function output=baymag_predict(age,mg,omega,salinity,pH,clean,species,pstd,varargin) % function output=baymag_predict(age,mg,omega,salinity,pH,clean,species,pstd,varargin) % % BAYMAG inverse model to predict SSTs from given MgCa, salinity, omega, pH, % cleaning method, and species group. % This code uses STAN: for MCMC inference % STAN is accessed through the Matlab wrapper MatlabStan, available here: % % You need to install STAN and MatlabStan on your system before using this code. % % ----- Inputs ----- % age = scalar or N x 1 vector of ages. Needs to be Ma for seawater % correction! otherwise units don't matter. % mg = scalar or N x 1 vector of MgCa values % omega = scalar or N x 1 vector of bottom water saturation state % salinity = scalar or N x 1 vector of salinity (psu) % pH = scalar or N x 1 vector of pH (total scale). If you are using a % species not sensitive to pH you can enter a dummy value. % clean = scalar to describe cleaning technique: % 1 = reductive % 0 = oxidative % values between 0 and 1 are allowed and will be treated as a mix of % cleaning methods. % species = string of target species. seven options: % 'ruber' = Globigerinoides ruber, white or pink % 'bulloides' = Globigerina bulloides % 'sacculifer' = Globigerinoides sacculifer % 'pachy' = Neogloboquadrina pachyderma % 'incompta' = Neogloboquadrina incompta % 'all' = pooled calibration, annual SST % 'all_sea' = pooled calibration, seasonal SST % pstd = prior standard deviation in degree C. Suggested values: 5-10C. % varargin = optional arguments % 1: a scalar to choose whether to account for changes in mgca of seawater. % For this to work properly your ages need to be in units of *millions of years* % (Ma)! If this is not entered then no seawater correction is applied. % 0 = do not include a sw term % 1 = include a sw term - original values from the 2019 paper % 2 = include a sw term - v2 values incl Na/Ca (Rosenthal et al 2022) % 2: a value for H, the non-linear power component of the Mg/Casw to % Mg/Caforam relationship, to use in the seawater correction. Default is 1 % (no non-linearity). % 3: input different bayesian parameters. Should be a string array of size % 3 x 1, with each column containing the parameters filename. % % ----- Notes ----- % 1) prior mean is set automatically using the Anand03 relationship. % 2) No NaNs allowed! % 3) incompta and pachy data are calibrated with the pooled pachy/incompta % regression. % 4) Known bug - the stan code wants at least two values for Mg/Ca. % This has to do with how stan treats scalars vs vectors. So if you only % want to calibrate a single value of Mg/Ca, please input a second dummy % value. % % ----- Output ----- % output: a structure containing the following: % rhat = N x 1 convergence statistic. Should be close to 1. % neff_ratio = N x 1 ratio of effective sample size to total sample size. % Should be above 0.1. % SST = 2.5%, 50%, and 97.5% levels of predictions % ens = N x 2000 ensemble of predicted SSTs % % ----- Dependencies ----- % 1) pooled_model_params.mat, pooled_sea_model_params.mat, % species_model_params.mat: .mat files with default Bayesian parameters % 2) mgsw_iters.mat: .mat file with Gaussian smoothed estimates of Mg/Ca of % seawater through time. % 3) mgpred_sw.stan and mgpred.stan: stan code to run the models. % 4) MatlabStan package (see note above) % 5) mcstan (see note above) % 6) ChainConvergence.m: code to calculate Rhat and Neff % % function created by Dr. Jessica Tierney, The University of Arizona (2019) %% deal with optional arguments ng=nargin; if ng==11 sw=varargin{1}; H=varargin{2}; bayes=varargin{3}; elseif ng==10 sw=varargin{1}; H=varargin{2}; bayes=["pooled_model_params.mat";"pooled_sea_model_params.mat";"species_model_params.mat"]; elseif ng==9 sw=varargin{1}; H=1; bayes=["pooled_model_params.mat";"pooled_sea_model_params.mat";"species_model_params.mat"]; elseif ng==8 sw=0; H=1; bayes=["pooled_model_params.mat";"pooled_sea_model_params.mat";"species_model_params.mat"]; else error('You entered too many or too few arguments'); end %% locate where the model (.stan) files are path_ind=which('baymag_predict'); path_ind=path_ind(1:end-16); %% prepare data and parameters %ensure everything is column vectors. age=age(:); mg=mg(:); salinity=salinity(:); omega=omega(:); pH=pH(:); clean=clean(:); species_list = {'ruber','bulloides','sacculifer','pachy','incompta','all','all_sea'}; species_list_model = {'ruber','bulloides','sacculifer','pachy'}; %check that you have an allowable species if ~ismember(species,species_list) error('Species not recognized'); end %check for incompta. Change to pachy but retain for nearestgrid function. if ismember(species,{'incompta'}) species2='incompta'; species='pachy'; else species2=species; end id = (1:1:4); %define dimensions Nobs=length(mg); %transform variables and vectorize omega=(omega.