Compiled with Allison Murphy (Research Assistant, UVic English)
#BlackLivesMatter 270, 400
#FemDH 57, 98, 100, 526
#Ferguson 38, 270; syllabus 37, 57
#ILookLikeAProfessor 57
#TransformDH 10, 39, 78, 125
#TransHealthcareNOW 36, 38
3-D environment 393–4, 400; models 429–30
4-D expression 384–5
9/11 433, 434–5, 440
9/11 Memorial Museum 433, 435
Aarseth, Espen 120, 354, 463, 464–5
Abelson, Robert 456–7
Ableism 35, 38, 109
Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace (AbTeC) 130
Abreu, Amelia 101, 103
Accessibility 108, 110–1; and digital media 108, 114
ActionScript (programming language) 479–80
Activism 4, 12–6, 18–31, 33–41, 56–65, 67–76, 78–85, 97–106, 111–4, 117–26, 128–37, 141–50, 183–93, 195–202, 204–12, 214–20, 227–8, 362–6, 377–8, 389, 391–401, 403–11, 424, 503–9
Adam, Alison 109
Adams, Vivian 409–10
Adler, Jerry 314
Aesthetics of the network 276–7; aesthesia of networks 276, 278–9
Affect 23–5, 48, 103–4, 277–8, 281; and games 177, 179–81; and online video 298
Affective labor 57, 98, 280–1; materiality of 280
African American literary studies 345, 349–50; and digital humanities 345–6
AfroFuturism 345, 375, 385 see also Nelson, Alondra
afternoon, a story 364 see also Joyce
Agre, Philip 186, 454, 455, 509; Computation and Human Experience 454 see also Critical technical practice
Ahmed, Sara 121; affect 25; feminist killjoy 119
AIDS Quilt Touch 145–9
Aldred, Rachel 494
Alexander, Bryan 463
Algocracy 451 see also Aneesh
Algorhythmics 243–8
Algorithms 243–4, 246–8, 251, 258, 296, 438–40, 451; audit 255; algorithmic literacy 305; algorithmic viewing 297
Ali, Syed Mustafa 80–1 see also decolonial computing
Alper, Meryl 110
Alternate reality games (ARGs) 379, 467
Amacher, Maryanne 237–8; third ear music 238
Amara (software) 113–4
Amazon Kindle 170–1, 336, 339
Americans with Disabilities Act 113
Ames, Morgan 517
An Annotated Archive from the Cold War (virtual museum) 363 see also Legrady
Anarchive project 365–6; see also Duguet
Anderson, Benedict 286
Anderson, Chris 511
Anderson, Laurie 363; Puppet Motel (CD-ROM) 363
Aneesh, A. 80, 451 see also Algocracy
Annotation 303, 345–6, 374–6, 378; collaborative 345, 347–50; documentary 374; interpretive 374–5
Anthropy, Anna 119, 467; Queers in Love at the End of the World (game) 467
ANVIL (software) 304
Anzaldúa, Gloria 70, 74
Anzelmo, Erin 224
Aoki, Tsuru 414, 418–20
Apache Solr (software) 415, 416
Appadurai, Arjun 276–7; global sociality 276–7
Apple iBooks 339; iBooks Author 469; iPhone 224–5
Apprehension 373–8; and comprehension 373–4
Aquinas, Thomas 337
Arc (project) 512, 514–6
Archives 19, 23–4, 34–5, 68–76, 78, 81, 83, 145–7, 158, 268–70, 286, 287, 301, 304, 310–1, 316, 323, 333, 352, 358, 362–70, 392, 393–6, 403–4, 405, 414, 424, 518; Indigenous materials 403–4; colonialism 403
Archivista praxis 68–9, 71–2
Arclight 414, 416–21
The Arden Shakespeare (digital edition) 338 see also Smith, Martha Nell
Arduino 102–3, 261, 264
ARIS 468
Around Digital Humanities in 80 days (project) 84 see also Gil
Arthur, Brian 162–3
Artificial intelligence (AI) 454, 458
artintact (journal) 365
Assemblage 149–50
AT&T crash (1990) 247
Audification 246
Audio technologies and gender 239
Augmented reality (AR) 372–81, 388–90; annotation 374–5, 378; digital heritage 373; maps 378; space 376–7
Ausentes (project) 91–4
Austin, John L. 102
Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies 404
Authoring Software (project) 351–2 see also Malloy
Automation 222–4, 226, 302–3
Autonets (project) 104, 258–9 see also cárdenas
Avatar 89–90, 399–400; and race 52
Babbage, Charles 162
Back, Les 495
Badiou, Alain 20-1
Badu, Erykah 33
Bailey, Moya 33, 39, 40, 124
Balsamo, Anne 9, 15, 19, 74, 112, 141, 206–9, 303, 352; Designing Culture: The Technological Imagination at Work 15, 141; praxis 112; techno–body 206–9; Technologies of the Gendered Body 206
Banaji, Mahzarin 187
Barad, Karen 2, 21, 23, 24, 25, 244, 497, 518; agentive matter 24; diffraction 244; entanglement 23, 518; intra-action 25
Bardzell, Jeffrey 186
Bardzell, Shaowen 186
Barnett, Fiona 5
Baron, Jaimie 297–8
Barrett, Mark 465
Barrett, Paul 82
Barthes, Roland 89, 339–40, 343; “Death of the Author” 339–40; methodological fields 89
Barton, Jake 435, 438
BASIC (programming language) 445, 446–7, 472
Battles, Matthew 429
Baudelaire, Charles 284, 285, 378; “The Painter of Modern Life” 284, 285
Baudoin, Patsy 254, 448; 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 254, 448
Baudrillard, Jean 227, 260
Baym, Nancy 45
Bayonetta (videogame character) 122
Bell, John 254, 304, 448; 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 254, 448
Beller, Jonathan 260, 294
Belojevic, Nina 263; Ghost Tree (experimental media) 264–5; Connect the Wires (experimental media) 263; Touch That Spot (experimental media) 263–4
Benjamin, Walter 364, 378, 511, 517; The Arcades Project 378
Benmayor, Rina 68
Bennett, Jane 14–5
Berens, Kathi Inman 315–6
Berners-Lee, Tim 448
Bernstein, Daniel (the Bernstein case) 450
Berressem, Hanjo 331
Bhabha, Homi 81
Bialetti Moka Express 427–9
Bibliowear 171–2
Bierylo, Michael 240
Big data 226, 228, 252, 301, 423, 424, 435, 439–40
Bijker, Wiebe 496, 500
Bikes & Bloomers (project) 493, 496, 498–500
Biojewellery 209
Biopolitics 207–9
Biopower 47–8, 321
BioShock (videogame) 467
Birkerts, Sven 336
Bit rot 368
Bivens, Rena 23
Black boxes 259, 260, 263, 312–6, 416, 496–8
Black feminism 34, 40, 394–5; praxis 394–5
Black Girls Code 446, 449
Blackfoot Digital Library 407
Blake, William 162, 425
Blas, Zach 489; transCoder 489
Blast, Synthia China 34, 37-8
Blood Quantum (videogame) 134 see also Nejo
Bly, Bill 355; We Descend 355
Boal, Augusto 88
