For those who would love to work with Magento on backend but use NoSQL power on the frontend. Two way / real time data synchronizer.
It's part of vue-storefront project - first Progressive Web App for eCommerce with Magento2 support. Some details about the rationale and our goals here
It synchronizes all the products, attributes, taxrules, categories and links between products and categories.
This is multi-process data synchronizer between Magento to Vue Storefront ElasticSearch database.
At this point synchronization works with following entities:
- Products
- Categories
- Taxrules
- Attributes
- Product-to-categories
- Reviews (require custom module Divante/ReviewApi to work)
- Cms Blocks & Pages (require custom module SnowdogApps/magento2-cms-api)
Categories and Product-to-categories links are additionaly stored in Redis cache for rapid-requests (for example from your WebAPI). Our other project vue-storefront-api exposes this databse to be used in PWA/JS webapps.
Datasync uses oauth + magento2 rest API to get the data. KUE is used for job queueing and multi-process/multi-tenant processing is enabled by default ElasticSearch is used for NoSQL database Redis is used for KUE queue backend
By default all services are used without authorization and on default ports (check out config.js or ENV variables for change of this behavior).
Tutorial on installation / integration manual for Vue Storefront connectivity
To get started with VS we must start with some very basics about the architecture; the project is backed by three separate Node.js applications
vue-storefront (Github) — is the main project where you can also find most of the documentation, issues mapped to further releases and other resources to start with — Vue.js on webpack.
vue-storefront-api (Github) — is the API layer which provides the data to vue-storefront app — Node.js, Express; This project consist of docker instances for Redis and ElasticSearch required by mage2vuestorefront and pimcore2vuestorefront
mage2vuestorefront — THIS project -data bridges which are in charge of moving data back from Magento2 to Vue Storefront data store.
You must install vue-storefront-api
locally. You may install it using the Vue Storefront installer - see details. Or manually by executing the sequence of commands:
git clone
cd vue-storefront-api
npm install
npm run migrate
docker-compose up -d
npm run dev
The key command is docker-compose up -d
which runs the ElasticSearch and Redis instances - both required by mage2vuestorefront
Now, You're ready to run the importer. Please check the config file. You may setup the Magento access data and URLs by config values or ENV variables.
We'll use in the following example - the ENV variables. The simplest command sequence to perform full reindex is:
export TIME_TO_EXIT=2000
export MAGENTO_CONSUMER_KEY=byv3730rhoulpopcq64don8ukb8lf2gq
export MAGENTO_CONSUMER_SECRET=u9q4fcobv7vfx9td80oupa6uhexc27rb
export MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN=040xx3qy7s0j28o3q0exrfop579cy20m
export MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=7qunl3p505rubmr7u1ijt7odyialnih9
echo 'Default store - in our case United States / en'
export INDEX_NAME=vue_storefront_catalog
node --harmony cli.js categories --removeNonExistent=true
node --harmony cli.js productcategories --partitions=1
node --harmony cli.js attributes --removeNonExistent=true
node --harmony cli.js taxrule --removeNonExistent=true
node --harmony cli.js products --removeNonExistent=true --partitions=1
node --harmony cli.js reviews
After installing the 3rd party Magneto module (SnowdogApps/magento2-cms-api) there are two additional imports available:
node --harmony cli.js blocks
node --harmony cli.js pages
Please note:
option means - all records that were found in the index but currently don't exist in the API feed - will be removed. Please use this option ONLY for the full reindex!INDEX_NAME
by default is set to thevue_storefront_catalog
but You may set it to any other elastic search index name.- The
importer option--generateUniqueUrlKeys
is by default set to true. This is due the fact that in Magento2, thecategory.url_key
field is not mandatory unique and from v. 1.7 Vue Storefront uses thecategory.url_key
to display the category details without any client's side modification. PRODUCTS_EXCLUDE_DISABLED
by default is set tofalse
. To only import enabled products set this totrue
Cache invalidation: Recent version of Vue Storefront do support output caching. Output cache is being tagged with the product and categories id (products and categories used on specific page). Mage2vuestorefront can invalidate cache of product and category pages if You set the following ENV variables:
export VS_INVALIDATE_CACHE_URL=http://localhost:3000/invalidate?key=aeSu7aip&tag=
is a cache to the Vue Storefront instance - used as a webhook to clear the output cache.
Please note:
After data import - especially when You're not sure about the product attributes data types - please reindex ElasticSearch to establish the correct / current database schema. You may do this using Database tool in the vue-storefront-api
cd vue-storefront-api
npm run db rebuild -- --indexName=vue_storefront_catalog
If You like to create a new, empty index please run:
cd vue-storefront-api
npm run db new -- --indexName=vue_storefront_catalog
If you want to see how many products were stored into Elastic data store, you can use Kibana to do so. Kibana is part of vue-storefront-api. Once you start docker containers of vue-storefront-api you can access it on http://localhost:5601/.