^-2).*ones(Nobs,1); clean=clean.*ones(Nobs,1); salinity=salinity.*ones(Nobs,1); pH=pH.*ones(Nobs,1); %check for NaNs dats=[age mg omega clean salinity pH]; if sum(isnan(dats(:)))>0 error('You got NaNs! Get rid of yer NaNs') end %load appropriate model if strcmp(species,'all') params = load(bayes(1)); id = 1; elseif strcmp(species,'all_sea') params = load(bayes(2)); id = 1; else params = load(bayes(3)); %grab id location for species. id = id(ismember(species_list_model,species)); end %subsample posterior to 200 draws subs=5; betaT=params.betaT(1:subs:end); betaC=params.betaC(1:subs:end); betaO=params.betaO(1:subs:end); betaS=params.betaS(1:subs:end); betaP=params.betaP(1:subs:end); %for sigma and alpha sigma=params.sigma(1:subs:end,id); alpha=params.alpha(1:subs:end,id); %define number of parameters sampled. Mparams=length(betaT); %get mgca sw estimates if sw==1 load('mgsw_iters.mat','xt','mg_smooth'); %subsample to 200 draws mg_smooth=mg_smooth(:,1:subs:end); mg_mod=mg_smooth(1,:); mgsw=interp1(xt,mg_smooth,age,'linear','extrap'); %ratio to modern value, convert to log units, include H if given mgsw=log((mgsw./repmat(mg_mod,Nobs,1)).^H); elseif sw==2 %load MgCa_sw parameters load('mgsw_iters_v2.mat','xt','mg_smooth'); %subsample to 200 draws mg_smooth=mg_smooth(:,1:subs:end); mg_mod=mg_smooth(1,:); mgsw=interp1(xt,mg_smooth,age,'linear','extrap'); %ratio to modern value, convert to log units, include H if given mgsw=log((mgsw./repmat(mg_mod,Nobs,1)).^H); else end %assign prior mean - use Anand approximation, sw corrected if needed. if sw==1 || sw==2 mgsw_est=median(exp(mgsw),2); prior_mu=(log(mg)-log(.38.*mgsw_est))./.09; else prior_mu=(log(mg)-log(.38))./.09; end %assign prior standard deviation prior_sig=pstd; if sw==1 || sw==2 %put data into struct mg_dat = struct('N',Nobs,'M',Mparams,'omega',omega,'clean',clean,'s',salinity,'ph',pH,... 'mg',log(mg),'betaT',betaT,'betaO',betaO,'betaC',betaC,'betaS',betaS,'betaP',betaP,... 'sigma',sigma,'alpha',alpha,'prior_mu',prior_mu,'prior_sig',prior_sig,'id',id,'mgsw',mgsw); else %put data into struct mg_dat = struct('N',Nobs,'M',Mparams,'omega',omega,'clean',clean,'s',salinity,'ph',pH,... 'mg',log(mg),'betaT',betaT,'betaO',betaO,'betaC',betaC,'betaS',betaS,'betaP',betaP,... 'sigma',sigma,'alpha',alpha,'prior_mu',prior_mu,'prior_sig',prior_sig,'id',id); end %initialize at prior mean because it improves convergence mg_init = struct('t',repmat(prior_mu,1,Mparams)); %stan settings. The absolute minimum so that the model runs fast. Increase %warmup and iters if you are not getting good convergence. chains=4; warmup=150; iters=100; thin=4; %% run Stan, time the run, use verbose option to see progress. % Note: the first time you run this, it will take longer because Stan will % have to compile the model. Once the models are compiled subsequent runs % are faster. if sw==1 || sw==2 file_name=strcat(path_ind,'mgpred_sw.stan'); else file_name=strcat(path_ind,'mgpred.stan'); end tic fit = stan('file',file_name,'data',mg_dat,'chains',chains,'warmup',warmup,'iter',iters,'thin',thin,'init',mg_init,'verbose',true); fit.block(); toc %% extract and analyze data samples=NaN(chains,iters/thin,Nobs,Mparams); for i=1:chains samples(i,:,:,:)=fit.sim.samples(i).t; end %reshape for Rhat, Neff calc samples=permute(samples,[1 3 2 4]); samples_r=reshape(samples,chains,Nobs,iters/thin*Mparams); output.rhat=NaN(Nobs,1); neff=NaN(Nobs,1); %note call to ChainConvergence for i=1:Nobs [output.rhat(i),neff(i)]=ChainConvergence(squeeze(samples_r(:,i,:)),chains); end output.neff_ratio=neff./(chains*iters/thin*Mparams); sst=permute(samples_r,[2 1 3]); sst=reshape(sst,Nobs,chains*iters/thin*Mparams); %save 2000 iterations in output output.ens=sst(:,1:10:end); pers3=[.025 .5 .975].*size(sst,2); sst_s=sort(sst,2); output.SST=sst_s(:,pers3); % also print out the species used output.species = species2; %% some sanity check plots %plot prior and posterior. f1=figure(1); clf; set(f1,'pos',[50 700 400 400]); xt=(-2:.1:40)'; prior=normpdf(xt,mean(prior_mu),pstd); post=ksdensity(output.ens(:),xt); pr=plot(xt,prior,'k-','linewidth',1); hold on; pt=plot(xt,post,'b-','linewidth',1); legend([pr pt],'Prior','Posterior'); %plot inferred SSTs with 95% CI. note this does not plot on age (in case %ages are non-sequential) f2=figure(2); clf; set(f2,'pos',[550 700 500 400]); p1=plot(output.SST(:,2),'color','k','linewidth',2); hold on; p2=plot(output.SST(:,1),'color',[.6 .6 .6],'linewidth',1); plot(output.SST(:,3),'color',[.6 .6 .6],'linewidth',1); legend([p1 p2],'Median','2.5 and 97.5');