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File metadata and controls

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2.0 - Install

2.1 Dependencies and installation

Dependencies and installation information are documented on the LORIS-MRI file.

2.2 Configuration

Following a successful install, some configurations and customizations are needed and outlined in the next three sub-sections.

2.2.1 Database

The following tables in the database need to be configured properly for the insertion pipeline to successfully insert scans.

  1. psc table

The MRI_alias field must be populated for each site that is scanning candidates or phantoms.

  1. Visit_Windows table

To populate with visit labels, you can manually insert study-specific information:

  INSERT INTO Visit_Windows (Visit_label,  WindowMinDays, WindowMaxDays, OptimumMinDays, OptimumMaxDays, WindowMidpointDays) VALUES ('V1', '0', '100', '40', '60', '50');

If age is not a critical factor in study visit scheduling, define Min value as 0, and Max value as 2147483647 (maximum int).

Alternatively, LORIS provides a PHP script called populate_visit_windows.php in its tools/ directory that can be used.

  1. mri_scan_type, mri_protocol and mri_protocol_checks tables
  • mri_scan_type: this table is a lookup table that stores the name of the acquisition (e.g. t1, t2, flair...). Do not include commas, hyphens, spaces or periods in your mri_scan_type.Scan_type column values.The ID present in this table will be used in the mri_protocol and mri_protocol_checks tables described below.
  • mri_protocol: this table is used to identify incoming scans based on their series description OR scan parameter values (TE, TR, slice thickness, etc). By default, this table is populated with entries for t1, t2, fMRI and DTI, and the columns defining expected scan parameters (e.g. TE_min, TE_max) are defined very broadly.
  • mri_protocol_checks: this table allows further checking on the acquisition once the scan type has been identified in order to flag certain scans based on additional parameters found in the header. For example, let's say a scan has been identified with the mri_protocol table to be a t1. Additional headers could be checked in order to flag with a caveat or exclude the scan based on the value of that header.

Behaviour of the *Min and *Max columns of the mri_protocol and mri_protocol_checks tables:

  • if for a given parameter (e.g. TR) a *Min AND a *Max value have been specified, then it will check if the parameter of the scan falls into the range [Min-Max].
  • if for a given parameter, a *Min is provided but not a *Max then the imaging pipeline will check if the parameter of the scan is higher than the *Min value specified in the table.
  • if for a given parameter, a *Max is provided but not a *Min then the imaging pipeline will check if the parameter of the scan is lower than the *Max value specified in the table.
  • if for a given parameter, both *Min and *Max are set to NULL, then there will be no constraint on that header.
  1. Config table

The Config table can also be accessed and customized from the LORIS front-end via the Configuration module, accessible under the Admin menu. Here are the configuration settings that impact directly or indirectly the pipeline:

Under the Study section:

  • ImagingUploader Auto Launch: Used by the Imaging Uploader to automatically launch the insertion scripts on the uploaded scan

Under the Paths section:

  • Imaging Data: Where the imaging data is stored; typically /data/$PROJECT/data/
  • LORIS-MRI Code: Where the MRI code base is installed; typically /data/$PROJECT/bin/mri/
  • MRI-Upload Directory: Where the uploaded scans get stored; typically /data/incoming/
  • MINC Files: Where the MINC images are stored; typically /data/$PROJECT/data/
  • Images: Where the images displayed in Imaging Browser are stored; typically /data/$PROJECT/data/

Under the Imaging Modules section:

  • Patient ID regex: Used by the DICOM Archive module to show/hide the PatientID info
  • Patient name regex: Used by the DICOM Archive module to show/hide the Patient Name info
  • Lego phantom regex: Used by the DICOM Archive module to show/hide the Patient Name info for phantoms
  • Living phantom regex: Used by the DICOM Archive module to show/hide the Patient Name info for phantoms
  • Imaging Browser Tabulated Scan Types: Used by Imaging Browser's main page which lists the different imaging sessions across candidates. This setting will determine which modalities will have their QC status displayed in that listing page

Under the Imaging Pipeline section:

  • LORIS-MRI Data Directory: Directory where imaging data is stored; typically /data/$PROJECT/data/
  • Study Name: Prefix to be used in all filenames inserted into the files table and visible in the front-end via the Imaging Browser module
  • User to notify when executing the pipeline: User email address to be used when notification is to be sent by the pipeline
  • Full path to script: Typically /data/$PROJECT/bin/mri/dicom-arhive/
  • Horizontal pictures creation: Used to pass or not pass the argument -horizontal to mincpik when generating pictures to be displayed in Imaging Browser.
  • NIfTI file creation: Used to enable or disable automated NIfTI file creation
  • dcm2mnc binary to use when converting: Allows the user to specify the binary file to be used when converting DICOM files to MINC. The default setting is to use the binary provided by the MINC tools, namely dcm2mnc
  • Path to Tarchives: Directory where the original DICOMs are archived; typically /data/$PROJECT/data/tarchive/
  • Upload creation of candidates: Enable or disable candidate creation into LORIS when running the insertion pipeline
  • Project batch management used: Enable or disable batch management
  • Number of volumes in native DTI acquisitions: Used by the DTIPrep pipeline
  • Scan type of native T1 acquisition: Name as specified in the mri_scan_type table. Used by the DTIPrep pipeline
  • Max number of DTI rejected directions for passing QC: Maximum number of directions that can be removed from a DTI scan to pass QC. Used by the DTIPrep pipeline
  • NIAK Path: Path to NIAK if MINC diffusion is to be run. Used by the DTIPrep pipeline
  • Secondary QCed dataset: Path where a secondary QC'ed dataset is to be stored. Used by the DTIPrep pipeline
  • excluded_series_description: series descriptions to be excluded from the steps of the pipeline that start at, and follow the DICOM to MINC conversion. Note that the series description entered in that field need to be an exact match of what is present in the DICOM series description field.
  • ComputeDeepQC: Enable or disable the automated computation of image quality control. Feature to be integrated in the code base in a future release.
  • Default visit label for BIDS dataset: the visit directory in BIDS structure is optional in the case of only one visit for the whole dataset. In this case, we need to specify to LORIS what would be the default visit label the project wants to use to store the electrophysiology datasets (e.g. V01).

2.2.2 LORIS

  1. Imaging Uploader

Projects can upload scans and launch the pipeline in a variety of options detailed in the PipelineLaunchOptions section. Irrespective of the project's choice as to whether the imaging scan is to be uploaded through the Imaging Uploader GUI or not, pipeline insertion progress can be consulted through a live 'Log Viewer' panel. Some settings need to be configured properly (php.ini variables, MRI-Upload Directory and ImagingUploader Auto Launch), and are documented in the LORIS repository: Imaging Uploader Specification.

  1. DICOM Archive

This LORIS module provides a front-end display with the details of the archived DICOM study from the database tarchive_* tables. The only setting that impacts the display of this module are the regex settings in the Configuration module under the section Imaging Modules. These settings determine whether the Patient Name/Patient ID header values are displayed in full, or show up as INVALID-HIDDEN.

More detailed specifications can be consulted in the LORIS repository: DICOM Archive Specification.

  1. Imaging Browser

The Imaging Browser module accesses the screenshot (PIC) images directly from the filesystem where they are stored. It also provides the option to download some files. Ensure that:

  • /data/$PROJECT directory and subdirectories are readable and executable by the Apache linux user.
  • the Configuration module (Paths) Imaging data, MINC files and Images settings are set (typically: /data/$PROJECT/data/).

More detailed specifications can be consulted in the LORIS repository: Imaging Browser Specification.

  1. Brainbrowser

Brainbrowser displays the MINC images within the browser. It accesses those MINC images directly from the filesystem. Ensure that:

  • /data/$PROJECT directory and subdirectories are readable and executable by the Apache linux user.
  • the Configuration module (Paths) MINC files setting is /data/$PROJECT/data/.
  • the project/config.xml file (in the main LORIS codebase) contains the proper MINC toolkit path in the <MINCToolsPath> tagset.

More detailed specifications can be consulted in the LORIS repository: Brainbrowser Specification.

  1. MRI Violated Scans

No configuration setting is needed for the MRI Violated Scans module to work. Data loaded in this module gets populated automatically by the insertion scripts. As such, scans whose parameters can't be matched against the mri_protocol table during the imaging insertion process, will be flagged as protocol violations and will not have their MINC/NIfTI volumes loaded in the Imaging Browser module. Violated scans can be viewed and the type of error (scan identification, protocol violation) can be reviewed from the front-end.

More detailed specifications can be consulted in the LORIS repository: MRI Violated Scans Specification.

  1. Electrophysiology Browser

No configuration setting is needed for the Electrophysiology Browser module. Data loaded in this module get populated automatically by the BIDS insertion scripts (in the python directory). It accesses data stored in the physiological_* tables.



  • /data/* subdirectories were created by the imaging install script. If not, it may be due to root:root ownership of the /data/ mount on your system. Ensure these subdirectories are created manually, particularly: /data/$PROJECT/bin/mri/, /data/incoming/, and those inside /data/$PROJECT/data/, namely assembly, batch_output, logs, pic, tarchive, and trashbin.

  • /data/$PROJECT/ directory and subdirectories must be readable and executable by the Apache linux user. It may also help to ensure the /data/ mount is executable. After any modifications, ensure you restart apache.