To see count of indexed products go to DEV tools and run following query:
GET vue_storefront_catalog/product/_count
See to find out more.
After initial setup and full-reindex You may want to add indexer to the crontab
to index only modified product records.
This is fairly easy - You just need to add the following command to crontab:
node --harmony cli.js productsdelta --partitions=1
This command will execute full reindex at first call - and then will be storing the last index date in the .lastIndex.json
and downloading only these products which have updated_at
> last index date.
If you have a multistore setup and would like to use the delta indexer for each storeview you can not use the delta timestamp from .lastIndex.json
for all stores; instead
you will need to set the INDEX_META_PATH
to a unique value for each store you are indexing. For instance:
export INDEX_META_PATH=.lastIndex-UK.json && node --harmony cli.js productsdelta --partitions=1
Please note: Magento2 has a bug with altering updated_at
field. Please install a fix for that before using this method:
composer require codepeak/magento2-productfix
php bin/magento cache:flush
Please note if there is a simple
product update request coming from Delta Indexer or On Demand indexer mage2vuestorefront
will - by default - check and update the configurable
/parent product as well. The parent product update is scheduled in the productsworker
mode - using KUE queue. Please make sure You're runinng at least one worker instance to process these on-demand request:
cd mage2vuestorefront/src
export TIME_TO_EXIT=2000
export MAGENTO_CONSUMER_KEY=byv3730rhoulpopcq64don8ukb8lf2gq
export MAGENTO_CONSUMER_SECRET=u9q4fcobv7vfx9td80oupa6uhexc27rb
export MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN=040xx3qy7s0j28o3q0exrfop579cy20m
export MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=7qunl3p505rubmr7u1ijt7odyialnih9
export PORT=6060
node --harmony cli.js productsworker
This second process will take care of indexing the parent products updates whetever any of it's configurable_children
simple products has been changed.
Mage2nosql supports an on-demand indexer - where Magento calls a special webhook to update modified products. In the current version the webhook notifies mage2vuestorefront about changed product SKUs and mage2vuestorefront pulls the modified products data via Magento2 APIs.
First. You should install Magento2 module called VsBridge Second. Deploy mage2vuestorefront on the server.
Then You may want to start a webapi process:
cd mage2vuestorefront/src
export TIME_TO_EXIT=2000
export MAGENTO_CONSUMER_KEY=byv3730rhoulpopcq64don8ukb8lf2gq
export MAGENTO_CONSUMER_SECRET=u9q4fcobv7vfx9td80oupa6uhexc27rb
export MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN=040xx3qy7s0j28o3q0exrfop579cy20m
export MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=7qunl3p505rubmr7u1ijt7odyialnih9
export PORT=6060
node --harmony webapi.js
The API will be listening on port 6060. Typically non-standard ports like this one are not exposed on the firewall. Please consider setting up simple nginx proxy for this service.
Anyway - this API must be publicly available via Internet OR You must have the mage2vuestorefront installed on the same machine like Magento2.
Go to Your Magento2 admin panel, then to Stores -> Configuration -> VsBridge and set-up "Edit product" url to: http://localhost:6060/magento/products/update
. Please note: Product delete endpoint hasn't been implemented yet and it's good chance for Your PR.
After having the webapi up and runing and this endpoint set, any Product save action will call POST http://localhost:6060/magento/products/update
with the body set to {"sku": ["modified-sku-list"]}
Webapi will add the products to the queue.
Please run the queue worker to process all the queued updates (You may run multiple queue workers even distributed across many machines):
cd mage2vuestorefront/src
export TIME_TO_EXIT=2000
export MAGENTO_CONSUMER_KEY=byv3730rhoulpopcq64don8ukb8lf2gq
export MAGENTO_CONSUMER_SECRET=u9q4fcobv7vfx9td80oupa6uhexc27rb
export MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN=040xx3qy7s0j28o3q0exrfop579cy20m
export MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=7qunl3p505rubmr7u1ijt7odyialnih9
export PORT=6060
node --harmony cli.js productsworker
Please note: We're using kue based on Redis queue which may be configured via src/config.js
- kue
+ redis
Please note: There is no authorization mechanism in place for the webapi calls. Please keep it local / private networked or add some kind of authorization as a PR to this project please :-)
Multiwebsite support starts with the ElasticSearch indexing. Basically - each store has it's own ElasticSearch index and should be populated separately using mage2vuestorefront tool.