Body 196–8, 490, 498, 499; in relation to machine 204, 514; materiality of 205; non-normative 488; and sound 235–7; and technology 259–60; and wearables 102–3
bodyfuck (programming language) 489–90
BodyPlay (project) 263–5
Bogost, Ian 174–6, 254, 465–6, 448; 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 254, 448 see also Procedural rhetoric
Boissier, Jean-Louis 364
Boler, Megan 53
Bologna, Sergio 253
Bolter, Jay David 5, 336; Remediation 5
Book history 340
Borges, Jorge Luis 170, 373, 380; “Funes the Memorious” 170; “On Exactitude in Science” 373; “The Garden of Forking Paths” 380
Born-digital texts 351–3, 463
Bots 297, 302
Bowker, Geoffrey 319, 322
boyd, danah 46, 296
Braidotti, Rosi 14
Brain, Tega 201–2
Brainfuck (programming language) 489
Bratton, Benjamin 253
Braxton, Anthony 239
Brice, Mattie 119, 122
Bridle, James 277, 428, 430 see also Hyper-Stacks
Brings Plenty, Trevino 128, 134
Brodbeck, Frederic 305
Brothman, Brien 170
Buechley, Leach 263, 511
Buffalo: The Name Dropping Game 187, 190
Built environment 391, 393
Bunge, William 218 see also Where Commuters Run Over Black Children
Burgess, Jean 295
Burman, Barbara 499
Büscher, Monika 494
Butler, Judith 48, 518
Butler, Octavia 329
Bygrave, Alice Louisa 498
Byrne, Megan 134–5; Wanisinowin (game) 134–5
Byrne, Ruth 162–3
Cage, John 238
Caillois, Roger 129
Caldwell, John Thornton 287; televisuality 287
Callimachus 426
Canguilhem, Georges 509
Capitalism 34, 48, 79, 118–9, 105, 118, 144, 149, 178–9, 259–60, 276, 279, 280, 362, 365, 395, 484
cárdenas, micha 83, 102, 103–4, 258–9; Transborder Immigrant Tool (project) 83, 102, 477; Redshift & Portalmetal (game) 83; virus.circus (video) 103
Carey, James 284
Cartwright, Lisa 131
Casetti, Francisco 295
Catlow, Ruth 188, 189
CD-ROM art 363–70
Cecire, Natalia 9–10
Chen, Jian 35-6; hidden labour 36
Chicana feminism 70–1, 83
Chicana por mi Raza (project) 83
Chinen, Michael T. 244
Christen, Kimberly 15, 83, 404, 405
Christian, Barbara 101
Chun, Wendy H. K. 2, 123, 262, 297, 331, 379, 474, 475, 518; empowerment of operators 262; Programmed Visions 379
Cinema 9, 13, 120, 167, 205, 279, 280, 293, 297, 298, 300, 305, 306–7, 376, 418, 419, 464, 518
Cinemetrics 305
Citizen science 269, 504
Citizen Sense (project) 504, 505–7; citizen sensing 504–10
Clarke, Gill 196
Cockpit voice recorder (CVR) 313–4
Code 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 97, 99, 100, 101, 104, 111, 204, 243, 244, 254, 259, 260, 263, 265, 272, 296, 305, 337, 338, 353, 358, 364, 369, 445–51, 453, 457, 460, 472–81, 488–90, 518; as cultural text 472, 473 446, 449
Coding for everyone 446, 448–9
Collaboration 3, 12, 19, 24, 27, 30, 33, 45, 68–76, 83, 89, 90, 92, 101, 104, 114, 121, 124, 132, 133, 134, 135, 141, 147, 153, 155, 156, 158, 175, 185, 192, 220, 240, 244, 269, 270, 273, 302, 318, 324, 340, 341, 342, 345–50, 363, 364, 366, 367, 368, 387, 389, 395, 397, 400, 407, 408–11, 427, 463, 467, 473, 474, 479, 481, 493, 495, 498, 512, 514, 518
Colonialism 79, 98, 393, 403, 475, 476; and mapping 215; outpost 98–9 see also Settler colonialism
Coman, Mihai 131–2
CommentPress 341–2
Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) 269, 302
Compulsory heterosexuality 484
Computational culture 243–6, 250–2, 531
Computational media 455–60; and ideology 457
Computer literacy 445, 447–8
Computer vision 259, 297–8, 302–3
Condit, Cecelia 12
Conjectural criticism 162–4, 168–9
Conjunction 278–80
Connect the Wires (experimental media) 263 see also Belojevic
Contact Zones: The Art of CD-ROM (exhibition) 366
Convivencia 67–76
Cooley, Heidi Rae 141
Copyright 297, 387, 417, 450; law 450
Corporate funding 11–2
Coté, Mark 47–8
Cotera, Maria 83
Counter-mapping 218–9, 378
Counterpublics 209–10
Coverley, M.D. 352, 353; Califia 353
Coverley, Merlin 378; Psychogeography 378
Cowan, Ruth 499
Cowan, T. L. 23, 47
Cox, Geoff 473
Cox, Laverne 37
Crawford, Chris 464
Crenshaw, Kimberlé Williams 125
Critical Art Ensemble 186, 263
Critical code studies 111–2, 472–81; and postcolonialism 475–6
Critical making 12, 30, 97, 100, 102, 210, 212, 495, 512; Critical Making Lab 152, 155 see also Ratto
Critical play 183–92
Critical race studies 62, 474
Critical technical practice 186, 455, 509 see also Agre
Critical unmaking 485, 488, 490
Crockett, I’Nasah 63
Crowdsourcing 269–70, 303–4
Crowther, Will 467; Colossal Cave Adventure 467
Crunk Feminist Collective 34, 40
Cryptography 450
CTHEORY Multimedia 366–7
Cyberethnography 44–53
Cyberspace 267–8, 270, 387
Cybertext 463
Cyborg 204, 207–9
Cyclewear 493–501
Dance 195–7
Data 225–6, 228, 267–8, 272–3, 424–5; and capta 273; and citizen sensing 504, 506–7, 508; collaborative production of 270; flight 310; forensics 310, 359, 370; materiality of 311; of the senses 425; and self 209; storage 310, 311 see also Search; Metadata
Data halo 271, 272, 273, 425 see also Schnapp
Data image 435–7
Data journalism 439
Data mining 405
Data visualization 431, 433–40
Davidson, Cathy 5, 302; Now You See It 302; attention blindness 302
Davis, Christine 49–50
de Certeau, Michel 217, 378
De Filippi, Primavera 324
de Lima, Cecília 196–7
Dean, Jeremy 347
Dear, Michael 156
Debord, Guy 378; spectacle 227
Decolonial computing 80
Decolonial humanities 69, 71
Decolonization 68–9, 71, 78–84
Deep Listening 235
Deep mapping 214, 217, 218–21
Delagrange, Susan H. 468
Deleuze, Gilles 177
Depocas, Alain 368
Derrida, Jacques 474
Design 3, 4, 5, 13, 18, 48, 50, 52, 68, 71, 80, 83, 84, 90–1, 97, 98, 101, 104, 105, 109, 110–3, 118, 119, 122, 132–6, 141–50, 152–9, 162–72, 174–81, 183–92, 195–202, 205, 209–10, 223–4, 226–9, 239–40, 258, 261–3, 272, 294, 313–4, 318, 320, 322–5, 330, 354, 359, 367, 372–81, 387, 393, 407, 408–10, 424–8, 434–5, 439–41, 454–60, 463–8, 480, 488–9, 493, 496–500, 509, 511–8
