What kind of scaffolding does it take to run Chef on a network with no Internet access?
Historically, the trickiest part of operating Chef in an Air Gapped environment has been local development when using the test-kitchen
The default for a long time has been busser / serverspec (this changed to inspec
in version 0.16.28 of chef-dk
The trouble is that Busser is not Proxy friendly and does not allow use of an alternate GemSource to https://rubygems.org
The recommended approach is simply migrating over to inspec
rather then try to tackle setting proxy environment variables, creating custom box images with the gems pre-installed, etc.
does not reach out to the Internet for any additional gems to install. Additionally, migrating from serverspec
is pretty straight forward. Keep in mind that inspec
currently does not allow for nested describe
blocks, other than that, it's resources are mostly the same with extra functionality and flexibility of custom extensions.
# .kitchen.yml
name: inspec
format: doc
The developers did an awesome job with the help
sub-command to inspec - so there's no reason not to migrate!
Check it out. I use it all the time myself :) With kitchen-inspec
(included in ChefDK) you can easily run your tests against a kitchen instance.
~/Devel/ChefProject/tmp$ inspec help
inspec archive PATH # archive a profile to tar.gz (default) or zip
inspec check PATH # verify all tests at the specified PATH
inspec compliance SUBCOMMAND ... # Chef Compliance commands
inspec detect # detect the target OS
inspec exec PATHS # run all test files at the specified PATH.
inspec help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
inspec init TEMPLATE ... # Scaffolds a new project
inspec json PATH # read all tests in PATH and generate a JSON summary
inspec shell # open an interactive debugging shell
inspec supermarket SUBCOMMAND ... # Supermarket commands
inspec version # prints the version of this tool
[--diagnose], [--no-diagnose] # Show diagnostics (versions, configurations)
~/Devel/ChefProject/tmp$ inspec exec test/integration/default --format json
{"(generated from test.rb:1 d5357d303b3769b9e8e88dc69924750c)":{"title":null,"desc":null,"impact":0.5,"refs":[],"tags":{},"code":"
rule = rule_class.new(id, profile_id, {}) do\n res = describe(*args, &block)\n end\n","source_location":
["/opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/inspec-0.26.0/lib/inspec/profile_context.rb",181],"results":[{"status":"failed","code_desc":"File /etc/
postfix should be file","run_time":0.014447,"start_time":"2016-07-21 11:29:01 -0400","message":"expected `File /etc/postfix.file?` to return true, got false"},{"status":"failed","code_desc":"File /etc/postfix should be mode 644","run_time":0.021464,"start_time":"2016-07-21 11:29:01 -0400","message":"expected `File /etc/postfix.mode?(644)` to return true, got false"},{"status":"passed","code_desc":"File /etc/postfix should be owned by \"root\"","run_time":0.000424,"start_time":"2016-07-21 11:29:01 -0400"}]}},"groups":{"test.rb":{"title":null,"controls":["(generated from test.rb:1 d5357d303b3769b9e8e88dc69924750c)"]}},"attributes":[]}},"other_checks":[]}~/Devel/ChefProject/tmp$
~/Devel/ChefProject/tmp (master *%)$ kitchen verify
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.10.2)
-----> Setting up <default-ubuntu-1404>...
Finished setting up <default-ubuntu-1404> (0m0.00s).
-----> Verifying <default-ubuntu-1404>...
Use `/Users/jmiller/Devel/ChefProject/test123/test/integration/default` for testing
Finished in 0.00027 seconds (files took 0.67817 seconds to load)
File /tmp/file
should exist
should be file
should not be directory
should not be block device
should not be character device
should not be pipe
should not be socket
should not be symlink
should not be mounted
Finished in 0.02156 seconds (files took 0.7893 seconds to load)
9 examples, 0 failures
Finished verifying <default-ubuntu-1404> (0m0.47s).
-----> Kitchen is finished. (0m1.88s)
~/Devel/ChefProject/test123 (master *%)$
If you're going to operate Chef without Internet access, you will need to utilize an artifact server to host packages, binaries, gems, rpms, etc.
One very good option for this is Artifactory Pro. It supports almost any artifact / repo known to man, and it allows mirroring rubygems.org or acting like a caching proxy to it. https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/RubyGems+Repositories
If using Artifactory with an internally issued SSL certificate, you will need to copy the host's SSL cert to a special location in order for chef_gem
to use it during SSL validation.
