title | layout | toc | toc_label | tags |
Technology and Platforms |
single |
true |
Tech |
syllabus grades policies |
The following is a list of technologies with which I expect you to familiarize yourself and be prepared to use as a part of participating in our class.
I constructed our course homepage as a Jekyll site built with Github
Pages. You should directly submit corrections and improvements as
[pull requests]({{ site.sourceurl }}{{ site.repository }}). Every page
on this website has a direct links to its .md
file in this
If you are unfamiliar with making pull requests, you can find plenty of documentation both from your terminal and on the web
Download and install Racket and the DrRacket integrated development environment. To begin with, I will use DrRacket in front of the classroom to demonstrate Racket and miniKanren programming, and I want you all to follow along and to practice during designated practice periods.