Design-as-inquiry 511–8; theaters of 518
Design fiction 271–2
Desilusiones Ópticas (project) 93 see also Nuñez
Dickinson Electronic Archives (digital edition) 338 see also Smith
Diegetic prototype 167–8
Dietrich, Craig 83
Digital activism 35–7, 400 see also Activism
Digital Africana Studies 384–90; and digital humanities 385; virtual reality 385–7, 389; augmented reality 388–9
Digital art 363–70
Digital curation 405–6
Digital divide 121, 142, 345, 365, 369, 399
Digital ethnography 44–53, 90–1, 392, 396
Digital fabrication 511–8
Digital heritage 372–3, 375–7, 380–1, 400, 403–11; and place 374–5
Digital Humanities 1–5, 9–15, 33, 39, 41, 56, 68–76, 78–84, 101, 108, 111, 112, 114, 125, 141, 144–5, 149, 152–9 183, 191–2, 246, 267–73, 292, 301, 304, 311, 337, 338, 340, 345–6, 352, 384, 386, 391–400, 410, 440, 453, 462, 468, 474, 475, 504, 507, 509, 512; accessibility 33, 39, 41; critique of 108, 345–6; cultural studies 144; decolonization of 78–84; emergence of 267–8; feminism 100–1; intersectionality 78; neglect of African American subject matter 345–6; social justice 39, 41, 101, 125–6; and textual studies 338
Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0 70
Digital inequality 99
Digital infrastructure 34, 318–9
Digital labor 53, 260, 280, 293, 294, 348; women’s work 49 see also Immaterial labor
Digital media accessibility 108, 109, 114
Digital media studies 10; and digital humanities 14–5, 156
Digital natives 46
Digital ontology 46–8
Digital patina 170–1
Digital preservation 351, 353, 358–9, 362–70; emulation 353, 369–70; migration 353, 368
Digital production and spectacle 517
Digital reconstruction 391
Digital Townships (historical GIS project) 392–4
Digitization 269, 407
Dijkstra, Edsger 101
Disability 39, 78, 108–14, 121; accommodation 113–4; and glitch 108–9, 111–2, 114
Disability studies 109–11, 121; digital accessibility 109; digital media 110
DiSalvo, Carl 209
Disch, Lisa 75
Discursive interface analysis 111–2
Disjunction 278–80
Dispositif 48, 278, 285, 288
Distant reading 301, 417
Distributed Open Collaborative Course (DOCC) 19 see also Massive Open Online Course
Divinatory practices 168
Do-It-Together (DIT) 53, 493–5, 495–6 see also Do-It-With-Others
Do-It-With-Others (DIWO) 72, 211 see also Do-It-Together
Do-It-Yourself (DIY) 51–2, 72, 97, 100, 105, 258–9, 493–4, 495–6
Doane, Mary Ann 518
Doctorow, Cory 227
Dolmage, Jay 110
Dominguez, Ricardo 477
Doruff, Sher 276
Doty, Mark 425–6, 428
Douglass, Jeremy 254, 448, 479; 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 254, 448
Dourish, Paul 80, 154, 198, 200, 504
Dress acts 101–3, 205, 207
Dress-body-technology assemblage 207–8, 209–10
Dressmaking 499
Driver, Susan 237
Drucker, Johanna 273, 340, 438–9
Duguet, Anne-Marie 365 see also Anarchive project
Duguid, Paul 336, 338
Dunn, David 237
Dunne, Anthony 186, 209
Dyer-Witheford, Nick 260
E-readers 339
E2 Textiles Project 104
Earhart, Amy 100
Easterling, Keller 253
eBlack studies 385
Eckmann, Sabine 206; Window | Interface 206
Edelman, Lee 484
Edinburgh Film Festival 13, 15
Edmonton Pipelines Project 219–20
Edwards, Paul 320, 454
Eisenstein, Sergei 307
ELAN (software) 304
Electronic Beowulf (digital edition) 338 see also Kiernan
Electronic book 336–7, 341, 462; materiality of 336, 338–41
Electronic Disturbance Theater (EDT) 102, 477 see also Transborder Immigrant Tool
Electronic literature 351–9, 364, 462; preservation of 351–2; 358–9
Electronic Literature Laboratory 351, 352, 358
Eliza (AI) 458; effect 458, 460
Ellefson, John 514–6
Elliot, Devon 513
Ellis, Katie 110; Disability and New Media 110
Ellison, Nicole 296
Embodied poiesis 102–5
Embodied thinking 195–202
Embodiment 3, 49, 101, 195, 210, 489–90; and making 497–8; and physical computing 262–5; and sound 235–7
Emerson, Lori 351, 353
-empyre- a soft-skinned space (listserv) 366, 367
Emulation 353, 355, 369–70
Engels, Friedrich 44
Entanglement 2, 3, 495, 518; with research subjects 497–8
Entwistle, Joanne 206
Environmental storytelling 466–7
Ephemerality 286, 310–6
Ernst, Wolfgang 247
Eskelinen, Markku 120, 353
Esolangs (esoteric programming languages) 488–9
Ethics 21, 26, 68, 117, 123, 124, 210, 297, 323–5, 403–11, 459–60, 474
Ev-ent-anglement (project) 19–29, 105
Eversion 267–8, 270–3, 329
Experience design 174–81, 375, 377, 378–9
Experiential learning theory 373
Experimental Television Center (ETC) 362
EXPORT, VALIE 204, 206
Expressive processing 445–6, 457–8, 460
Facebook 24, 26, 28, 29, 47, 331
Failure 483–5, 486
Fanon, Frantz 78–9, 81; decolonization 78–9
Faraday pockets 227
Fashioning Circuits 210, 211
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) 292
Fembot Collective 125
Feminism 15, 120, 210–2; backlash to 60–1; Chicana feminism 70–1, 83; digital humanities and 70–2; engagement with technology 97; and geography 216; makerspace 97–9, 209; praxis 99–100, 395; race 394–5; wearables 97; white 125, 395; women of color 68–70, 74
Feminist film studies 12–4
Feminist making 12, 15, 97–106, 210–2
FemTechNet 15, 19, 53, 74, 97
Ferguson, Kevin 305
Ferguson, Roderick 120, 121, 125
Fiber-crafting 51–2
Fibreculture Journal 275
Film 12–4, 279–81, 293–4, 297–8, 300; history 413, 418, 420
Filmic media 300–1; affect 307; computational approaches 304, 307; metadata 302, 303; mixed methods 300–7
Fisher, Caitlin 388
Fitts, Mako 68, 75–6
Fitzpatrick, Kathleen 342
Flanagan, Mary 180, 323 see also Values at Play
Flight recorder 310–6; materiality 313–4; ephemerality 313; wireless 314–5
Follmer, Sean 513
Fontana, Bill 237
Foucault, Michel 177, 217, 278, 395; dispositif 278; “Of Other Spaces and Heterotopias” 217
Fox, Christina 124
Fracking 505, 506
Fraistat, Neil 270
Frankenstein (Morris) 353, 462, 466, 469