One way to achieve this:
gem_sslpath = Mixlib::ShellOut.new('/opt/chef/embedded/bin/gem which rubygems').run_command.stdout.gsub(/\.rb/,'/ssl_certs').chomp!
cookbook_file "#{gem_sslpath}/artifactory.pem" do
source 'artifactory.pem'
Another way, via .gemrc
# add this to root user's .gemrc
:ssl_ca_cert: /path/to/a/cacerts_file_that_contains_root_intermediate_host_cert_chain.pem
Host the chefdk package internally so that users can easily install it.
Host the chef-client package internally; to be used for bootstrapping nodes and in local development with test-kitchen
You can reference this location in your .kitchen.yml
name: chef_zero
chef_omnibus_url: http://my.web.server/chef-pkgs/install.sh
The install.sh
does not require much, it can be as simple as this for linux:
cd /tmp/
wget http://my.web.server/chef-pkgs/chef-12.8.1-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
sudo rpm -Uvh /tmp/chef-12.8.1-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
For Windows, use the install_msi_url
option under provisioner
install_msi_url: http://my.web.server/chef-pkgs/chef-client.msi
Use --bootstrap-install-sh http://my.web.server/chef-pkgs/install.sh
knife option to point to the location of the installer script.
If using Chef Client >= 12.8.1 the best option for specifying an alternate gem host is to use Chef::Config[:rubygems_url]
Specify the host in your client.rb
rubygems_url 'https://your.gem.server'
If that's not an option, then other approaches exist:
gem_package 'train' do
options('--no-rdoc --no-ri --no-user-install --source https://your.gem.server')
Another approach is to simply update what amounts to root's .gemrc adding your repo and removing rubygems.org
gembin = Chef::Util::PathHelper.join(Chef::Config.embedded_dir,'bin','gem')
execute 'set internal gem repo' do
command "#{gembin} source -r https://rubygems.org/ -a https://your.gem.server"
action :run
Alternatively, you can bundle up the gems you need into a tarball, host that as an artifact internally, then download and extract:
$ gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri --install-dir tmp/ --no-user-install mixlib-install
Fetching: artifactory-2.3.3.gem (100%)
Successfully installed artifactory-2.3.3
Fetching: mixlib-versioning-1.1.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed mixlib-versioning-1.1.0
Fetching: mixlib-shellout-2.2.6.gem (100%)
Successfully installed mixlib-shellout-2.2.6
Fetching: mixlib-install-1.1.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed mixlib-install-1.1.0
4 gems installed
$ ls -l tmp/
drwxr-xr-x 2 jmiller staff 68 Jul 19 19:01 build_info
drwxr-xr-x 6 jmiller staff 204 Jul 19 19:01 cache
drwxr-xr-x 2 jmiller staff 68 Jul 19 19:01 doc
drwxr-xr-x 2 jmiller staff 68 Jul 19 19:01 extensions
drwxr-xr-x 6 jmiller staff 204 Jul 19 19:02 gems
drwxr-xr-x 6 jmiller staff 204 Jul 19 19:02 specifications
$ cd tmp
$ tar cvf gems.tar *
Use it later in a recipe:
download_location = ::File.join(Chef::Config[:file_cache_path], 'gems.tar')
remote_file download_location do
source 'https://your.artifact.server/gems.tar'
action :create
execute 'extract gems' do
command "tar -xvf #{download_location} -C #{node[:languages][:ruby][:gems_dir]}"
not_if do
One of the best methods of installing Chef components is with the chef-ingredient
Alas, it requires installation of mixlib-install
ruby gem and all of its dependencies. Refer to the gem installation methods above to accomplish this in an Air Gapped environment.
Cookbooks inevitably have dependencies; managing those in the development phase is accomplished via Berkshelf.
As of version 12.4.0, Chef Server has a Universe endpoint, which provides the same output as Supermarket or berkshelf-api universe endpoints.
# Berksfile
source :chef_server
If a source is configured with the location :chef_server, then Berkshelf will use the configured Chef Server as an API source. This requires Chef Server 12.4.0 or newer, or Hosted Chef.
A private supermarket provides an easily searchable cookbook repository (with friendly GUI and command line interfaces) that can run on a company’s internal network.
You can publish to a Supermarket in several ways, some notable methods:
- https://github.com/sethvargo/stove
- https://github.com/chef/knife-supermarket (feature has been moved into core Chef in versions greater than 12.11.18)
# Berksfile
source 'https://yourinternal.supermarket.com'
MiniMart allows you to specify a list of cookbooks to mirror in YAML. MiniMart will then download any of the listed cookbooks and their dependencies to your machine. Once you are satisfied with the mirrored cookbooks, MiniMart can generate a Berkshelf compatible index of the available inventory.
# Berksfile
source 'https://yourinternal.minimart.com'