Resources for Slack Bots in Python. Whipped up by @jeffk and presented at PyTexas 2015 and the ATX Bot Talk meetup. Slides from PyTexas and ATX Bot Talk, v2 are available, and a video of the 20 minute PyTexas presentation is on YouTube.
A simple command line script to post a message to a channel as a bot user. The bot user integration must be created in Slack first, and the bot user invited to the channel.
A small text matching and response bot, with triggers and responses stored in a JSON file.
- The Slack API Docs
- Slack's List of Python Slack Tools
- Ben Brown's RefreshAustin Presentation - Your Friendly Robot Companions
- Slack's python-slackclient API wrapper and python-rtmbot plugin-enabled bot framework
-, XOXCO's Slackbot Developer Slack
- The Jack Principles - Thoughts on creating conversational interfaces
- When One App Rules Them All: The Case of WeChat and Mobile in China on messaging as a platform