Frasca, Gonzalo 120, 465
Fraser, Nancy 209
FreeD (project) 512, 513–4
Freire, Paulo 88; Pedagogy of the Oppressed 88
Friedman, Batya 185
Frith, Fred 239
Fry, Ben 260–1
Fuchs, Christian 294
Fuller, Matthew 260
Future Everything 227–8
Gabrys, Jennifer 263
Galey, Alan 337, 339, 512
Gallardo, Heather 49–50
Galloway, Alexander 175, 178, 206, 474, 487–8; allegorithm 178
Game Changer Chicago Design Lab 174, 180
Game mechanics 122, 176–7, 178, 180; and affect 174, 177, 179, 180–1
Game studies 120, 464–6; and fun 118–9, 177, 187; and interactive stories 462; play-centric approach 174–6, 178; proceduralist approach 174–6, 178; procedural author 464; social justice 117, 124, 126, 183
GamerGate (#Gamergate) 64, 117, 124, 269
Games 51, 117–8, 129, 464–6; indigenous representation in 131–2; and ludology 464–5; and narratology 120, 464–5, 467; and the classroom 462–3 see also Videogames
Garcia, Linda 83
Gathering Native Foods (mini-games) 135
Gee, James Paul 180
Geertz, Clifford 50
Gehl, Robert W. 254–5
Gender 14, 22, 25, 33–41, 45, 57, 58, 62, 63, 69, 71, 78, 79, 97, 102–5, 117, 120, 122, 153, 158, 183, 205–11, 234, 239, 287, 298, 303, 365, 397, 399, 400, 419, 489, 493–501, 517–8
Geographic information system (GIS) 215–8, 219, 221, 267, 271, 377, 388, 393; ArcGIS 156; feminist 394, 396; historical 393, 396
Geospatial Web 271
Geoweb 215, 217, 219
Ghost Tree (project) 263–5 see also Belojevic
Gibson, J. J. 197
Gibson, William 267, 268, 329, 331, 384, 387; Neuromancer 267, 384; Spook Country 268
Gil, Alex 84
Gitelman, Lisa 333, 336, 339, 340
Glennie, Evelyn 235
Glitch 108–9, 485–6
Global Outlook::Digital Humanities 57, 81
Goffman, Erving 49
Goggin, Gerard 109; Digital Disability 109
Goldfarb, Charles 337
Goldsen Archive (Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art) 367, 369–70, 544
Goldwater Machine 456–7
Gone Home (videogame) 466, 467, 469
Gonzalez, Martha 67, 71, 75
Goodman, Elizabeth 512
Google 199–200, 388, 218, 270–1; Glass 199–200, 388; Maps 218, 270–1
Goriunova, Olga 255, 495; Fun and Software 255
Gotkin, Kevin 109; glitch 109
Grafton, Anthony 438
Graham, Stephen 319, 320, 497
Graphical User Interface (GUI) 250, 262
Greenwald, Alice 435, 438
Gregg, Melissa 23
Gregory, Karen 101
Greie, Antye 238
Griesemer, James 253
Grosser, Ben 254
Grosz, Elizabeth 207–8
Grundy, Saida 62–3
Grusin, Richard 5, 292; Remediation 5
Guggenheim, Michael 494
GynePunk 97
Hackerspaces 97–8; exclusion in 97–8; feminist 97–8
Hacking 10, 38, 222, 226–7
Halberstam, J. Jack 118–9, 484; queer failure 118–9, 484
Half the Sky 51–2; Half the Sky Movement (game) 51–2
Hall, Gary 11
Hall, Stuart 143
Hamilton, Trudy 34, 39, 40–1
Hanselmann, Nik 489–90
Harassment 60–3, 99, 104, 117, 119, 123–5, 207–8, 397; doxing 38, 124–5
Haraway, Donna 3, 81, 101, 143–4, 207, 208–9, 234, 244, 263; cyborg 207; diffraction 244; play 101; reproductive technologies 143; situated knowledge 81, 263, 265
Harding, Sandra 80; postcolonial science and technology studies 80
Harlem Renaissance 385, 389
Harley, Gretta 73
Harley, J. B. 378
Harvard Art Museum 430–1
HASTAC v, 5, 125, 155
HathiTrust 271
Hayakawa, Sessue 414, 418–20
Hayles, N. Katherine 268, 338, 364, 340; mixed reality 268; “Translating Media: Why We Should Rethink Textuality” 338
Heidegger, Martin 142, 517
Helmond, Anne 254
Hemmings, Clare 120
Hernández, Pilar 87–8, 90
Hertz, Garnet 263
Hildebrand, Grant 379
Hocquenghem, Guy 484
Hofstadter, Douglas 163
Honour Water (videogame) 135
Hook & Eye (project) 57
Hopeful monsters 163
How Not to Be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Education .MOV File 322 seealso Steyerl
Howse, Martin 253
HTML 111–2, 254, 337, 353, 448, 449
Huhtamo, Erkki 365
Human agency 321
Human-computer interaction (HCI) 186, 195–202, 258–63
Human subjects 123–4
Hussenograph 313, 316
Hybrid reality 372–3, 375, 379, 381; and gamespace 379–80
Hyper-Stacks (project) 428, 430 see also Bridle
HyperCard 354, 355, 357
HyperCities (platform) 156, 219, 221 (project) 347, 350
I Am Sitting in a Room (music) 233–4, 238 see also Lucier
I Love Bees (game) 467
Ideas Box (project) 324
Ideology 10, 11, 12, 48, 49, 100, 108, 109, 117, 119, 125, 130, 131, 144, 149, 150, 174, 206, 207, 259, 269, 287, 303, 312, 320, 322, 323, 330, 334, 449, 456–7, 474, 486–90, 493, 496, 500
Igoe, Tom 258, 261, 262, 263; Physical Computing 258, 262
imagineNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival 132
Immaterial Labor 46, 47–8, 51–3 see also Digital labor
Immutable mobiles 496
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI) 292
Inclusion 110–1, 121–3
Indigenous archives 406–8
Indigenous games 128–30, 132–6; and language 136
Indigenous knowledge 135–6, 403–11
Inform 7: 468, 469, 537
Infrastructure 2, 12, 23, 34, 36, 46, 57, 80, 100, 143, 147, 152–9, 244, 253–4, 277–8, 285–6, 315, 316, 318–25, 366, 505–6, 517; and labor 321–5 see also Digital infrastructure; Media infrastructure
InnerSpace Adventure (project) 379–80
Inscription 207, 208, 211, 310, 311, 316, 333–4
Instagram 24, 29
Institutional space 153–8
Intellectual middleware 153–4, 156–9
Interactive art 365, 369
Interactive narratives 87–95; trauma and 90–5
Interactive stories 462–9
INTERCAL (programming language) 489
Interface as process 205–6
Internet of Things 101, 222–9, 271, 504
Invaders (videogame) 128, 134
Ippolito, Jon 368
Irani, Lily 80
Ishii, Hiroshi 513
Ito, Mizuko 180
Ivory tower 33–4, 39, 61–3, 114
Jackson, Shelley 352, 355, 357, 466; Patchwork Girl (e-lit) 355*,* 357; my body– a Wunderkammer (e-lit) 466
Jackson, Steven 163
James, William 278–9
Jansen, Fieke 46–7
Jenik, Adriene 364
Jenkins, Henry 16, 130, 294, 466–7
Jeremijenko, Natalie 186, 263
Jockers, Matthew 415
Jodi (collective) 276, 485
