File tree
3,776 files changed
lines changed- .github/workflows
- api/src/main/java/org/jboss/cdi/tck
- api
- spi
- ext-lib/src/main/java/org/jboss/cdi/tck/extlib
- impl/src
- main/java/org/jboss
- cdi/tck
- impl
- testng
- interceptors/tests
- bindings
- aroundConstruct
- broken
- members
- multiple
- overriding
- resolution
- contract
- aroundConstruct
- bindings
- aroundInvoke
- bindings
- exceptions/aroundInvoke
- interceptorLifeCycle
- aroundConstruct
- returnValueIgnored
- withAroundInvoke
- invocationContext
- lifecycleCallback
- bindings
- exceptions
- order
- aroundConstruct
- aroundInvoke
- lifecycleCallback
- overriden/lifecycleCallback
- literals
- shrinkwrap
- descriptors
- tests
- alternative
- resolution/qualifier
- selection
- priority
- stereotype/priority
- beanContainer
- assignability
- bytype
- injection
- build/compatible/extensions
- changeBeanQualifier
- changeInjectionPoint
- changeInterceptorBinding
- changeObserverQualifier
- customInterceptorBinding
- customNormalScope
- customPseudoScope
- customQualifier
- customStereotype
- inspectAnnotatedSubtypes
- invalid
- priority
- registration
- syntheticBean
- syntheticBeanInjectionPoint
- syntheticBeanWithLookup
- syntheticObserver
- syntheticObserverOfParameterizedType
- validation
- context
- alterable
- dependent
- instance
- transientreference
- definition
- bean
- broken/restricted
- genericbroken
- types
- illegal
- name
- qualifier
- builtin
- repeatable
- scope
- broken/tooManyScopes
- producer
- field
- method
- inOtherBda
- stereotype
- broken
- multiplePriorities
- inherited
- nonEmptyNamed
- scopeConflict
- transitive
- tooManyScopes
- withBindingType
- inheritance
- interceptor
- named
- priority
- inherited
- deployment/discovery
- event
- bindingTypes
- broken
- observer
- beanNotManaged
- bothObservesAnnotations
- dependentIsConditionalObserver
- inject
- isDisposer
- isProducer
- tooManyParameters
- raw
- eventTypes
- fires
- nonbinding
- sync
- implicit
- lifecycle
- metadata
- injectionpoint
- observer
- abortProcessing
- orderedObservers
- async
- basic
- executor
- handlingExceptions
- broken/validation
- ambiguous
- unsatisfied
- checkedException
- conditional
- inheritance
- method
- priority
- contextLifecycleEvent
- resolve
- runtimeException
- wildcardAndTypeVariable
- parameterized
- resolve
- binding
- nonbinding
- typeWithParameters
- select
- full
- alternative
- broken
- incorrect/name
- stereotype
- not/alternative
- stereotype
- same/type/twice
- selection/stereotype
- veto
- context
- alterable
- dependent
- passivating
- broken
- constructor
- decorator
- field
- field
- initializer
- interceptor
- field
- producer
- field/managed
- dependent
- method/managed
- dependent
- custom
- dependency/builtin
- producer
- validation
- decorators
- builtin
- beanmanager
- conversation
- event
- complex
- injectionpoint
- instance
- context/dependent
- custom
- broken
- finalBeanClass
- nodelegateinjectionpoint
- toomanydelegateinjectionpoints
- definition
- broken
- decoratorListedTwiceInBeansXml
- enabledDecoratorIsNotDecorator
- finalBeanClass
- finalBeanMethod
- invalidAbstractMethodOnDecorator
- multipleDelegateInjectionPoints
- noDelegateInjectionPoints
- nodecoratedtypes
- nonDecoratorWithDecorates
- nonExistantClassInBeansXml
- notAllDecoratedTypesImplemented
- parameterized
- observer
- parameterizedTypesWithDifferentTypeParameters
- inject
- delegateConstructor
- delegateField
- delegateInitializerMethod
- producer
- types
- interceptor
- invocation
- observer
- producer/method
- lookup/clientProxy/unproxyable/decorator
- resolution
- definition/bean/custom
- deployment
- discovery
- exclude
- initialization
- trimmed
- event
- broken/raw
- fires
- observer
- extension
- priority
- extensions
- afterBeanDiscovery
- annotated
- alternative
- deployment
- metadata
- annotated
- interceptor
- annotated
- broken
- processAnnotatedObserverThrowsException
- processInjectionTargetThrowsException
- delivery
- broken
- synthetic
- beanDiscovery/event/ordering
- beanManager
- bean
- beanAttributes
- broken/event
- el
- equivalence
- interceptorbinding
- qualifier
- injectionPoint
- unmanaged
- broken
- communication
- configurators
- annotatedTypeConfigurator
- beforeBeanDiscovery
- bean
- alternativePriority
- beanAttributes
- injectionPoint
- injectionTargetFactory
- invalid
- observerMethod
- producer
- container/event/broken
- processBeanObserverRegistersException
- processBeanObserverThrowsException
- interceptionFactory
- broken
- customBean
- interceptors
- annotation
- custom
- lifecycle
- atd
- lib
- massOperations
- bbd
- broken
- exception
- normalScope
- passivatingScope
- lib
- broken
- addDefinitionError
- addDeploymentProblem
- exception
- discovery
- validation
- observerMethod
- processBeanAttributes
- broken
- invalid
- passivation
- decorator
- ignoreFinalMethods
- interceptor
- modify
- specialization
- broken
- synthetic
- veto
- processInjectionPoint
- broken
- modify
- lite/coexistence
- observer
