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discord rich presence for ani-cli/animdl:



your player must be mpv, and you must have pypresence installed.

from AUR: yay -S python-pypresence.

note that this probably won't work on Windows.


start the after mpv has been started. there's many ways to do this. one hacky way: add this to your mpv.conf:

profile-cond=os.execute("/path/to/ > /dev/null &")

show titles on discord

shows usually have three official titles that AL reconizes and makes easily accessible:

Romaji, Native and English. for EVA that would be "Shin Seiki Evangelion", "新世紀エヴァンゲリオン" and "Neon Genesis Evangelion". anipresence uses romaji as the default title format.

to select which title format to use, set argument -t or --titleformat with the options r | romaji | n | native | e | english.

should you, for example, want enlish titles just change the mpv.conf entry to:

profile-cond=os.execute("/path/to/ -t e > /dev/null &")

note: anipresence saves only one so called "display title". if you decide to change the title format, all shows watched before this change will still show their title in the old title format.

nicer titles

patch ani-cli:

-       mpv*) nohup "$player_function" --force-media-title="${allanime_title}episode-${ep_no}-${mode}" "$episode" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+       mpv*) nohup "$player_function" --force-media-title="${title}episode-${ep_no}-${mode}" "$episode" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;

check ./ for an automated way of patching ani-cli