Johnston, Claire 13–5
Jones, Christopher 376
Jones, Steven E. 178, 179
Jorgensen, Danny 50
Joyce, Michael 89, 352, 354, 364; afternoon, a story (e-lit) 364; audience participation 89; traversal 354
Judd, Steven Paul 128, 134
Juhasz, Alexandra 15, 53, 105, 294; Learning from YouTube (video-book*)* 18, 19, 294
Kafer, Alison 109
Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 10
Kane, Shanley 61
Katamari Damacy (videogame) 178–9
Kavi, Krishna 314–5
Kay, Alan 447
Keen, Andrew 274
Kember, Sarah 15, 21, 98
Kemeny, John 445, 446–7, 448
Kemp, Jonathan 253
Kendall, Mikki 60
Kent, Mike 110; Disability and New Media 110
Ketchum, Karyl 123
KeyWorx (software) 276
Khan, B. Zorina 499
KidCAD (project) 513
Kiernan, Kevin 338; Electronic Beowulf (digital edition) 338
Kim, Dorothy 64
Kim, Eunsong 38–9, 64; “The Politics of Trending” 38–9
Kinetoscope 296
Kirby, David 167–8
Kirschenbaum, Matthew 164, 311, 334, 454, 473, 474; code 474; Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination 164, 454; media forensics 334
Kitchin, Rob 253
Kittler, Friedrich 254, 475
Klein, Lauren F. 39
Kolb, David 359, 373; Socrates in the Labyrinth 359
Kopas, Merritt 119
Koh, Adeline 10, 475, 476
Kozel, Susan 197–8
Knight, Kim 263
Knowles, Kelley 218
Knuth, Donald 445, 455, 472
Koepnick, Lutz 206; Window | Interface 206
Krapp, Peter 108–9
Kraus, Kari 263, 272, 512; bibliocircuitry 512
Kreps, David 109
Kristeva, Julia 26
Kroker, Arthur 366
Kroker, Marilouise 366
Kuang, Cliff 435
Kuhn, Virginia 298, 413
Kurtz, Thomas 445, 446–7, 448
LaBelle, Brandon 235
Laboratories 2, 3, 11, 12, 19, 75, 97, 101, 152, 153, 155, 158, 159, 167, 168, 172, 174, 180, 186, 187, 205, 226, 228, 260, 268, 272, 351, 376, 387, 388, 424, 430, 506, 513 see also Makerspaces
Lachlan, Kenneth 49–50
LambdaMOO 275
Landow, George 90, 336
Lankoski, Petri 379
Larsen, Deena 352
Lash, Scott 250
Latour, Bruno 10, 191, 313, 333, 496, 497
Laurel, Brenda 91
Law, John 496, 498–9
Layar (software) 388–9
Lazzarato, Maurizio 47, 53, 260
Learning from YouTube (video-book) 18, 19, 294 see also Juhasz
Lebow, Alisa 23
Lee, Kevin 280–1 see also Transformers: The Premake (a desktop documentary)
Lefebvre, Henri 217, 376–7
Legrady, George 363 see also An Annotated Archive from the Cold War
Leggett, Mike 366
Leonard, David J. 63
Let’s Play 298
Levy, Pierre 211, 364
Lewis, Jason Edward 130
Libraries Without Borders 324
The Lightbox Gallery 429–31
Liminality 52, 450
Lippard, Lucy 219
Lisp (programming language) 475
Literacy 445–6, 447, 451; infrastructural 322; and programming 445–51, 472; procedural 454, 457
Little Bear, Leroy 130
Liu, Alan 12, 108, 142, 304, 338; critique of digital humanities 108
Live crisis archiving 424
Live sociology 495
Liveness 285, 287–8
Lockwood, Annea 240
Logo (programming language) 445, 447, 448
Lorde, Audre 81, 125; master’s tools 81
Lothian, Alexis 71–2
Lotz, Amanda 289; post-network 289
Loukissas, Yanni 429
Love, Heather 484
Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael 94–5
Lucier, Alvin 233–4, 238 see also I Am Sitting in a Room
Ludology 120, 464–7 see also Game studies
Luddism 486
Lury, Celia 495; inventive methods 495
Lynch, Kevin 216, 377, 379; The Image of the City 216, 377, 379
MacDougall, Robert 513
McCartney, Andra 239
McConchie, Alan 218
McCoy, Josh 458
McDaid, John 352, 353, 354, 357–8; Uncle Buddy’s Phantom Funhouse (e-lit) 353, 354, 357–8
McDermott, Kathleen 207–8
McGann, Jerome 338, 340
McGonigal, Jane 129, 376, 464
McKenzie, D. F. 338, 340, 342–3
McKenzie, Mia 64
McKitterick, David 336
McLean, Alex 473
McLeod, Dayna 47
McLuhan, Marshall 185
McMillan Cottom, Tressie 59, 61, 62, 63, 64
McPherson, Tara 2, 74, 76, 112–3, 123, 141, 158, 296, 435, 475; media studies 158; “Media Studies and the Digital Humanities” 2; volitional mobility 296
Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication 223–4
Machinima 298
Mackenzie, Adrian 254, 321
Macrohistory 392
Madikizela-Mandela, Winnie 396–8
Magic circle 379
Maker culture 52–3, 98, 101–2, 159, 209, 259, 493–501, 504, 505, 506, 511–2, 514
Maker Lab in the Humanities 272
Makerspaces 101, 105; exclusion in 97–8 see also Laboratories
Maketivism 53
Making 51–2, 272, 340, 488, 493–500, 509, 511–8; as research 493–501; ethnography of 493, 498; feminist making 12, 15, 52–3, 97–106
Malloy, Judy 351–2, 353, 354, 357, 358; Authoring Software (project) 351–2; Uncle Roger (e-lit) 353, 354, 357, 358
Mandela, Nelson 396, 398
Mann, Steve 204, 205
Manovich, Lev 2, 252, 297, 301, 305, 453, 454; The Language of New Media 2, 454
Maps/Mapping 214–6, 218–21; data 271; embedded technology 214; empiricism 215–6; as production 215
Marcuse, Herbert 144, 332
Marino, Mark 111, 254, 448; 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 254, 448
Markham, Annette 45
Markup languages 206, 337, 338, 341, 448, 485
Marvin, Carolyn 517
Marvin, Simon 319, 320
Marx, Karl 44, 149
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) 270, 351, 355, 392
Massey, Doreen 216–7
Massey, Sharon Davis 88
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) 15, 155, 449 see also Distributed Open Collaborative Course
Massumi, Brian 278
Mateas, Michael 254, 448, 465; 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 254, 448
Materiality 3, 101, 103, 250–1; of computational processes 259–260; of digital text 334; of sound 234–5; of the cloud 314–5; and technocultural critique 262–3
Mattern, Shannon 155, 316
Mattu, Surya 201–2
Maxwell, John 337
Mäyrä, Frans 379
Mbembe, Achille 119
Meadows, Mark 467
Media archaeology 165, 247, 311–2, 315, 395, 473, 474, 479
Media history 311–2, 319–20, 413, 420; computational approaches 413–21
Media History Digital Library (MHDL) 286, 413, 414, 416
Media infrastructure 319–20
Media praxis 18, 30
Media studies 1–5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 23, 56, 74, 100, 108, 109, 111, 113, 118, 126, 131–2, 142, 146, 152, 153–9, 176, 180, 183, 186, 191–2, 210, 247, 263, 264, 269, 283, 284, 306, 311, 316, 372, 395, 434, 465, 507, 509, 517, 518; and data visualization 434; and digital heritage 372; and practice–based research 507, 509
Mehrmand, Elle 103, 477; virus.circus (video) 103
Mellencamp, Patricia 12
Memmi, Albert 81
Memory 144–9, 286, 287, 289, 311–2, 314, 363, 397, 398–400
Menkman, Rosa 485–6
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 197–8
Meronek, Toshio 34
Mesh networks 104, 324
Mess 3, 53, 100, 101, 105, 149, 396, 494–501
Metadata 302, 303–4, 405–6, 409, 415, 426
metaLAB 272, 424, 429
Micro-celebrity 56, 59
Micro-computed tomography (CT) 428–9
Micro-history 392, 395; spatial micro-history 396, 398
Microhistorical reconstruction 392
Microsound 238
Mifflin, Jeffrey 403, 404, 408
Miller, Adrien 514–6
Miller, Charlie 222
Miller, Laura 462
Mills, C. Wright 500; The Sociological Imagination 500
Mimetic machines 511, 512, 516–8 see also Taussig
Misogynoir 34, 39–41
Misogyny 40, 60, 121–2; anti-black 40
MIT Media Lab 101, 167, 168, 172, 513
Mitchell, W.J.T. 2
Mitchem, Carl 142
Mixed reality 268, 271–3; space and 271
Miyao, Daisuke 418–20
Miyazaki, Shintaro 254
Mobilities research 494
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade 76
Monmonier, Mark 378
Montfort, Nick 122–3, 254, 260, 448, 466; 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1));: GOTO 10 254, 448; “Taroko Gorge” (procedural poem) 466
Moon, Christina 323
Morse, Margaret 149; poetics of interactivity 149
Morse, Samuel 162–3
Mosco, Vincent 517
Moser, Ingunn 109
Mosley, Nicholas 163
Mothership HackerMoms (makerspace) 209
Moulthrop, Stuart 354; Victory Garden 354
Moving images 1, 199, 279–81, 283, 292–8, 300–7,
Mukurtu 82–3 see also Christen
Mulvey, Laura 12–3
Muntadas, Antoni 365, 368
Murray, Janet 89, 120, 174, 464
Museum Without Walls 374, 375
Music 68–76, 233–40; and embodiment 235, 236; experimental music history 233; feminist narratives 69
Musqueam Place Names Web Mapping Portal 406
Mutant Giant Spider Dog (video) 293–4
Nakamura, Lisa 45, 112
Named Entity Recognition 440–1
Narratology 120, 464–5, 467
Nasser, Ramsey 475–6
Natural language processing system 455, 456
Neatline (software) 156
Necropolitics 119
Nejo, Renee 132, 134; Blood Quantum (videogame) 134
Nelson, Alondra 345
Nelson, Ted 447, 454; Computer Lib / Dream Machines 447, 454
Neo-colonialism 79–80, 84
Neogeography 217–8, 394
Neoliberalism 11, 30, 45, 59, 60, 63, 142, 209, 210, 211, 226, 259, 278, 323, 332, 395, 449, 485
Net art 250, 275, 276, 352, 362, 366, 367, 369, 485; and social media 366
Network culture 274–6
Network experience 275–7; affect and 276
Neumark, Norie 363, 369
Neuroscience 306–7
Never Alone (videogame) 133
Nevitt, Barrington 185
New Aesthetic 277
New materialism 14, 23, 28
New media 1–5, 312, 365, 454
New media art 275, 362, 365–8; archives 367–8; exhibition 365, 366; ephemerality 367–8; obsolescence 367–8; preservation of 362–70
New media narratives 89
New media studies 56; and digital humanities 142, 157; and games 174; and practice 176, 180; and public scholarship 56–64 see also Media studies
Newell, Christopher 109; Digital Disability 109
Nichol, bp 352
Nissenbaum, Helen 180, 185, 323
Nivel de Confianza (project) 94–5 see also Lozano-Hemmer
Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture 407
Nowviskie, Bethany 10, 81
Nuñez, Leo 94
Nye, David 517
O’Brien, Jean 75
O’Sullivan, Dan 258, 262; Physical Computing 258, 262
Obsolescence 316, 329–34, 352, 353, 368, 483; and innovation 329–34
Oliveras, Lissette 35-6
Oliveros, Pauline 235
Online video 280–1, 292–5; and capital 295; and labor 293; genres of 297–8
Ontogenetic perspective 170
Optical character recognition (OCR) 269, 415, 417, 420
Oral histories 71–3, 83
The Oregon Trail 379
Orth, Margaret 101–2
Ortiz, Simon J. 129
Otsì:!! Rise of the Kanien’kehá:ka Legends 132, 133
Packard, Vance 330
Paik, Nam June 362, 365
Panofsky, Erwin 300, 303, 307
Papers, Please (videogame) 189–90
Papert, Seymour 447–8
Paradiso, Joe 513–4
Parikka, Jussi 311–2
Parisi, Luciana 255
Park, Suey 63
Parks, Lisa 322
Parthood 169–71
Patchwork Girl (e-lit) 352, 353, 355, 357 see also Jackson
Patents 3, 450, 479, 493, 496–8, 500
Pathfinders (project) 351, 353, 357–9
Pavlik, John 388
Paxton, Steve 197; small dance 197
PeaceMaker (videogame) 174–5
Pearce, Celia 105, 465
Pedagogy 18–9, 68, 74–6; collaborative teaching 74, mentorship 73–5
Pedersen, Isabel 205; Ready to Wear 205
Pérez, Emma 71; The Decolonial Imaginary 71
Perlis, Alan 445, 446–7
Perry, Imani 236–7
Personal Space Dress (wearable) 207–8
Pervasive mediation 224, 229
Peters, John Durham 330
Phan, Michelle 298
Philanthropy 45, 50–2
Philip, Kavita 80
Phillips, Amanda 71–2
Phillips, Tom 353
Philosophy of technology 142–4
Photography 15, 21, 93, 219, 239, 285, 313, 316, 375, 393, 403, 409, 427, 428, 514
Physical computing 100–1, 105, 258–65, 272
Pickles, John 378
Pinterest 24, 26, 28
Piper, Adrien 322–3 see also Probable Trust Registry
The Plateau Peoples’ Web Portal (online archive) 408–11
Platform studies 120, 122, 123, 468–9
Plato 243–4
Play Your Place (game) 186, 188, 189, 190
Playfair, William 433
Poe, Edgar Allan 378
Popular music studies 69, 74
Porpentine 467, 468
Posner, Miriam 10, 13, 99
Postcolonial computing 80, 475–6
Postcolonial studies 78, 81–2, 475–6
Postcolonial theory 80; critique of 81–2
Poundstone, William 479–80 see also Project for Tachistoscope
Pratt, Mary Louise 157; contact zone 157