- broken
- definitionError
- exception
- priority
- processBean
- producer
- broken
- injectionTargetError
- processing
- stereotype
- implementation
- builtin/metadata
- broken
- injection
- decorated
- typeparam/decorator
- disposal/method/definition/broken/decorator
- producer
- field
- definition/broken/decorator
- lifecycle
- method
- broken/decorator
- definition
- lifecycle
- simple/lifecycle
- inheritance/specialization
- producer/method
- broken
- indirectoverride
- name
- staticmethod
- twobeans
- qualifiers
- simple
- broken
- inconsistent
- names
- noextend1
- noextend2
- noextend3
- types
- interceptors
- contract
- invocationContext
- lifecycleCallback/wrapped
- definition
- broken
- interceptorCanNotBeDecorator
- nonExistantClassInBeansXml
- nonInterceptorClassInBeansXml
- sameClassListedTwiceInBeansXml
- conflictingenablement
- custom
- interceptorCalledBeforeDecorator
- interceptorNotListedInBeansXml
- interceptorOrder
- lifecycle/order
- order/overriden/lifecycleCallback/wrapped
- tests/contract/method
- invokers
- invalid
- lookup
- byname
- dynamic
- broken/raw
- destroy/normal
- el
- injection/visibility
- injectionpoint
- broken/reference
- ambiguous
- unresolved
- typesafe/resolution/decorator
- vetoed
- aquarium
- implementation
- builtin/metadata/broken
- injection
- intercepted
- typeparam
- interceptor
- disposal/method/definition
- broken
- initializerUnallowed
- interceptor
- multiParams
- multiple
- observes
- producesUnallowed
- unresolvedMethod
- validation
- ambiguous
- unsatisfied
- inheritance
- parameters
- initializer
- broken
- generic
- methodAnnotatedProduces
- parameterAnnotatedAsyncObserves
- parameterAnnotatedDisposes
- parameterAnnotatedObserves
- producer
- field
- definition
- broken
- array
- inject
- interceptor
- typeVariable
- typeVariable2
- wildcard
- lifecycle
- method
- broken
- array
- interceptor
- parameterAnnotatedDisposes
- parameterAnnotatedObserves
- parameterAnnotatedObservesAsync
- parameterizedTypeWithTypeParameter
- parameterizedTypeWithWildcard
- typeVariableReturnType
- definition
- name
- lifecycle
- simple
- definition
- broken/field
- constructorHasAsyncObservesParameter
- constructorHasDisposesParameter
- constructorHasObservesParameter
- normalScopedWithPublicField
- normalScopedWithPublicStaticField
- tooManyInitializerAnnotatedConstructors
- lifecycle
- unproxyable
- inheritance/generics
- interceptors
- definition
- broken
- finalClassInterceptor
- observer
- async
- inheritance
- broken/binding
- interceptorOrder
- member
- invocation
- invokers
- basic
- invalid
- lookup
- lookup
- binding/members
- annotation
- array
- byname
- broken
- duplicity
- injectionPointWithNamed
- injectionPointWithNamed2
- injectionPointWithNamed3
- prefix
- circular
- clientProxy
- unproxyable
- array
- beanConstructor
- finalClass
- finalMethod
- interceptor
- primitive
- privateConstructor
- dependency/resolution/broken
- ambiguous
- unsatisfied
- dynamic
- broken/raw
- builtin
- destroy
- dependent
- normal
- handle
- injection
- any
- parameterized
- broken/raw
- multiple/bounds
- injectionpoint
- broken
- disposer
- normal/scope
- dynamic
- named
- requiredtype
- manager
- typesafe/resolution
- broken
- disabled
- type/variable
- interceptor
- parameterized
- raw
- primitive
- se
- container
- contextualReference
- customClassloader
- testPackage
- context
- activation
- interceptor
- programmatic
- custom
- request
- customCDIProvider
- discovery
- implicit
- trimmed
- events/lifecycle
- vetoed
- aquarium
- util
- annotated
- shrinkwrap
- api
- impl
- test/java/org/jboss/cdi/tck/test
- porting
- shrinkwrap
- beansxml
- lang-model/src/main/java/org/jboss/cdi/lang/model/tck
- web/src/main/java/org/jboss/cdi/tck
- interceptors/tests
- bindings
- aroundConstruct/ejb
- resolution/ejb
- contract
- aroundInvoke
- bindings/ejb
- ee
- aroundTimeout
- bindings
- interceptorLifeCycle/environment
- jndi
- ejb
- lifecycleCallback
- bindings/ejb
- ejb
- selenium
- shrinkwrap/ee
- tests
- alternative
- enterprise
- resource
- selection
- enterprise
- resource
- context
- activation
- application
- async
- destroy
- disposer
- ejb
- event
- postconstruct
- conversation
- determination
- event
- notattached
- filter
- servlet
- dependent/ejb
- jms
- passivating
- broken
- decorator/enterprise
- field
- enterprise
- field
- interceptor/enterprise
- field
- producer
- field/enterprise
- method/enterprise
- dependency
- resource
- persistence
- remote/ejb
- sessionbean
- enterprise
- invalid
- valid
- request
- async
- ejb
- event
- async
- jms
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
3,776 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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24 | 24 |
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25 | 25 |
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26 | 26 |
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27 |
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28 | 28 |
