cookiecutter installation guide
It is for your database models, by doing this you can import the same database session or object from v1 and v2.
Schemas are your Pydantic models, we call it schemas because it is actually used for creating OpenAPI schemas since FastAPI is based on OpenAPI specification we use schemas everywhere, from Swagger generation to endpoint's expected request body.
It is for Pydantic's Settings Management which is extremely useful, you can use the same variables without redeclaring it, to see how it could be useful for you check out our documentation for Settings and Environment Variables
This is optional if you are going to render your frontend with Jinja, you can have something close to MVC pattern
It would look something like this if you want to add views.
It is good to have your tests inside your backend folder.
Create them independently by APIRouter, instead of gathering all your APIs inside one file. Notes
You can use absolute import for all your importing since we are using __init__
everywhere, see Python's packaging docs.
So assume you are trying to import v1's from v2, you can simply do
from {{cookiecutter.project_name}}.endpoints.endpoints import something
.dockerfile creates working container for template "as is"
to build:
docker build -t fast_temp -f .dockerfile .
to run:
docker run -it -p 8444:8444 fast_temp