is a concrete task factory of standby tasks (StandbyTasks).
is created exclusively for StreamThread (standbyTaskCreator) for the only purpose of creating the TaskManager.
always records when requested to create a task for monitoring purposes, but creates a standby task only for processor task topologies (for which it was created) with at least one state store.
takes the following to be created:
StandbyTask createTask(
final Consumer<byte[], byte[]> consumer,
final TaskId taskId,
final Set<TopicPartition> partitions)
createTask is part of AbstractTaskCreator Contract to create a stream processor task.
records execution (occurence) for monitoring purposes and creates a StandbyTask only if the processor task topology has at least one state store.
Internally, createTask
first requests the StreamsMetricsThreadImpl for the taskCreatedSensor and records execution (i.e. increments the counter of how many times createTask
was executed).
requests the InternalTopologyBuilder to build the processor task topology for the topicGroupId of the given TaskId
creates a StandbyTask only if the ProcessorTopology
has at least one state store.
If the ProcessorTopology
has no state stores, createTask
simply prints out the following TRACE message to the logs and returns null
Skipped standby task [taskId] with assigned partitions [partitions] since it does not have any state stores to materialize