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29 | 29 |
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30 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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3 | 3 |
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4 | 4 |
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5 | 5 |
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6 | 7 |
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7 | 8 |
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8 | 9 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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104 | 104 |
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105 | 105 |
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106 | 106 |
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107 |
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108 | 109 |
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109 | 110 |
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110 | 111 |
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116 | 117 |
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117 | 118 |
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118 | 119 |
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119 |
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120 | 122 |
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121 | 123 |
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122 | 124 |
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163 | 165 |
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164 | 166 |
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165 | 167 |
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166 |
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167 | 170 |
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168 | 171 |
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169 | 172 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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1 |
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2 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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47 | 47 |
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48 | 48 |
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49 | 49 |
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50 |
| - | |
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51 | 52 |
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52 | 53 |
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53 | 54 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
| |
8 | 8 |
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9 |
| - | |
| 9 | + | |
10 | 10 |
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11 | 11 |
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12 | 12 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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6 | 6 |
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7 | 7 |
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8 | 8 |
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9 |
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10 | 10 |
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11 | 11 |
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12 | 12 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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6 | 6 |
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7 | 7 |
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8 | 8 |
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9 |
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10 | 10 |
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11 | 11 |
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12 | 12 |
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18 | 18 |
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21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 | 23 |
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24 | 24 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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170 | 170 |
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171 | 171 |
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172 | 172 |
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173 |
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174 | 174 |
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175 | 175 |
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184 | 184 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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87 | 87 |
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88 | 88 |
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89 | 89 |
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90 |
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99 | 99 |
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0 commit comments