod_E * Poisson_nu
& / ((1.+Poisson_nu)*(1.-2.*Poisson_nu))
shearMod_mu = .5*YoungsMod_E / (1.+Poisson_nu)
Eye = identity2(Eye)
defoGrad_F = defoGrad( hsv(1:9) )
det_F = det(defoGrad_F)
tangent_E = 1./det_F * (
& lame_lambda * (Eye.dya.Eye)
& + ( 2. * ( shearMod_mu - lame_lambda * log(det_F) )
& * identity4(Eye) )
& )
es(1:6,1:6) = asarray(voigt(tangent_E),6,6)
The material id in the option "MT" must equal the id in umatXX
and utanXX
. The value of "NHV" sets the number of used history variables, here none are used in the material model. The option "IHYPER=1" stores the deformation gradient in the history "hsv" on top of the defined "NHV". The parameters "P1" and "P2" contain the Young's modulus in "cm(1)" and the Poisson ratio in "cm(2)", respectively.