diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 2b13d3b01ca..c38fd62bd11 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ Changes by Version
 #### Breaking changes
+* Remove deprecated flags `--health-check-http-port` & `--admin-http-port`, please use `--admin.http.host-port` ([#2752](https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger/pull/2752), [@pradeepnnv](https://github.com/pradeepnnv))
 #### New Features
 * Add TLS Support for GRPC and HTTP endpoints of the Query server ([#2337](https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger/pull/2337), [@rjs211](https://github.com/rjs211))
diff --git a/cmd/flags/admin.go b/cmd/flags/admin.go
index 0ec5dbfe91b..43f54e8295f 100644
--- a/cmd/flags/admin.go
+++ b/cmd/flags/admin.go
@@ -28,16 +28,12 @@ import (
-	"github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger/ports"
 const (
 	healthCheckHTTPPort = "health-check-http-port"
 	adminHTTPPort       = "admin-http-port"
 	adminHTTPHostPort   = "admin.http.host-port"
-	healthCheckHTTPPortWarning = "(deprecated, will be removed after 2020-03-15 or in release v1.19.0, whichever is later)"
-	adminHTTPPortWarning       = "(deprecated, will be removed after 2020-06-30 or in release v1.20.0, whichever is later)"
 // AdminServer runs an HTTP server with admin endpoints, such as healthcheck at /, /metrics, etc.
@@ -74,26 +70,14 @@ func (s *AdminServer) setLogger(logger *zap.Logger) {
 // AddFlags registers CLI flags.
 func (s *AdminServer) AddFlags(flagSet *flag.FlagSet) {
-	flagSet.Int(healthCheckHTTPPort, 0, healthCheckHTTPPortWarning+" see --"+adminHTTPHostPort)
-	flagSet.Int(adminHTTPPort, 0, adminHTTPPortWarning+" see --"+adminHTTPHostPort)
 	flagSet.String(adminHTTPHostPort, s.adminHostPort, fmt.Sprintf("The host:port (e.g. or %s) for the admin server, including health check, /metrics, etc.", s.adminHostPort, s.adminHostPort))
-// Util function to use deprecated flag value if specified
-func (s *AdminServer) checkDeprecatedFlag(v *viper.Viper, actualFlagName string, expectedFlagName string) {
-	if v := v.GetInt(actualFlagName); v != 0 {
-		s.logger.Sugar().Warnf("Using deprecated flag %s, please upgrade to %s", actualFlagName, expectedFlagName)
-		s.adminHostPort = ports.PortToHostPort(v)
-	}
 // InitFromViper initializes the server with properties retrieved from Viper.
 func (s *AdminServer) initFromViper(v *viper.Viper, logger *zap.Logger) {
 	s.adminHostPort = v.GetString(adminHTTPHostPort)
-	s.checkDeprecatedFlag(v, healthCheckHTTPPort, adminHTTPHostPort)
-	s.checkDeprecatedFlag(v, adminHTTPPort, adminHTTPHostPort)
 // Handle adds a new handler to the admin server.