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libmbb - Hierarchical State Machines

libmbb features a lightweight module for hierarchical state machines (HSMs) modeled after the UML state machine.

HSM types, macros, and functions prototypes are defined in mbb/hsm.h.

#include "mbb/hsm.h"


  • Composite states
  • Run-to-completion processing
  • Greedy transition selection
  • Deferred events
  • DO event
  • Timers with system-specific backends


  • Define custom events.
  • Define the state hierarchy of your HSM.
  • Optionally, use mhsm_scaffold to generate stubs of the event processing functions.
  • Define the event processing functions.
  • Create as many instances of your HSM as you need along with their contexts.
  • Initialise your HSM instances and their contexts.
  • Dispatch the MHSM_EVENT_INITIAL event to trigger the initial transition.
  • Dispatch events as they occur.


#include "mbb/hsm.h"
#include <stdio.h>

enum {


mhsm_state_t *top_fun(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm, mhsm_event_t event)
	switch ( {
		case EVENT1:
		case EVENT2:

	return &top;

mhsm_state_t *a_fun(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm, mhsm_event_t event)
	switch ( {
		case EVENT1:
			return &b;

	return &a;

mhsm_state_t *b_fun(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm, mhsm_event_t event)
	switch ( {
		case EVENT1:
			return &a;

	return &b;

int main(void)
	mhsm_hsm_t hsm;

	mhsm_initialise(&hsm, NULL, &a);
	mhsm_dispatch_event(&hsm, MHSM_EVENT_INITIAL);
	mhsm_dispatch_event(&hsm, EVENT1);
	mhsm_dispatch_event(&hsm, EVENT1);
	mhsm_dispatch_event(&hsm, EVENT2);

	return 0;


typedef struct {
	uint32_t id;
	int32_t arg;
} mhsm_event_t;

mhsm_event_t represents an event which is identified by its uint32_t id and features an optional int32_t argument arg.

There are five pre-defined event ids:

enum {

MHSM_EVENT_ENTRY, MHSM_EVENT_INITIAL, and MHSM_EVENT_EXIT are dispatched automatically if event processing functions trigger a transition.

The MHSM_EVENT_DO event is meant to be dispatched periodically in non-blocking real-time systems. This can be used to implement concurrency of multiple tasks if the underlying operating system lacks support for concurrency.

Custom events should be defined as follows:

enum {

Event Arguments

Typical examples for event arguments include return codes, error codes, and indices. If an event is associated with an argument which cannot be represented by an int32_t value you will have to reserve space in the HSM's context structure (see below).

States and Event Processing Functions

typedef struct mhsm_state_s mhsm_state_t;

mhsm_state_t is an anonymous structure representing an HSM state. It is basically a pointer to an event processing function along with a pointer to its superstate.

typedef mhsm_state_t *mhsm_event_processing_fun_t(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm, mhsm_event_t event);

An event processing function takes a pointer to the HSM and an event and returns a pointer to the next state. The HSM pointer is needed to retrieve the HSM's context and in case another event is to be dispatched.

State Transitions

If the pointer returned by the event processing function differs from the current state of the HSM a transition is triggered. If more than one of the active states trigger a transition the most inner state's transition is performed (UML's greedy transition selection).

|  LCA                                           |
| __________________     _______________________ |
| | STATE_A        |     | ___________________ | |
| |                |     | | STATE_B         | | |
| |                |     | |                 | | |
| |                |     | |                 | | |
| ------------------     | ------------------- | |
|                        ----------------------- |

A transition from STATE_A to STATE_B consists of the following steps:

  • Find the least comon ancestor LCA of STATE_A and STATE_B
  • Dispatch MHSM_EVENT_EXIT events starting at STATE_A up to but not including LCA
  • Dispatch MHSM_EVENT_ENTRY events down to STATE_B
  • Dispatch the MHSM_EVENT_INITIAL event to STATE_B

A composite state's event processing function can catch the MHSM_EVENT_INITIAL event to trigger the initial transition to one of its substates.

Deferring Events

If a state cannot process a certain event its event processing function can defer the event by returning NULL. Deferred events are enqueued in an HSM-specific queue. This queue's capacity is MHSM_EVENT_QUEUE_LENGTH, which is 5 by default. Whether this is enough depends on the processing logic. If a longer queue is needed MHSM_EVENT_QUEUE_LENGTH can be pre-defined before including mbb/hsm.h.

Deferring an event also prevents any potential transitions triggered in super states.

Transitions Triggered by MHSM_EVENT_ENTRY and MHSM_EVENT_EXIT events

To ensure run-to-completion processing MHSM_EVENT_ENTRY and MHSM_EVENT_EXIT events should usually not be allowed to trigger transitions. However, libmbb's HSM module allows such transitions which may be useful under certain conditions.

For example, a MHSM_EVENT_EXIT event may trigger an action which is supposed to write some data to non-volatile memory. If this action fails it may be necessary to interrupt the current transition and trigger a transition to a fatal error state instead.

Use this feature with care as it can easily lead to infinite loops if abused.

Defining States and Event Processing Functions


The event processing function for STATE is called STATE_fun by convention. The macro MHSM_DEFINE_STATE is used to declare STATE_fun, define STATE, and assign STATE_fun and SUPERSTATE to STATE's internal pointers.

SUPERSTATE is a pointer to STATE's superstate. For states without a superstate SUPERSTATE must be NULL.

