Haxe/hxcpp native bindings for tiny-process-library. This is a linc library.
The API provides a simple cross-platform way to create and manage processes in Haxe with C++ target.
import process.Process;
class Main {
static function main() {
// Create a new process instance
final proc = new Process('echo', ['Hello World']);
// Set up stdout handler
proc.read_stdout = data -> {
trace('Output: $data');
// Start the process
// Wait for completion and get exit status
final status = proc.tick_until_exit_status();
trace('Process exited with status: $status');
final proc = new Process('cat');
// Enable stdin
proc.open_stdin = true;
// Set up stdout handler
proc.read_stdout = data -> {
trace('Received: $data');
// Create the process
// Write data to stdin
proc.write('Hello from Haxe!\n');
// Close stdin when done writing
final proc = new Process('printenv');
// Set custom environment variables
proc.env = [
"MY_VAR" => "my_value",
"ANOTHER_VAR" => "another_value"
proc.read_stdout = data -> trace(data);
final proc = new Process('ls');
proc.cwd = "/path/to/directory";
proc.read_stdout = data -> trace(data);
final proc = new Process('some_command');
proc.read_stdout = data -> {
trace('stdout: $data');
proc.read_stderr = data -> {
trace('stderr: $data');
final proc = new Process('long_running_process');
proc.on_stdout_close = () -> {
trace('stdout stream closed');
proc.on_stderr_close = () -> {
trace('stderr stream closed');
The process can inherit parent file descriptors (stdout
, stderr
This can preserve terminal colors and properties.
On Windows: only works when stdin
is not opened, and there are no read_stdout
or read_stderr
final proc = new Process('ls --colors');
proc.inherit_file_descriptors = true;
When waiting for the process exit status, you can provide a tick
function that will be called at regular intervals. This can be useful for performing custom processing in parallel while the process is running.
proc.tick_until_exit_status(() -> {
}, 0.01);
A process can be started from any Haxe thread, allowing you to run multiple processes in parallel using threads. However, each Process
instance should only be used on the thread where it was created.
All callbacks are called on the same thread as the one used to create the process too.
The process is automatically cleaned up when the Process
instance is garbage collected, but it is good practice to call proc.destroy()
to release the resources as soon as you don't need them anymore.