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AmigaPCI Milestones to Release and Testing Plan

Goal 1: Place and route boards.

01-APR-2024: Revision 2.0 prototype boards in-hand and partially assembled to begin testing.
30-MAY-2024: Revision 3.0 prototype boards ordered from JLCPCB.
16-JUN-2024: Revision 3.0 board assembled to begin testing of Amiga components.
28-JUN-2024: Updated complete activities and commments. Rev 4.0 PCB in flight.

Goal 2: POST to Kickstart 3.x

Milestone Action Completed Comments
Verify Startup Critical Signals Done
80MHz Done
40MHz Done
28MHz Done
7MHz Done
60Hz Done
50Hz Done
CLKCIA Done Changed to E clock at ~0.7MHz.
_RESET Done Startup reset working as expected.
OVL Done Asserts HIGH after CIA registers set
Milestone Action Completed Comments
Verify ROM is read correctly Done
_TA is asserted correctly Done _TA to assert ~100ns after _ROMEN
Milestone Action Completed Comments
Verify CIA Cycles Done
CIA chip select (low) occurs at least 75ns before falling edge of CLKCIA during write cycle Done Currently using standard E timings.
CIA chip select (low) occurs at least 150ns before falling edge of CLKCIA during read cycle Done Currently using standard E timings.
Assertion (low) of _TA should occur just after the CLKCIA falling edge when chip select is asserted Done
Negations of chip select should occur just after negation (high) of _TA Done
Milestone Action Completed Comments
Verify Chip RAM Signals and Cycles Primarily FPGA U711
_VBEN is asserted curing CPU cycles Done
_DBEN is asserted only during DMA cycles when DRA1 is high during the _CASx strobe
_DBDIR is asserted low only during DMA read cycles _DBDIR is driven by Agnus AWE
_TCI asserted with all CPU cycles Do not cache in the chip RAM area
CPU burst cycle canceled by assertion of _TBI when necessary Should assert when a CPU burst cycle starts too late.
_TA is asserted correctly for burst and normal CPU cycles
_TA is not asserted for DMA cycles Do not confuse assertion of _TA from other CPU cycles. DMA and non-chip RAM CPU cycles run concurrently.
CPU cycle not interfering with DMA cycles
Assertion of Agnus _DBR and _RAS0/1 prevents CPU cycle from starting This is too late, cycle can start when _RAS0/1 and _CASU/L negate.
Agnus refresh cycle does not interfere with CPU cycle Agnus refresh signal is ignored

Goal 3: AUTOCONFIG Onboard Resources

Milestone Action Completed Comments
Confirm real time clock Not AUTOCONFIG
Confirm fast RAM function
Confirm IDE function
Confrim PCI bridge function

Goal 4: AUTOCONFIG Devices on PCI Bus

Goal 5: Use PCI Devices

Goal 6: HID for USB mice and keyboards