=== Update Shaming === Contributors: jazzs3quence Donate link: https://paypal.me/jazzsequence Tags: pages, content, updates, old, reaction gifs Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 5.9 Stable tag: 0.3.4 License: GPL3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html The only WordPress plugin not afraid to give you dirty looks. == Description == The purpose of this plugin is to shame content editors into updating page content that has not been touched in a long time, while simultaneously providing an overview of the oldest pages on a site. Also: gifs. The plugin adds an **Out of Date Pages** subpage under the Pages menu, which breaks all the pages on the site down by last modified date, grouped by years since it's been modified. Each page listed has a link to edit the page. All images on the Out of Date Pages subpage are sourced from [reactiongifs.com](http://reactiongifs.com). == Installation == 1. Extract the zip file and upload to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in the WordPress dashboard. 3. Profit! == Frequently Asked Questions == = I'm a translator. I don't understand some of these captions. = I'm well aware that there are some jokes/captions that may get lost in translation. Translators should feel free to make the captions their own in a way that makes the most sense in their language. There should not be any requirement (or assumption of a requirement) that the captions are "set in stone" and can't be different than their source. All other translatable strings should be handled normally. = Can I submit reactions/captions? = Sure. Submit a ticket [here](https://github.com/jazzsequence/Update-Shaming/issues/new). == Screenshots == None yet. == Changelog == = 0.3.2 = * version bump, no major changes = 0.3.1 = * version bump, no major changes * added plugin icon = 0.3 = * Removed all non-reactiongif.com images and replaced with reactiongif alternatives. * Updated readme files and hacking.md. = 0.2 = * Added a view page link * Cleaned up some alignment issues in the tables = 0.1 = * Initial release. See hacking.md for details about the code. == Upgrade Notice ==