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Getting started

James Barnsley edited this page Feb 24, 2020 · 28 revisions

Iris is a frontend for the Mopidy music server. The purpose of Iris is to pull together a variety of music sources and present them in an extremely functional and user-friendly experience. The primary music source (at this time) is Spotify, provided by the Mopidy-Spotify backend.




To install using PIP

  1. Run python3 -m pip install Mopidy-Iris
  2. Run sudo echo "mopidy ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mopidy_iris/" >> /etc/sudoers to allow mopidy user sudo permission to run the Iris installer. If you've customised your install location, make sure you change the path to Iris' file.

To install manually

  1. Pull code base git clone [email protected]:jaedb/Iris.git
  2. Install package python3 install
  3. Run sudo echo "mopidy ALL=NOPASSWD: XXX/mopidy_iris/" >> /etc/sudoers to allow mopidy user sudo permission to run the Iris installer, where XXX is your path to Iris (eg /var/www/iris/).

To install using Docker

  1. Clone this repository or create an empty directory iris and refer to this repository for sample files.
  2. Create ./docker-compose.yml (sample) and update as required.
  3. Create file ./docker/mopidy.conf (sample) and update as required
  4. Run docker-compose up


Iris will work for most users out-of-the-box. You can customise some of the configuration settings if you wish.

These optional values are defined in your mopidy.conf file (typically ~/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf). They can be set in the [iris] section.

  • country Spotify-based country code (defaults to nz)
  • locale Spotify-based locale code (defaults to en_NZ)
  • spotify_authorization_url URL to use as Spotify authentication proxy (defaults to
  • lastfm_authorization_url URL to use as LastFM authentication proxy (defaults to
  • data_dir path to Iris-specific data (defaults to $XDG_DATA_DIR/iris). Useful for Docker containers and exporting your commands.


  1. Start the Mopidy server: service mopidy start (or mopidy if you haven't setup Mopidy as a service).
  2. Open your browser at http://localhost:6680/iris/ (or http://hostname:6680/iris/, where hostname is your server's hostname or IP address).

Tip: you can build a shareable link to pre-populate the Initial Setup step by appending your host and port values to the url. For example: https://my-iris-proxy/iris/initial-setup?host=my-other-iris-proxy&port=1234


To upgrade within Iris (Beta)

  1. Ensure you're running Mopidy as a service
  2. If you haven't already, run sudo echo "mopidy ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mopidy_iris/" >> /etc/sudoers to allow mopidy user sudo permission to run the Iris installer. If you've customised your install location, make sure you change the path to Iris' file.
  3. You can now upgrade using the Upgrade button under Settings. Mopidy will restart after upgrade is complete.

Upgrade using PIP

  1. Run python3 -m pip install --upgrade Mopidy-Iris.
  2. Restart Mopidy

If you're experiencing dependency issues, try installing without dependencies python3 -m pip install --upgrade --no-deps Mopidy-Iris.

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