Praxis 4, 14, 18, 21, 30, 68–76, 81, 84, 99, 110, 111, 112–4, 191, 192, 221, 394–5, 397, 398; see also Archivista praxis; Balsamo; Black feminism; Feminism; Media praxis
Prensky, Marc 46, 449
Prescott, Andrew 158
Presner, Todd 219
Pressman, Jessica 479
Price, Margaret 110
Prince 274
Probable Trust Registry (installation) 322–3 see also Piper
Procedural rhetoric 174–8 see also Bogost
Processing (software) 260–1
Programming 4, 5, 93, 101, 102, 104, 119, 224, 247, 228, 247, 252, 258, 259, 261, 267, 268, 445–51, 454, 455, 468, 472–81, 488–90; and embodiment 489–90; and language 476; and literacy 445–51, 455; and writing 445, 449–51
Project for Tachistoscope (e-lit) 479–80 see also Poundstone
Project Tango (Google) 259
Prom Week (videogame) 457–60
Prosumerism 45, 49, 52–3, 218
Protocols for Native American Archival Materials 404
Psychogeography 378–9
Public memory 286, 287, 289, 373, 398–9, 407
Public scholarship 56–7, 59, 61–4
Puppet Motel (CD-ROM) 363 see also Anderson
Puwar, Nirmal 495
Pybus, Jennifer 47–8
Python (programming language) 270, 448
QR Codes 271, 374, 376
Qualitative research 49–50
Quantified Self (QS) 103, 201, 205, 209
Quantitative humanities 424, 453
Queer computation 483–90
Queer studies 33–41, 47, 100, 118–9, 121, 122, 237, 396, 398, 399, 400, 483–90; history 396, 398, 400, 484; theory 121, 122, 399, 484–5; and trans studies 33–9; zines 100
Queerness and Games Conference 125
Queneau, Raymond 463
Queers in Love at the End of the World (videogame) 467 see also Anthropy
Raby, Fiona 186, 209
Race 14, 33–41, 45, 46, 57, 61, 62, 63, 69, 70, 78, 79, 105, 117, 120, 121, 125, 144, 153, 159, 187, 207, 208, 210, 218, 234, 236, 298, 345–6, 366, 391–400, 403, 418, 460
Radigue, Eliane 238
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) 223, 258, 267–8
Radzikowska, Milena 379
Ramsay, Stephen 10
Rancière, Jacques 252
Rap Genius (project) 345–50
Raskin, Jef 262
Raspberry Pi 261, 272
Ratto, Matt 53, 210, 263, 512 see also Critical making
Rault, Jasmine 47
Ray, Amit 475, 476
Real time 223–4, 288
Reas, Casey 254, 260, 261, 448; 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 254, 448
Reciprocal curation 407–8
Recreation (of objects) 168
Redshift & Portalmetal (game) 83 see also cárdenas
Reed, Alison 123
Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) 428–9
Remote sensing technologies 89–91
Representation 121
Respectability 37–8; framework of 37
Rettberg, Jill Walker 103, 205; Seeing Ourselves Through Technology 205
Reverse-engineering 439–40
Rhizome (listserv) 366
Riot grrrl 100
Risam, Roopika 15, 475, 476
Rivera, Sylvia 35; Sylvia Rivera Law Project (SRLP) 37–8
Robinson, Zandria 62
Rock in Fist (game) 130
Rose, David 168; enchanted objects 168
Rosenberg, Daniel 438
Ross, Sara 418–20
Rothenbuhler, Eric 131–2
Ruberg, Bonnie 118–9
Rudy, Kathryn 171
Ruecker, Stan 340, 379, 512
Russ, Joanna 61
Ryan, Marie-Laure 89, 91, 464
Ryan, Susan Elizabeth 101–2, 205–7; Garments of Paradise: Wearable Discourse in the Digital Age 101, 205
Saegusa, Hidekazu 514–6
Sagar, Sharad Vivek 192
Said, Edward 81
Salt, Barry 305
Salter, Elizabeth 338*; The Wife of Bath’s Tale* (digital edition) 338
Sample, Mark 252, 448; 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 254, 448
Sayers, Jentery 168, 263, 272, 359
Scalar (platform) 11, 83, 141, 357
Scaled Entity Search (SES) 414, 415, 416–7, 421
Schiphorst, Thecla 195, 198
Schnapp, Jeffrey T. 272–3
Schneider, Edgar 476; global Englishes 476
Schreiber, Loren 92
Science and technology studies 78, 100, 110, 473, 495, 496–7, 509; feminist 499; postcolonial approaches 80
Search 253, 414–21; algorithms 416; affordances of 415
Seaver, Nick 439
Second Life 48–9, 387
Seigworth, Gregory 23
Self-determination 63, 129, 132, 136, 209
Semmelhack, Peter 226
Sengers, Phoebe 186
Sensors 504–5, 507–8
Sentient cities 318, 324
Settler colonialism 82–3 see also Colonialism
Sewing 49, 102, 104, 210, 211, 258, 259, 493, 497, 498, 500
Sexism 57–60, 269, 275
Sexuality 14, 33–41, 45, 78, 97, 103, 117, 122, 125, 153, 210, 365, 366, 394, 400, 484, 489
Shah, Nishant 46–7, 101
Shatford Layne, Sara 303
Shaw, Adrienne 122, 400; Gaming at the Edge: Sexuality and Gender at the Margins of Gamer Culture 400
Shereen Sakr, Laila (VJ Um Amel) 15, 20, 23, 28-9
Shiga, Jason 466; Meanwhile 466
Short, Emily 468; Bronze 468
Sicart, Miguel 175–6
Siegel, Greg 313
SimCity 458; effect 458, 460
Simondon, Gilbert 509
Simone, AbdouMaliq 321
Simulation 128, 158, 165, 170, 175, 259, 364, 372, 387, 455, 458, 460, 465, 466, 467; versus narrative 465
Sinclair, Stéfan 379
Singuistics (game) 135
Skawennati 130
Skins Video Game Workshops 130, 132, 133
Slack, Jennifer 149–50
Slade, Giles 329, 330; Made to Break 329, 330
Small data 423, 424
Smart cities 226, 228, 505; citizen 227–8; subject 223, 227–8
Smith, Linda 128–9
Smith, Martha Nell 12, 14, 338; Dickinson Electronic Archives (digital edition) 338*; The Arden Shakespeare* (digital edition) 338
Smoke Stacks (game) 179–81
Smoodin, Eric 413
Snapchat 28, 331
Snowden, Edward 229
Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript (project) 340–2
Social Justice 3–4, 19, 41, 63, 113, 117–26, 128, 400; and decolonization 79; games 51–2; music 71, 76; warrior 117
The Social Justice History Platform 393
Social media 19, 28–30, 269–70, 277, 405; ecology of 292; and 366; as text 123; and video 296
Software art 250, 255
Software studies 122, 250–5, 305, 453–5
Soja, Edward 156
Sonami, Laetitia 236
Sonification 244
Sound 233–40, 246–7, 429, 430, 514–6; and interspecies communication 237
Soweto 392–3, 396–8, 399, 400; Soweto ‘76: A Living Digital Archive 392–3; The Soweto Historical Geographic Information System (SHGIS) 393
Space 152–9, 214–21, 372–81, 391–400, 428–9, 430–1, 433–42; and apartheid 395; augmented reality 376–7; and place 215; and race 392; social 217; and visualization 430–1, 433–42
