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243 lines (204 loc) · 11.1 KB

File metadata and controls

243 lines (204 loc) · 11.1 KB

FAVDBench: Fine-grained Audible Video Description


In general, the code requires python>=3.7, as well as pytorch>=1.10 and torchvision>=0.8. You can follow to configure a recommend conda environment:

  1. Create virtual env

    conda create -n FAVDBench; conda activate FAVDBench
  2. Install pytorch-related packages:

    conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
  3. Install basic packages:

    pip install fairscale opencv-python
    pip install deepspeed PyYAML fvcore ete3 transformers pandas timm h5py
    pip install tensorboardX easydict progressbar matplotlib future deprecated scipy av scikit-image boto3 einops addict yapf
  4. Install mmcv-full

    pip install mmcv-full==1.6.1 -f
  5. Install apex

    git clone
    cd apex
    pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir ./
  6. Clone related repo for eval

    cd ./AVLFormer/src/evalcap
    git clone
    git clone
    mv ./coco-caption ./coco_caption 
  7. Install ffmpeg & ffprobe

  • Use ffmpeg -version and ffprobe -version to check whether ffmpeg and ffprobe are installed.

  • Installation guideline:

      # For ubuntu
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install ffmpeg
      # For mac
      brew update
      brew install ffmpeg

Dataset Preparation


  1. Refer to the Apply for Dataset section to download the raw video files directly into the datasets folder.

  2. Retrieve the file into the datasets folder, then proceed to unzip it.

  3. Activate conda env conda activate FAVDBench.

  4. Extract the frames from videos and convert them into a single TSV (Tab-Separated Values) file.

    # check the path
    >>> FAVDBench/AVLFormer
    # check the preparation
    ls datasets
    >>> audios metadata videos audios
    # data pre-processing
    bash data_prepro/
    # validate the data pre-processing
    ls datasets
    >>> audios frames  frame_tsv  metadata videos
    ls datasets/frames
    >>> train-32frames test-32frames val-32frames
    ls datasets/frame_tsv
    test_32frames.img.lineidx   test_32frames.img.tsv    test_32frames.img.lineidx.8b    
    val_32frames.img.lineidx    val_32frames.img.tsv     val_32frames.img.lineidx.8b
    train_32frames.img.lineidx  train_32frames.img.tsv   train_32frames.img.lineidx.8b       


    • The contents within datasets/frames serve as intermediate files for training, although they hold utility for inference and scoring.
    • datasets/frame_tsv files are specifically designed for training purposes.
    • Should you encounter any problems, access Quick Links for Dataset Preparation to download the processed files or initiate a new issue in GitHub.
  5. Convert the audio files in mp3 format to the h5py format by archiving them.

    python data_prepro/ train
    python data_prepro/ val
    python data_prepro/ test
    # check the preparation
    ls datasets/audio_hdf
    >>> test_mp3.hdf  train_mp3.hdf  val_mp3.hdf


Quick Links for Dataset Preparation

URL md5sum
meta4raw-video 📼 5b50445f2e3136a83c95b396fc69c84a
metadata 💻 f03e61e48212132bfd9589c2d8041cb1
audio_mp3 🎵 audio_mp3.tar e2a3eb49edbb21273a4bad0abc32cda7
audio_hdf 🎵 audio_hdf.tar 79f09f444ce891b858cb728d2fdcdc1b
frame_tsv 🎆 Dropbox / 百度网盘 6c237a72d3a2bbb9d6b6d78ac1b55ba2




Please visit Video Swin Transformer to download pre-trained weights models.

Download swin_base_patch244_window877_kinetics400_22k.pth and swin_base_patch244_window877_kinetics600_22k.pth, and place them under models/video_swin_transformer directory.

|-- datasets      (purposes)
|   |--audios     (raw-data)  
|   |--audio_hdf  (training, evaluation)
|   |--audio_mp3  (evaluation, inference)
|   |--frame_tsv  (training)
|   |--frames     (evaluation)
|   |--meta       (raw-data)
|   |--metadata   (training)
|   |--videos     (raw-data, inference)
|-- models  
|   |--captioning/bert-base-uncased
|   |-- video_swin_transformer
|    |   |-- swin_base_patch244_window877_kinetics600_22k.pth
|    |   |-- swin_base_patch244_window877_kinetics400_22k.pth


  • The file provides training scripts catered for single GPU, multiple GPUs, and distributed across multiple nodes with GPUs.
  • The hyperparameters could be beneficial.

Load pretrained weights

# check whether correct path
>>> FAVDBench/AVLFormer

# command
python \
    ./src/tasks/ \ 
    --config ./src/configs/favd_32frm_default.json \
    --pretrained_checkpoint PATH_TO_FOLDER_THAT_CONATINS_MODEL.BIN \
    --per_gpu_train_batch_size 2 \
    --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 2 \
    --num_train_epochs 150 \
    --learning_rate 0.0001 \
    --max_num_frames 32 \
    --backbone_coef_lr 0.05 \
    --learn_mask_enabled \
    --loss_sparse_w 0.5 \
    --lambda_ 0.1 \
    --output_dir ./output/favd_default \

Single GPU Training

python \
    ./src/tasks/ \ 
    --config ./src/configs/favd_32frm_default.json \
    --per_gpu_train_batch_size 2 \
    --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 2 \
    --num_train_epochs 150 \
    --learning_rate 0.0001 \
    --max_num_frames 32 \
    --backbone_coef_lr 0.05 \
    --learn_mask_enabled \
    --loss_sparse_w 0.5 \
    --lambda_ 0.1 \
    --output_dir ./output/favd_default \

Multiple GPU Training for KUBERNETES cluster

# Provide the appropriate arguments accurately, which can be differently between each cluster!

torchrun --nproc_per_node=${KUBERNETES_CONTAINER_RESOURCE_GPU} \
    --master_addr=${MASTER_ADDR} \
    --master_port=${MASTER_PORT} \
    --nnodes=${WORLD_SIZE} \
    --node_rank=${RANK} \
    --config ./src/configs/favd_32frm_default.json \
    --per_gpu_train_batch_size 2 \
    --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 2 \
    --num_train_epochs 150 \
    --learning_rate 0.0001 \
    --max_num_frames 32 \
    --backbone_coef_lr 0.05 \
    --learn_mask_enabled \
    --loss_sparse_w 0.5 \
    --lambda_ 0.1 \
    --output_dir ./output/favd_default \


  • The file offers scripts for inferences.
  • Attention: The baseline for inference necessitates both raw video and audio data, which could be found here.

Quick Links for Experiments

URL md5sum
weight 🔒 GitHub / 百度网盘 5d6579198373b79a21cfa67958e9af83
hyperparameters 🧮 args.json -
prediction ☀️ prediction_coco_fmt.json -
metrics 🔢 metrics.log -