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Demand for food, forestry, etc. |
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v5.4 |
- Inputs to the Module
- Description
- Equations
- Insights and intuition
- Policy options
- IAMC Reference Card
- References
Table 1: Inputs required by the demand module 1
Name | Resolution | Unit | Source |
Historical demand for agriculture (used for calibration) | By region, demand, commodity, and year | Mt/yr | Exogenous |
Historical demand for livestock (used for calibration) | By region, demand, commodity, and year | Mt/yr | Exogenous |
Historical demand for forest (used for calibration) | By region and year | billion km3/yr | Exogenous |
Commodity prices | By region, commodity, and year | 1975$/kg or 1975$/m3 | Marketplace |
Income and price elasticity (for non-food, non-feed) | By region, demand, and year | unitless | Exogenous |
Scale parameter, self-price elasticity, cross-price elasticity, income elasticity, regional bias, price scaling parameters (for food demand) | By region | unitless | Exogenous |
Logit exponents | By region and sector or subsector | unitless | Exogenous |
GDP per capita | By region and year | thous 1990$ per person | Economy module |
Population | By region and year | thousand | Economy module |
Food demand is based on the approach documented in Edmonds et al. (2017).
Shares of feed are determined by a logit sharing approach, which depends on the relative costs of the different feed options. Demand for feed is determined by the scale of livestock demand and these feed shares
Non-food, non-feed demand, including forestry demand, is determined by price, income, and population size.
The equations that determine food, feed, and forest demand are described here.
and NonStaplesFoodDemandInput::calcIncomeTerm
in food_demand_input.cpp.
, NonStaplesFoodDemandInput::getCrossPriceElasticity
, StaplesFoodDemandInput::calcIncomeTermDerivative
, and NonStaplesFoodDemandInput::calcIncomeTermDerivative
in food_demand_input.cpp.
See also food_demand_function.cpp
Per-capita non-food, non-feed demands (D) from time period t-1 to time period t.
See calcDemand
in minicam_price_elasticity_function.cpp.
To be completed...
To be completed...
Agriculture and forestry demands
- Agriculture food
- Agriculture food crops
- Agriculture food livestock
- Agriculture feed
- Agriculture feed crops
- Agriculture feed livestock
- Agriculture non-food
- Agriculture non-food crops
- Agriculture non-food livestock
- Agriculture bioenergy
- Agriculture residues
- Forest industrial roundwood
- Forest fuelwood
- Forest residues
[Edmonds et al. (2017)] EDMONDS, J. A., R. LINK, S. T. WALDHOFF, and R. CUI, 2017: A GLOBAL FOOD DEMAND MODEL FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF COMPLEX HUMAN-EARTH SYSTEMS. Clim. Chang. Econ., 08, 1750012,