Customizable routines in the prod file

  • isFileToBeRegisteredGivenProtocol()

    • By default, any scan will be inserted if it matches an mri_protocol table entry.
    • To whitelist/blacklist specific scan types -- e.g. in the case of protocol exclusion, case sensitivity or labelling variance -- modify the subroutine, e.g.:
if($acquisitionProtocol eq 't1' or $acquisitionProtocol eq 't2' or $acquisitionProtocol eq 'dti' or $acquisitionProtocol eq 'bold' or $acquisitionProtocol =~ /fmri/) { return 1; }
  • getSubjectIDs()

    Routine to parse candidate’s PSCID, CandID, Center (determined from the PSCID), and visit label.

  • get_DTI_CandID_Visit()

    Used by the DTIPrep pipeline

2.3.1 Make sure the environment file is writable by Apache

To help ensure Apache-writability, verify that your environment file contains the following line:

umask 0002

2.3.2 Set up MINC utilities for BrainBrowser visualization

To ensure that BrainBrowser can load MINC images, the MINC toolkit must be accessible to the main LORIS codebase. (If the LORIS-MRI codebase is installed on a separate machine, ensure the MINC toolkit is installed in both locations.)

Ensure the project/config.xml file (in the main LORIS codebase) contains the following tagset, specifying the MINC toolkit path local to the main LORIS codebase (/opt/minc/ in this example):


2.3.3. Verify filesystem permissions

Ensure that permissions on /data/$PROJECT and /data/incoming and their subdirectories are set such that lorisadmin and the Apache linux user can read, write and execute all contents.

The following must be recursively owned by the lorisadmin user and Apache group:


2.3.4 Verify Configuration module settings for Imaging Pipeline

In the LORIS front-end, under the Admin menu, go to the Config module. Verify/set the following config settings (examples below illustrated for a project named demo):

Under the Imaging Pipeline section:

  • LORIS-MRI Data Directory (typically /data/$PROJECT/data/)
  • Study Name (exampleStudy; this name will be appended as a prefix to the filenames in LORIS' Imaging Browser)
  • User to notify when executing the pipeline
  • Full path to script(typically /data/$PROJECT/bin/mri/dicom-archive/
  • Path to Tarchives (typically /data/$PROJECT/data/tarchive/)
  • Default visit label for BIDS dataset: (V01 or any visit label fitting)

Under the Path section:

  • Imaging Data (typically /data/$PROJECT/data/)
  • LORIS-MRI Code(typically /data/$PROJECT/bin/mri/)
  • MINC files (typically /data/$PROJECT/data/)
  • Images (typically /data/$PROJECT/data/)

Click Submit at the end of the Configuration page to save any changes.

2.3.5 Troubleshooting guideline

For common errors and frequently asked questions, please refer to the Appendix A.

2.4 Pipeline flow

2.4.1 DICOM insertion (MRI/PET)

The pipeline was initially designed for raw DICOM MRI data, collected by a longitudinally-organized multi-site study with a defined imaging acquisition protocol. With modifications and further customization, it can handle any modality of imaging data.

Typically, images insertion into LORIS is performed via the following steps:

  1. Upload of a compressed set of the DICOM study via the Imaging Uploader module (or transfer the compressed DICOM studies directly on the server hosting LORIS).

  2. DICOM insertion into the tarchive tables in order to be able to see the information stored in the DICOMs via the DICOM Archive module.

  3. Conversion of the DICOMs into MINC files for protocol validation and insertion into the LORIS database. By default it will also create NIfTI images from the MINC files and insert them into LORIS (see the Configuration section above if you want to disable this option). One of two possible actions will follow depending on the study-defined protocol:

    a. If a scan matches one of the protocol defined in the mri_protocol table and passes the optional additional file checks present in the mri_protocol_checks table, then the MINC image will be stored into the files tables. This inserted image is then accessible via the Imaging Browser module and can be displayed in 3D using BrainBrowser.

    b. If a scan does not match any of the protocol defined in the mri_protocol table, then the MINC image of this scan will be stored in the mri_protocol_violated_scans table. Additionally, scans that were excluded by the optional criteria defined in the mri_protocol_checks table will be logged into the mri_violations_log table. Both types of violated scans are then accessible via the MRI Violated Scans module and can be displayed in 3D using BrainBrowser.

The graph below shows the different modules mentioned above with the representation of the group of tables described in more details in the Technical Infrastructure section. In addition, the graph shows the name of the main script that is used to insert the images into the LORIS database. More details about those scripts can be found in the Scripts section.


2.4.2 BIDS insertion (Electrophysiology)

This pipeline was initially designed to import EEG datasets organized in a BIDS structure into LORIS. With slight modifications and further customization, it could handle other types of electrophysiology modalities.

Typically, electrophysiology data insertion into LORIS is performed via the following steps:

  1. Transfer the BIDS-format data to the LORIS server via commandline. Due to the large size of electrophysiological/BIDS data, a suitable browser-based uploader is not presently available.

  2. Run the BIDS import script to import the electrophysiology data into the physiological_* tables of LORIS. More details about this import script can be found in the Scripts section.