A collection of #TidyTuesday visualisations and associated code. #TidyTuesday is a weekly data challenge which allows for the refinement of data cleaning, manipulation and visualisation skills usign the tidyverse collection of R packages. The project was founded in 2018 by Thomas Mock and organized by the R4DS ("R for Data Science") online learning community. A list of visualisations is provided below:
15/11/2022 👁️ Website Contrast (code)
13/07/2021 👻 Scooby Doo (code)
23/03/2021 🌐 UN Votes (code)
16/03/2021 🎮 Games on Steam (blog post)
This week I wrote a blog post and learned how to scrape HTML tables from the internet. Give it a read!
09/03/2021 📽 Bechdel Test (code)
16/02/2021 📊 #DuBoisChallenge (code)
09/02/2021 💸 Wealth and income over time (code)
19/01/2021 👩🏾🎓 HBCU Enrollment (blog post)
19/01/2021 ✍🏿 Kenya Census Data (code)
12/01/2021 🎨 Tate Art Museum (code)
05/01/2021 🚟 Global Transit Costs (code)
NB: This should read "rail", not "road" - my PhD project is bleeding in!