A Glossary of Acronyms and Initialisms Appearing in the Routledge Companion to Media Studies and Digital Humanities (DRAFT)
2-D: two-dimensional
3-D: three-dimensional
4-D: four-dimensional
AbTeC: Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace
AI: artificial intelligence
AIDS: acquired immune deficiency syndrome
ANVC: Alliance for Networking Visual Culture
API: application programming interface
APL: programming language named after the book, A Programming Language
AR: augmented reality
ARG: alternate reality game
ARP Instruments: Alan Robert Pearlman Instruments, Inc.
ASL: average shot length
BASIC: Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BMP: bitmap image file
BTEX: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene
CAPTCHA: Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
CD: compact disc
CD-ROM: compact disc read-only memory
CFC: Crunk Feminist Collective
CGI: computer-generated imagery
COBOL: common business-oriented language
CNC: computer numerical control
CPU: central processing unit
CCS: critical code studies
CRC: Canada research chair
C-SPAN: Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
CSV: comma-separated values
CVR: cockpit voice recorder
CWILA: Canadian Women in the Literary Arts
DAW: digital audio workstation
DCT: discrete cosine transform
DH: digital humanities
DHSI: Digital Humanities Summer Institute
DIO: digital input/output
DIT: do it together
DIWO: doing it with others
DIY: do it yourself
DOCAM: Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage
DOCC: distributed open collaborative course
DTD: document type definition
DVD: digital versatile disc or digital video disc
DVD-ROM: digital versatile disc or digital video disc read-only memory
DVR: digital video recorder
EDT: Electronic Disturbance Theater
ELL: Electronic Literature Laboratory
ELMCIP: Electronic Literature as a Model of Creativity and Innovation in Practice
ELO: Electronic Literature Organization
EPUB: e-book file format with the extension .epub
ETC: Experimental Television Center
FCC: Federal Communications Commission
FDR: flight data recorder
fMRI: functional magnetic resonance imaging
FOMO: fear of missing out
FORTRAN: FORmula TRANslation programming language
GCC: GNU compiler collection
GIF: graphics interchange format
GIS: geographic information system
GML: general markup language
GNU: A recursive acronym for “GNU’s Not Unix!” (free software containing no Unix code)
GO::DH: Global Outlook::Digital Humanities
GPS: global positioning system
GSM: global system for mobile communications
GUI: graphical user interface
HASTAC: Humanities, Arts, Science and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory
HB recorder: an early attempt, by François Hussenot and Paul Beaudouin, to produce an FDR
HCI: human-computer interaction
HTML: HyperText Markup Language
HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol
HUD: heads-up display
HVAC: heating, ventilating/ventilation, and air conditioning
I-CHASS: Institute for Computing in Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
IBM: International Business Machines Corporation
ICT: information and communications technology
ICYMI: in case you missed it
IDE: integrated development environment
IML: integer matrix library
IMLS: Institute of Museum and Library Services
INKE: Implementing New Knowledge Environments
INTERCAL: compiler language with no pronounceable acronym
IoT: internet of things
IP: Internet Protocol
IQ: intelligence quotient
IRL: in real life
ISEA: International Symposium on Electronic Art
IT: information technology
JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group (a format for image files)
LED: light emitting diode
LGBTGNC: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender gender nonconforming
LIDAR: light detection and ranging or light imaging, detection, and ranging
LOC: lines of code
LOL: laugh out loud
M2M: machine-to-machine
Micro-CT: micro-computed tomography
MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MITH: Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
MLA: Modern Language Association
MoMA: Museum of Modern Art
MOO: MUD object oriented
MOOC: massive open online course
MOU: memorandum of understanding
MP3: MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III (a format for audio files)
MPEG: Moving Picture Experts Group (a format for various types of media)
MRI: magnetic resonance imaging
MUD: multi-user dungeon, multi-user dimension, and multi-user domain
MUFC: Mandela United Football Club
NEH: National Endowment for the Humanities
NER: named entity recognition
NFC: near-field communication
NOx: nitrogen oxides
NPR: National Public Radio
O3: ozone
OCR: optical character recognition
OED: Oxford English Dictionary
OLPC: One Laptop Per Child
PAR: participatory action research
PARC: Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated
PC: personal computer
PHP: recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PICT: a graphics file format native to Macintosh computers
PLC: programmable logic controllers
PM: particulate matter
PM2.5: fine particulate matter
POC: people of color
POI: points of interest
PR: public relations
PSA: public service announcement
QGIS: quantum geographic information systems
QR: quick response code
QS: quantified self
RAF: Royal Air Force
RAM: random-access memory
RAW: rules as written
RFID: radio frequency identification
RGB-D: red, green, and blue, plus depth
RIAA: Recording Industry Association of America
RPG: role-playing game
RTI: reflectance transformation imaging
SES: scaled entity search
SGML: Standard Generalized Markup Language
SHGIS: Soweto Historical Geographic Information
SIM: subscriber identity module
Soweto: SOuth WEstern TOwnships
SQL: structured query language
SRLP: Sylvia Rivera Law Project
SRR: Soul Rebel Radio
SSHRC: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
STEAM: science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics
STEM: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
STS: science and technology studies
SXSW: South by Southwest
TBT: Transborder Immigrant Tool
TEACH Act: The Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act
TED: Technology, Enterprise, Design
TEI: Text Encoding Initiative
TIFF: Tagged Image File Format
TF-IDF: term frequency-inverse document frequency
THATCamp: The Humanities And Technology Camp
TOS: terms of service
TRC: Truth and Reconciliation Commission
TV: television
TXT: a filename extension for text files
U.K.: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
UMTS: universal mobile telephone system
URL: uniform (or universal) resource locator
U.S.: United States of America
V&A: Victoria and Albert Museum
VAT: Video Analysis Tableau
VCR: videocassette recorder
VIAF: Virtual International Authority File
VOC: volatile organic compound
VR: virtual reality
VRML: Virtual Reality Modeling Language or Virtual Reality Markup Language
WebGL: Web Graphics Library
WELL: Whole Earth ’Lectronic Link
WT: wearable technology
WWR: Women Who Rock
WWW: World Wide Web
WYSIWYG: what you see is what you get
XML: extensible markup language
XSEDE: Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment
ZKM: Center for Art and Media Technology, or Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe
This glossary was compiled with Nadia Timperio.