- Deactivate inactivity popup that informs users of a page reload
- Added check on regular expression, that fails on acceptAllTradeOffers() (thanks to @FQS-0)
- Display total res on all production and defense pages when changing the amount of ships or defenses.
- New filter on upgrade pages that let's you filter upgrade items under a certain percentage.
- Fleet Send Timing has been reworked and you can now choose arrival and return times separately.
- Construction page now shows a countdown until a building can be build when there is no running construction. This is optional and has to be activated in the LWM menu.
- The progress bar has been replaced. The can be turned of in the options.
- LWM now uses the browser's native local storage when Tampermonkey functions are unavailable (unlikely, but can't hurt to have a fallback).
- The Google API should now only get queried when drive sync is enabled. This should speed up initial load for those that don't use the Google Drive option.
- Fixed some bugs that threw errors on some page reloads, but had no impact on user experience.
- New optional addon to replace the native resource tick timer. The LWM one works more accurately in most situations and stays activated in inactive browser windows.
- Non-premium users now have access to the Save-All button, but it does not auto-fill res any longer, just provides the other values for LWM saves.
- Show custom coords for premium users on new trade page
- Disable items in the main menu if player hasn't build the corresponding buildings yet
- Change drone fleet type to be able to distinguish between colonization flights
- Fixed a bug that caused fleets from trade post to not get properly parsed for the calendar addon
- Fixed a bug that caused click handlers designed for inbox to fire on other pages as well
- Fixed a bug that caused the gm config to throw errors on save
- In the LWM menu there's now a button to delete the data set by the script. This can be used to wipe old data and is especially useful at the start of new rounds
- There's a new option to enable hinting at vacant multi building slots (defaults to false)
- The trade window has been reworked and de-cluttered
- The save button now automatically adds coords of the first available own planet to keep saving res a two-click effort
- Add statistics of currently saved res
- Completely hide LWM save trades, not just the buttons (feedback required)
- Shorten submenu labels to avoid a spacing issue
- If drones are hidden in the LWM settings, you can still reveal them by specifically picking them in the fleet type dropdown
- The fleet container is now collapsible
- The resource tooltips now shows the sum of all incoming resources, storage capacity, and a countdown indicating when capacity will be reached
- Hovering over resource boxes now reveals percentage capacity numbers
- The Manager now offers an option to show the planet image (default is false)
- You can now select different galaxies using a select box
- Defending fleets from previous rounds should no longer show up in the calendar or fleet activity
- Only save raid prios on premium accounts
- Premium features like saving all res are now only available for premium users
- The premium feature is now accessible through the main menu for premium users
- Ability to choose between showing the memo on top of the page or inline
- LWM now supports SmartView
- Highlight empty building and research slots => clicks directly lead to the building and research page
- The Google Drive saves are loaded once per login, not once per planet change
- Save trades are now recognized by the script and can no longer be canceled from another planet
- Fixed multiple bugs that sometimes incorrectly found trades to exceed storage capacities
- Added an option to bulk accept / deny trades
- Drone types without an amount do no longer show up in the spy listing
- Added the ability to auto save raid priorities
- The fleet addon now shows fleet activity for all recently visited planets, not just the current one
- Added an option to exclude drones from fleet activity
- Fleets on their way back now have an info icon that leads to the fleet info
- Fleets received a visual upgrade and can be filtered by coords, type, and status
- In case the fleet addon is deactivated, fleets show up again on the old fleet / now calendar page
- The original speed of fleets was added to the fleet table
- Fleet warning distance shows on the overview page
- The calendar now groups similar entries to avoid too many rows
- You can now re-send drones from the obs page
- Planets with existing observation drones are now marked in the galaxy view and instead of sending an obs drone open the existing obs report
- The level of camouflage technology now shows on the obs page for known planets
- Active obs for planets that fleets are currently attacking can now be opened from the fleet menu. If no ob active, the script offers to send a spy drone
- Option added to open obs reports in new tabs instead of new windows
- The level of camouflage technology now shows in the galaxy view for known planets
- Input fields on production pages listen to the enter key
- Added buttons to the bank page to fill bank and withdraw interest
- The production page no longer has the ship dock in its submenu
- The fleet page now turned to a calendar page that lists all running tasks
- Per default, the calendar only shows fleet activity, but it can list buildings, research, production, etc. as well
- The fleet page was scratched from all submenus
- Some improvements have been made to the script startup routine to speed up things and avoid errors
- The icon to recall a fleet now only shows up in case the fleet is on its way to the target
- While sending fleets, you can choose a return time and the script automatically adjusts speeds
- Show energy and building slots on overview page for all planets
- All arrow keys that add or remove ships or defense bulk add them when you hold the mouse button
- Resources on the main page get highlighted when running trades would exceed their storage capacity
- Ability to sort observations by coords
- Direct links to combat and spy reports from the message root folder
- Add spy links to all planets
- Sending obs drones from the galaxy view
- The page now shows the time until capacities are reached for all resources
- Trades that would exceed storage capacities when accepted/denied are highlighted
- Fixed a bug that caused fleet movements to disappear under certain circumstances
- Fixed a bug that caused timers to not work for drone fleets
- Resolved #4: Research confirm doesn't work
- Manager shouldn't get stuck on loading screens on first load.
- Fixed the alliance page so all submenu buttons are now properly displayed. Page doesn't look great, but at least its functional now.
- Deactivated scrolling on message pages to not accidentally trigger a browse whlle drafting a reply.
- The main background picture now scales on big resolutions.
- Reduced the requests per pageload and also tweaked some number so that pages should now appear faster.
- Fleets no loner trigger a page reload to avoid unwanted reloads.
- The script now applies to both www.last-war.de as well as last-war.de