After defining the state hierarchy using MHSM_DEFINE_STATE the tool mhsm_scaffold can be used to append event processing function stubs to the source file:

tools/mhsm_scaffold myhsm.c

The tool is rather primitive. It records all appearances of the MHSM_DEFINE_STATE macro and appends an event processing function stub for each of the states to the end of the file, regardless of any other existing source code.

Extended State Variables

Since event processing functions can be called by multiple HSM instances they should not contain any static variables. If the application logic depends on extended state variables these should be part of the HSM's context.

An HSM's context is typically represented by an HSM-specific context structure:

typedef struct {
} hsm_context_t;

A pointer to such a context structure is given to the HSM during initialisation (see below) and can be retrieved by event processing functions using the function mhsm_context:

void *mhsm_context(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm);

The mhsm_scaffold tool adds a variable pointing to the context structure to the event processing function stubs if you add the --context-type option.

The generated event processing function stub including a context pointer looks like this:

mhsm_state_t *STATE_fun(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm, mhsm_event_t event)
	hsm_context_t *ctx = (hsm_context_t*) mhsm_context(hsm);

	switch ( {

	return &STATE;

Auxiliary Functions

The function mhsm_is_ancestor returns true if ancestor is an ancestor of target:

bool mhsm_is_ancestor(mhsm_state_t *ancestor, mhsm_state_t *target);


typedef struct mhsm_hsm_s mhsm_hsm_t;

mhsm_hsm_t is an anonymous structure representing an HSM. It stores the pointer of the HSM's current state, a pointer the HSM's context, and the queue of deferred events.

void mhsm_initialise(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm, void *context, mhsm_state_t *initial_state);

The function mhsm_initialise must be called to initialse an HSM. In addition to a pointer to the HSM, it takes a pointer to HSM-specific context data and a pointer to the HSM's initial state.

Dispatching Events

After initialising the HSM events are dispatched using the functions mhsm_dispatch_event and mhsm_dispatch_event_arg:

void mhsm_dispatch_event(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm, uint32_t id);
void mhsm_dispatch_event_arg(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm, uint32_t id, int32_t arg);

To trigger the initial transition after initialising an HSM you must dispatch the MHSM_EVENT_INITIAL event:

mhsm_dispatch_event(hsm, MHSM_EVENT_INITIAL);

Recursive Calls of Dispatch Functions and Enqueued Events

The dispatch functions may be called from within an event processing function. To assure run-to-completion processing the event is enqueued in the HSM's internal queue in this case and dispatched after the processing function has returned.

Each call of one of the dispatch functions will also dispatch all enqueued events once after dispatching the given event.

Auxiliary Functions

A pointer to the HSM's most inner active state can be retrieved using the mhsm_current_state function:

mhsm_state_t *mhsm_current_state(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm);

The function mhsm_is_in returns true if state is an active state (including composite states):

bool mhsm_is_in(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm, mhsm_state_t *state);


Since timers are of substantial importance in embedded computing libmbb's HSM module features a simple yet powerful interface.

int mhsm_start_timer(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm, uint32_t event_id, uint32_t period_msecs);

An event processing function may call mhsm_start_timer to ask its HSM to dispatch event_id after period_msecs ms have passed.

Of course, timers are highly system specific which is why you have to choose an appropriate backend.

All these backends rely on a convention:

The first element of the context structure of the HSM given to mhsm_start_timer must be an array of timer structures, one structure per event_id. Additionally, they assume that custom timer events are defined first, i.e., the first timer event corresponds to MHSM_EVENT_CUSTOM. The MTMR_NROF_TIMERS macro returns the number of timers given the last timer event id, provided the assumption is fulfilled.


enum {

typedef struct {
	mtmr_prd_t timers[MTMR_NROF_TIMERS(MY_TIMER_EVENT_C)];
} hsm_context_t;

In this example the timers array contains three elements: timers[0] corresponds to MY_TIMER_EVENT_A, timers[1] to MY_TIMER_EVENT_B and timers[2] to MY_TIMER_EVENT_C.

When an event processing function requests a timer the index of the timer structure is computed based on this convention. Using any of the existing timer backends without adhering to this convention will cause memory corruption.

mtmr_prd_t for Non-Blocking Real-Time Systems

#include "mbb/timer_periodic.h"

The timer structure is mtmr_prd_t. The array of timers must be initialised calling

mtmr_prd_initialise_timers(hsm, MTMR_NROF_TIMERS(MY_TIMER_EVENT_C));

after the HSM has been intialised.

int mtmr_prd_increment_timers(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm, size_t nrof_timers, uint32_t passed_msecs);

The function mtmr_prd_increment_timers must be called periodically indicating how much time has passed. This is usually done along with dispatching the MHSM_EVENT_DO event.

pelican is an example using this timer backend.

mtmr_ev_t based on libev

#include "mbb/timer_ev.h"

libev is a full-featured and high-performance event loop featuring, amongst others, relative timers.

The timer structure is mtmr_ev_t. The array of timers must be initialised calling

mtmr_ev_initalise_timers(hsm, MTMR_NROF_TIMERS(MY_TIMER_EVENT_C), ev_loop);

after the HSM has been initialised.

monostable is an example using this timer backend.

System-specific Timer Backends

To implement a system-specific timer backend you will at least have to call

void mhsm_set_timer_callback(int (*callback)(mhsm_hsm_t *hsm, uint32_t event_id, uint32_t period_msecs));

after the HSM has been intialised. The callback will be called whenever an event processing function calls mhsm_start_timer.

The existing backends set this callback in their specific initialisation function.