Spam 479–80
Spatial humanities 156, 217–8, 219, 394, 396; spatial turn 155, 156, 268, 394
Speculative design 165, 168, 169, 172, 191, 318, 512; wear 168, 170–1
Spimes 271–2
Spinney, Justin 494
Spinoza, Baruch 177
Squire, Kurt 130, 175
Stacey, Judith 120
Stanfill, Mel 112
Stanley, Eric A. 34
Star, Susan Leigh 253, 319, 322, 498; The Cultures of Computing 498
Steampunk 163, 168–9
Stephenson, Neal 387
Sterling, Bruce 227, 271–2
Sterne, Jonathan 237, 239, 517, 518
Stewardship 405–7, 410-1; collaborative 410–1; digital heritage 405–7
Steyerl, Hito 322; How Not to Be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Education .MOV File 322
Stoll, Clifford 274
Stone soup 70
Stork, Matthias 298
Storyspace 354–5
Strategic disloyalty 120–1 see also Stacey
Sturken, Marita 131
Subjunctive knowledge 163; practices 164, 165, 168, 171
Suchman, Lucy 454; Plans and Situated Actions 454
Summers, Ed 270
Surkan, KJ 21-2
Surveillance 47, 128, 204, 226–7, 229, 234, 322, 324, 403, 508
Survivance 128, 129, 132, 136
Tale-Spin 458; effect 458
Tapp und Tastkino (Tap and Touch Cinema) 204–6
“Taroko Gorge” (procedural poem) 466 see also Montfort
Tate, Jamie 238
Taussig, Michael 511, 517; theory of magic 511, 517 see also Mimetic machines
Taylor, T.L. 101
Teaching with Things (project) 429–30
Techno-aesthetics 247–8
Techno-body 102, 206, 207–9
Technological embodiment 209
Technological failure and queerness 483
Technological progress 352, 483
Tekinbaş, Katie S. 176–7
Telegraph 162–3, 284–5
Television 184, 283–90, 338, 362, 413; as bad object 283–4; critique of 283–4; early era 286–7; social networks and 288–9; and VCRs 287–8, 485
Television Studies 283–90
Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) 440–1
Terranova, Tiziana 260
Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) 338
Textual studies 337–8
THATCamps 9–10, 158–9
Thiel, Tamiko 375
Thobani, Sunera 63
Thrift, Nigel 246, 497
Tikka, Pia 307
Tile (project) 225–6
Tillequets, Jolena 409
Tiltfactor (studio) 187, 191
Timescape (exhibition) 433–40
Titchkosky, Tanya 110–1
Todd, Loretta 130
Toffler, Alvin 218
TOMS 50–1
Touch that Spot (experimental media) 263–4 see also Belojevic
Tran, Thomas 514–6
Trans studies 33–9, 83, 103
Transborder Immigrant Tool (project) 83, 102, 477–9 see also cárdenas; Electronic Disturbance Theatre
Transcriptions Center (UCSB) 155
Transduction 237, 260, 263, 264, 265
Transformers: The Premake (a desktop documentary) 280–1
Transphobia 34, 35, 37-8
Traversal (of e-lit) 351, 354–9
Tsivian, Yuri 304, 305
Tuan, Yi-Fu 376–7
Tuck, Eve 79; decolonization 79
Tufekci, Zeynep 270
Turing, Alan 254, 450
Turkel, William J. 81, 263, 513
Turkle, Sherry 192, 399
Twine 119, 468, 469
Twitter 24, 29, 30, 35, 38, 57–8, 60, 123–4, 155, 270
Ubiquitous computing 224, 226–7, 229, 271, 504
Unboxing 298
Uncle Buddy’s Phantom Funhouse (e-lit) 353, 354, 355, 357–8 see also McDaid
Uncle Roger (e-lit) 353, 354, 357, 358, 359 see also Malloy
Underberg, Natalie M. 90
Underwood, Ted 415–6
Unity (software) 386–8, 469
Universal design 110–2; for learning 110–1; in digital humanities 112
Urban interfaces 324
Valasek, Chris 222
Values at Play (project) 185, 186, 191, 323 see also Flanagan; Nissenbaum
van Rossum, Guido 448
Variable Media Questionnaire 368–9, 370
Vasseleu, Cathryn 205
Vawter, Noah 254, 448; 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 254, 448
Vectors (journal) 11
Vee, Annette 101, 254
Vianello, Robert 286
Video Analysis Tableau (VAT) 305–6
Videogames 52, 62, 128–30, 132, 174, 175, 176, 183; and social justice 117, 119–24, 126; and history 379 see also Games
Viral 56, 57, 59, 60, 61–3, 281
Virilio, Paul 311
The Virtual Harlem Project 385–9
Virtual reality (VR) 268, 373, 385–7, 389, 393, 399; in the classroom 386, 387
virus.circus (video) see also cárdenas; Mehrmand
Viseu, Ana 201
Visualizing Venice (project) 377
Vizenor, Gerald 128, 129, 131–2
VNS Matrix (collective) 275
von Helmholtz, Hermann 240
von Neumann, John 487
Vulnerability 38, 62, 124, 222, 234, 313, 314, 315, 316, 496
wa Thiong’o, Ngũgĩ 79, 82
Waber, Dan 467; A Kiss 467
Wajcman, Judy 48, 499
Wakeford, Nina 495; inventive methods 495
Wanisinowin (game) 134–5 see also Byrne
Warde, Beatrice 339
Wardrip-Fruin, Noah 454–5, 456, 458; Expressive Processing 454–5, 456, 458
Wark, McKenzie 178–9, 260; Gamer Theory 178–9
Warren, David 313–4, 315
Warwick, Claire 10
Watson, Thomas 337
Wearable technology 100–5, 195, 199, 200, 204–12; cultural and ethical dimensions 205; feminism 205; gender 102; technologies of care 104
Weaver, Lois 101
Web 2.0 19, 27, 47, 49, 52, 268, 504
Weiser, Mark 224
West, Lindy 61
Wetware 321
What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) 448
Where Commuters Run Over Black Children (map) 218 see also Bunge
Whereabouts Clock (Harry Potter) 165–8, 172
White supremacy 37, 62, 80, 118
Whole Earth ’Lectronic Link (WELL) 275, 357
Wiegman, Robyn 117, 120, 487
The Wife of Bath’s Tale (digital edition) 338 see also Salter
WiFi 495–6, 500
Wikipedia 40–1, 48–9, 75, 302; Wikibooks 341
Wilkens, Matthew 271
Willeford, Thomas 163
Williams, George 112
Williams, Mark 304
Williams, Raymond 143, 338
Williamson, Bess 111
Wilson, Elizabeth 487
Wipprecht, Anouk 103–4
Women of color feminism 68–70, 74, 75
Women Who Rock 67–76
Wood, Denis 215, 378
Wuschitz, Stefanie 97
Wyeth, Peter 307
X-Reality 223
Xenakis, Iannis 238
Yakama Nation 408, 409–11
Yang, K. Wayne 79; decolonization 79
YouTube 18, 19, 24, 28–9, 280–1, 292–8
Zimmerman, Eric 129, 176–7
Žižek, Slavoj 20
Zoran, Amit 513–4
Zorn, Elayne 90
Zuckerman, Bruce 141; InscriptiFact 141
Zwicker, Heather 220
Zylinska, Joanna 15, 21, 23, 98