The simplest script to index multi site:
export TIME_TO_EXIT=2000
export MAGENTO_CONSUMER_KEY=byv3730rhoulpopcq64don8ukb8lf2gq
export MAGENTO_CONSUMER_SECRET=u9q4fcobv7vfx9td80oupa6uhexc27rb
export MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN=040xx3qy7s0j28o3q0exrfop579cy20m
export MAGENTO_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=7qunl3p505rubmr7u1ijt7odyialnih9
echo 'German store - de'
export INDEX_NAME=vue_storefront_catalog_de
node --harmony cli.js categories --removeNonExistent=true
node --harmony cli.js productcategories --partitions=1
node --harmony cli.js attributes --removeNonExistent=true
node --harmony cli.js taxrule --removeNonExistent=true
node --harmony cli.js products --removeNonExistent=true --partitions=1
echo 'Italian store - it'
export INDEX_NAME=vue_storefront_catalog_it
node --harmony cli.js categories --removeNonExistent=true
node --harmony cli.js productcategories --partitions=1
node --harmony cli.js attributes --removeNonExistent=true
node --harmony cli.js taxrule --removeNonExistent=true
node --harmony cli.js products --removeNonExistent=true --partitions=1
echo 'Default store - in our case United States / en'
export INDEX_NAME=vue_storefront_catalog
node --harmony cli.js categories --removeNonExistent=true
node --harmony cli.js productcategories --partitions=1
node --harmony cli.js attributes --removeNonExistent=true
node --harmony cli.js taxrule --removeNonExistent=true
node --harmony cli.js products --removeNonExistent=true --partitions=1
As You may see it's just a it or de store code which is added to the base Magento2 REST API urls that makes the difference and then the INDEX_NAME set to the dedicated index name.
In the result You should get:
- vue_storefront_catalog_it - populated with the "it" store data
- vue_storefront_catalog_de - populated with the "it" store data
- vue_storefront_catalog - populated with the "default" store data
Then, to use these indexes in the Vue Storefront You should index the database schema using the vue-storefront-api
db tool:
npm run db rebuild -- --indexName=vue_storefront_catalog_it
npm run db rebuild -- --indexName=vue_storefront_catalog_de
npm run db rebuild -- --indexName=vue_storefront_catalog
More on how to setup Vue Storefront in the Multistore mode.
If You like to have Category filter working with configurable products - You need to expand the product.configurable_children.attrName
to product.attrName_options
array. This is automatically done by mage2vuestorefront for all attributes set as product.configurable_options
(by default: color, size). If You like to add additional fields like manufacturer
to the filters You need to expand product.manufacturer_options
field. The easiest way to do so is to set config.product.expandConfigurableFilters
to ['manufacturer']
and re-run the mage2vuestorefront
Here You can find some frequently asked questions answered:
I've been playing with VSF for quite a while now and now I see that my catalog rule (-20% on all products) is not applied in one shop.
Please make sure that You've got the config.synchronizeCatalogSpecialPrices
) and config.renderCatalogRegularPrices
) set to true
(default is false
). Otherwise only the catalog prices will be synced (without dynamic pricing rules applied). You can also use the Vue Storefront dynamic-pricing option for the same purpose.
Start Elasticsearch and Redis:
docker-compose up
npm install
cd src
Config - see: config.js or use following ENV variables:
(default: 'elasticsearch://localhost:9200/vue_storefront_catalog')
cd src/
and then:node --harmony cli.js fullreindex
- synchronizes all the categories, products and links between products and categories
Other commands supported:
node --harmony cli.js products --partitions=10
node --harmony cli.js products --partitions=10 --initQueue=false
- run the products sync worker (product sync jobs should be populated eslewhere - it's used to run multi-tenant environment of workers)node --harmony cli.js products --partitions=10 --delta=true
- check products changed since last run; compared by updated_at fieldnode --harmony cli.js productcategories
- to synchronize the links between products and categories it should be run before products synchronization because it populates Redis cache assigments for product-to-category linknode --harmony cli.js categories
node --harmony cli.js products --adapter=magento --partitions=1 --skus=24-WG082-blue,24-WG082-pink
- to pull out only selected SKUsnode --harmony cli.js productsworker --adapter=magento --partitions=10
- run queue worker for pulling out individual products (jobs can be assigned by webapi.js microservice triggers; it can be called by webhook for example from within Magento2 plugin)node --harmony webapi.js
- run localhost:3000 service endpoint for adding queue tasks
node --harmony webapi.js
curl localhost:8080/api/magento/products/pull/WT09-XS-Purple
- to schedule data refresh for SKU=WT09-XS-Purplenode --harmony cli.js productsworker
- to run pull request processor
Available options:
- number of concurent processes, by default number of CPUs core givenadapter=magento
- for now only Magento is supporteddelta
- sync products changed from last run- command names: